
The mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy is under the spiritual direction of a Catholic priest.

A miracle occurred on April 8th, 2020 where Our Lady of the Tear of Joy appears on the Ciborium next to Her Son Jesus during Adoration.  Cecelia who makes Christian videos, took this beautiful miracle video, enhanced it, clearly showing Our Lady next to Her Son and made a beautiful video describing this miracle event.  Please click on the link and watch in full.  When you think Our Lord and Our Lady are not with you, Oh yes They are, never doubt this for a second.  God Bless to all, now and FOREVER, Arrow >>>———->    CLICK THE LINK BELOW:


When I was in Rome, I was contacted by a woman by the name of Gail Siegel and she is very devoted to Our Lady and Gail is also an Architect.  Gail took the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and did a professional comparison to Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  In Gail’s email to me she says, “These images were pulled from the internet and loaded into my Archicad software program.  The program allows you to create different layers to which I placed each image on its own layer.  I played with the transparency then scaled the images to be of the same size.  I videotaped with my phone while changing the transparency of the images showing the perfect alignment of all of Mary’s features!  I am an architect in Ohio and am so blessed that Our Blessed Mother has worked great things in me over the years!”  More proof of Our Lady’s image.  God bless to all, Arrow >>>—————->


May 24, 2021

I have been told numerous times, this is the most clear image ever captured of Our Blessed Mother.  The miracles that are occurring with Her image are undeniable.  Now they have enhanced the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, and to the left of Our Lady’s face, you can see “The Shroud of Turin the face of Jesus.”  Please click on the link below, there is no audio, but in the video they enhance Our Lady’s image to where you can see the Face of Jesus.  This link was sent to me.  God bless to all, Arrow >>>———–>

God bless to all and what a happy story to post on Easter Sunday.  My dear sister in Christ, Carol from New Jersey gave a woman two images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and when I received this email, I called Carol confirming the miracle story.  In short, one of the images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy ended up being given to a woman named Corinne in Ohio and who was in a coma.  When the image of Our Lady was placed on her pillow, she started to improve and opened her eyes.  Our Blessed Mother, our greatest advocate we have who intercedes for us.  In the quote below, the doctor said “She was an Easter Miracle.”  Below is the email from Carol and excerpts from the granddaughters facebook page.  God bless to all, and have a Blessed Easter.  Arrow >>>—————–>
I gave my cousin, Rosemary, two Images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy last year.  I took the Images with me to Medjugorje  and they were blessed by a priest and Our Blessed Mother.    Rosemary was to keep one Image for herself and give the other one to her neighbor, Bennie. Bennie had a stroke three years ago and has been confined to his house. Rosemary never went to visit him because of COVID and when she heard Corinne was very ill, she sent her a get well card and put the Image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy in it.  The card arrived in Ohio on Holy Thursday and was placed on Corinne’s pillow and soon after she started showing signs of improvement. The doctor said she was an Easter Miracle. Thank you Jesus. 
Rosemary (her son, Bryan, is Corinne’s daughter’s boyfriend) has been visiting since Tuesday and said Corinne wasn’t expected to make it. For the last few days, we were expecting to hear she passed away.  I’ve been following Corinne’s health updates on Facebook from the granddaughter, Gina. Corrines daughter’s name is Vicki.  Vicki doesn’t have any updates on her Facebook page…only this photo and the Image of Our Lady that she posted when her mother started to improve.
Below are posts on Facebook from Corinne’s granddaughter, Gina. 
April 14
Gram is still in the ICU , she is not waking up. The sedation is off for about 72 hours now. They determined she is in a coma.  😢 Her brain is basically offline but going to see what else they say about the full report and the wave readings in her brain. She has been thru so much and has fought so hard she said she was not giving up thru any of this. I still have faith 🙏💜
April 15
We got an Easter miracle on Holy Thursday, my grandma woke up from the coma!  She is still on the vent but she is improving little but little. She was able to squeeze my hand yesterday when asked, she opened and closed her eyes when asked. They are trying to see if the oxygen can slowly be set at a lower setting and if she can tolerate that and if so go down and down and hopefully get off the vent and she can breathe on her own again. I am just so happy she opened her eyes after they said she was basically offline! She showed them!  I told her yesterday she promised to keep fighting and she shook her head yes at me. She certainly is a fighter! 💜
April 16
Sitting here with my gram and watching the Bible. We watch this every year, its a tradition. I told her to open her eyes and watch the TV she does every so often . We are truly blessed this Easter!

Feb 3, 2022

Good morning,I don’t often ask the Blessed Mother for signs but yesterday was my birthday and I said a prayer to Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to ask for a  visible sign that she is with me and if it is in God’s will. I have been having a stressful time as of late.I have been blessed to receive some gifts before in a variety of forms. Yesterday around 3:00 p.m. I was thinking about my prayer while working in my home office and noticed a lamp turned on all of a sudden in my bedroom. About 5 minutes later my kids came home from school. My son is 7 and he said, “Mom, dad and Amelia don’t believe me but I looked out the back window of the car on the way home and saw the sun spinning. It was moving all around.” I smiled and told him that I definitely believed him.Our Lady is always with us. God bless.You may share this if you would like.Best,Aimee


Jan 30, 2022

Dear Arrow,

I would like to claim a healing from our dear Blessed Mother, Tear of Joy Image when you prayed over me on April 16, 2021 in Omaha, Nebraska.

I have attached two photos of my nose

– the first photo April 16, 2021 showing a basal cell carcinoma on my nose

-the second photo, January 30, 2022 showing my healed nose (9 months later)

I have had a follow up appointment with my dermatologist, Dr. Matthew Reschly and he said my nose appears healed with no signs of the basal cell carcinoma.

I am so very grateful and thankful that you prayed over me on April 16th, 2021, holding the holy image of our dear blessed mother, Tear of Joy over my nose. My sister, Kathy Graeve, witnessed rays of light emanating from the image over my nose while you were praying over me.

I am happy to provide any additional information if needed.

Attached are the two photographs.

Grateful, healed, thankful and blessed,

Peggy Harper – Georgia




An awesome testimony / miracle through answered prayers by our Our Lady the Tear of Joy that Our Mother sought through the Healing Hands of Her Son, Jesus.  Given below is the testimony from Dilkushan….



My brother-in-law, Nimal is 64 years old and has a son who is a Medical Officer and daughter Brand Manager in a Private Firm.

About two weeks ago  had a Chest pain and underwent Angiography, the result was 40% to 50% of his blood vessels were blocked. Beyond that it was not sure.

At present only one hospital in Sri Lanka has the facility of FFR (Fractional Flow Reserver) could give the accurate result whether it has reached 70% or more in order to have a Stent or to go for a Bypass.

The result was stunning the blood vessels were automatically cleared, which Doctors could not believe. Doctor has informed no requirement of Medicine and Surgery and can go home.

He was scared and pressure was high. This morning he was discharged. He believes it is a Miracle because of the Chest pain he underwent and had been praying to Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Holy Mother, Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, and he had taken the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy along with him to the hospital.  In addition to this miracle, his hospital bill, doctors fees and tests were all waived off.  He only had to pay for the FFR test.

He is a Buddhist convert and has faith in God.

God bless all of you for your prayers.

Yes, I have total trust in you and God’s messages revealed to us through you. God bless you and your family.  Our Lady of the Tear of Joy has chosen you as Her Convener to spread the Devotion and Good News of God to all of us from different parts of the world.


Thank you to each one of you for praying along with me for Nimal and all the sick whose prayer requests we are tirelessly praying over…. Thank you from the deepest depths of my heart.

Christine,    Bangalore – India

Nov. 24, 2021
Hi my dearest Arrow, Our Lady is answering a lot of prayers.  3rd and, 4th stage cancers healed…. No traces of cancer cells!!!!!!.
So I will continue to seek Our Lady Tear Joy… She is, adorable
Christine – India

Nov. 10, 2021
Good morning ,Today our priest shared about giving thanks.He shared how he puts the OLTOJ prayer card on his heart every day asking for Blessed Mother’s prayers. He went to cardiologist yesterday.Doctor was very happy all indicators have not deteriorated and nothing to be of any concerned about.  Doctor said it is very unusual as you age it is normal for the heart to weaken but his is getting stronger.  He thanked Our Lady Tear of Joy for her assistance.

October 15, 2021

Praise report from wearing the image of Our Lady of the tear of joy on my chest, I am much better in my digestion/esophagus and no more pain. Thank you Dear Lady of the Tear of Joy.
Janet S.

My name is Grace. I’m from Saginaw MI. My daughter Lourdes had a Miracle healing with the image “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy”. Our blessed mother appeared to me as the image “Our Lady of The Tear of Joy” in the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel of Christ the King Church in Ann Arbor, MI. This occurred on 8/9/21

Aug 8, 2021

After going to see an acupuncture Dr and having my back continue to be in severe pain I stood in front of my prayer area in my home and with the picture of Our Lady Tear of Joy acknowledged that I was unworthy yet asked the Blessed Mother to heal my pain.  When I placed the picture on my back the area was immediately full of heat I prayed the 9 memorares and a tenth for thanksgiving.  From that moment on my back, on which I had surgery 7 years ago, has been without significant pain. I truly give all glory to God and thanksgiving for the blessings bestowed.

Our Lady Tear of Joy…Thank You



On August third I went to my eye doctor for a scheduled appointment. I told him I was concerned about intermittent dripping in my left eye, the fluid was not coming from my tear duct. I am a glaucoma patient and have had  an operation on both eyes to relieve pressure. I feared a leak. The doctor examined  my eye and confirmed my fears., I had a tiny leak and there was nothing that could be done.
The next morning I called in on my virtual rosary and put in my prayer request for healing.  It was recorded. At the end of our rosary, about 7:40am, a dedicated and faithful member told me that he received a message from Our Lady of the Tear of Joy instructing me to put the image of her face against.my eye and pray the Memorare Novena. She said She and St. Joseph would be with me.I got right on it and had a Kleenex handy also as my eye was still weeping,   I laid down on my couch and began the prayer.
I was almost done when I fell asleep—I woke up and looked at my watch. It was 10:30am. I got up and realized my eye was not leaking, and has not dripped at all since I woke up.  My  eye feels normal.  Our Lady of the Tear of Joy healed the leak in my eye. I feel it in my heart. ❤️ Linda Nathan


Aug 3, 2021

Rick is now healed!  I spoke with his mother today and she told me he is “cancer free”.  Praise Jesus!
I had given Rick”s mother a prayer card for Our Lady of the Tear of Joy over a year ago, and asked her today if she had been praying to her and her answer was “yes”. Thank you also to everyone who prayed for Rick.
May God bless you. ❤️ Theresa


Dear Arrow and all on prayer list,

I wish to thank Our Lady of the Tear of Joy for great help to me this morning.

Early this morning I travelled a 45 minute journey to attend Holy Mass.   This Holy Mass is every special as I can receive Jesus on the tongue.   After Holy Mass I was on my way to my car when a group of nuns started talking to me.  We were talking about the beautiful Holy Mass and also about our faith.  The nun told me they would be leaving soon from this area and asked me to keep them in their prayers.  I then started to tell them about Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and gave them Blessed Images.   One nun told me she was from Chicago USA.   While we were talking I had full view of my car as car park was almost empty at this stage and I noticed I had a flat wheel.   The Nun called out to the last car that was just about to leave the car park.   A lovely gentleman came to my assistance and got my wheel sorted.   I turned around to the Nun and said to her, had I not taken the time to speak to you and talk about the Blessed Images I probably would have jumped into my car and not noticed my flat wheel in the busy car park.    I would have been stranded on a quiet country road.   We both agreed Our Lady was looking after us.   I not only got my car sorted but I also got to give out Blessed Images to these group of Nuns.   Thank you so much Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, I love you with all my heart.  I was also glad I got home in time to join the Virtual Rosary 12 noon time in Ireland and 7am USA time.

God Bless you all and keeping you all in my prayers.

Sandie,        Ireland.


June 12, 2021

A woman named Mary was taking photos of the 2 large canvas images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on the Altar just prior to my talk at St. Lawrence Catholic Church Thursday evening June 10th, 2021.  Mary sent me the below email with photos.  Look at the “Aura Light” this “Is Our Lady” and it’s right near Her image.  I and other people have photographed the same Aura light in Medjugorje.  Also, there are streams of brilliant lights coming across Our Lady’s canvas images and these same lights have been captured in Medjugorje.  Our Lady has given repeated messages that She will bestow a special blessing upon all those who come to venerate Her images.  After the talk, I had several people tell me that they could feel Our Lady’s presence. God bless to all, Arrow >>>‐———>

June 11, 2021

I was taken to see a woman by the name of Carol A. from Clinton Connecticut.  She was suffering from extreme knee pain and a man by the name of Peter, gave her the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  She placed Our Lady’s image on her knee and was saying 10 Memorare’s in a row.  I personally met with Carol and she said that, “I was saying the Memorare’s in a row and on the 6th Memorare prayer, the pain went away immediately and it is still gone and the pain in my knee was severe.”  About a week ago, she was also suffering from severe abdominal pain and she described the pain as unbearable.  Her care nurse named Monique called 911 and an ambulance transported her to the hospital.  Carol did not have time to get Our Lady’s image to take with her to the hospital.

Carol said the doctors tried a variety of medications and nothing was effective to relieve the pain which she described as severe.  She said, “I did not have Our Lady’s image, but I imagined Our Lady’s image on my stomach and I was saying the Memorare prayer several times in a row.  I had not been able to sleep for 3 days, and I fell asleep and woke up and the pain was gone.  The doctor told me it was a MIRACLE!”  

God bless to all, Arrow >>>—————–>

June 9, 2021

Hi Arrow –

  • My cousin, Carolyn W. was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of uterine cancer (uterine papillary serous carcinoma), which the doctors told her would require her to have a hysterectomy, followed by 6 rounds of chemo with three weeks between each one.  The doctors told her they would take samples of surrounding organs/tissues during the operation to see if the cancer had spread.
  • Before Carolyn’s surgery date, Carolyn and I prayed the Memorare prayer together, holding one image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy over her stomach, and looking at another image of Her while saying the prayer.
  • Carolyn found out today that the biopsies were negative (!), so she will not require chemo (great news!), and the doctors have reclassified her cancer to a lower grade Stage 1b. Praise God!  And thank you to Our Lady of the Tear of Joy for interceding for us!!!

Thank you, Arrow and Mike B. for making me aware of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy!  So grateful 😊

Kathleen Denton


Hi Arrow and my dear Prayer Angels,

This is a true miracle! On May 26th, I sent out a desperate email for Urgent Prayers to this Community seeking help as I couldn’t even sit up or get up from bed and was in a sudden crucial pain. I had difficulty even when sitting down and sitting up. I couldn’t even walk without crutches and even a single cough / sneeze or laughter would cause pain in my spinal pelvic area.

However, with all your prayers, by placing the Tear of Joy image on my back and with constant singing of hymns to Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord Jesus along with meditation (while doing all 4 rosary mysteries), I am happy to announce that I can now walk and get up without crutches!!

Today, on May 29th – I’m 90% healed, in just 4 days!!! I know for sure that THIS IS indeed a MIRACLE and I’ll be fully healed in no time 🙂

Thank you everyone who have prayed for me as this is my 2nd miraculous healing from Our Blessed Mother.

God bless everyone and stay in faith 🙏🏻📿🥀

Your sister in Christ,

Adeline from Malaysia

6 year old sees our Blessed Mother

May 24, 2021
Hi Arrow,

I hope you are well and thank you for all you are doing to fulfill the Blessed Mother’s mission she has given you. No doubt you are changing so many lives, including mine. I wanted to let you know of a story my son told me yesterday. I pray to Our Lady every day and ask her for protection for my family. My son out of the blue in his room yesterday said to me, “Mom, one day after you got me ready for bed, I looked out my window and guess who I saw?” He said, “Her initials are MM.” I said, “Was it Mother Mary?”

He said excitedly, “Yes, I saw Mother Mary. She was right out there and was in all white and she looked at me and smiled, went around to the back yard and left.” I showed him the Our Lady of the Tear of Joy photo and asked him if she looked like the photo and he said, “Yes, but she was wearing all white and floated by.”

I told him how she is definitely watching over us and protecting us and that he should always pray to her because she will answer. He is six and I have to believe he definitely saw her. He said she looked like she was coming around our house to protect us.



May 22, 2021


I recently met you at the Triduum for Our Lady of Fatima. I was the girl that was having trouble breathing throughout the entire mass, and you were given an interior locution from the Blessed Mother right after the Benediction for me. I do suffer from chronic pain and an autoimmune disease. The whole mass I was struggling to breathe, but I never told anyone. However, I prayed that it would stop. After mass ended, before we began the rosary, I debated on leaving because my breathing became so bad and my heart rate only continued to increase on my Apple Watch. (I am not claiming they are 100% accurate, but either way I could still feel it.) However, as we were praying the rosary and meditating on the sorrowful mysteries, there became a point where I was on the verge of crying because I felt guilty for knowing I wanted to leave. But, out of reverence for Jesus I stayed praying on my knees. Knowing that Jesus was present: body, blood, soul, and divinity. I never doubt his presence, and I always have had complete faith he is uniquely present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Although I felt I was going to have a heart attack or pass out, I had faith that I would be fine, and I put myself last, because I was truly in the presence of the Lord. I am glad I was given the grace of patience to stay for the Benediction, to get my final blessing that Christ wants to give us. 

Upon you giving me the message the Blessed Mother gave you for me, we saw she healed me. I was able to breathe perfectly and my heart rate IMMEDIATELY decreased. My Apple Watch even recorded it. It was instantaneous. As soon as I put the original image of Our Lady to my face. It was a feeling I will never be able to explain to anyone. I truly felt the world stop and her wrap herself around me and not only heal me physically, but internally/spiritually as well. Of course, this not all that I felt and saw in that very moment, but it is something I will never truly be able to explain. It is the closest encounter I have ever had to Christ and Mary. As I am in the midst of my 33 day consecration to Mary, I am still growing in virtue. I realize I struggle with patience amongst other virtues at times. As I remained devoted to Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament while we were on our knees praying the rosary, I realized it was only possible that I stayed because I was given the grace to be patient in the midst of my struggle. I was shown the virtues of patience, mortification/self-denial, faith, and obedience. 

I would like to tell you about the other healing that took place that night. Ever since March, I had been dealing with what seemed to be oppression. So severe at times that I was unable to sleep in the dark. All the lights in my bedroom would have to be on. Even then with all the lights on, I would be afraid to fall asleep out of fear of sleep paralysis/nightmares. Sometimes I wouldn’t even fall asleep, or I would be lucky to fall asleep at 6AM or later. Some nights I would just go to the Adoration chapel, and spend my nights there because I knew I was unable to sleep. Well, ever since the day that you gave me the message from the Blessed Mother, along with the original image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, I am no longer afraid of the dark. It was not only a physical healing that took place, but a spiritual healing as well. That night I came home and I was able to sleep in the dark with all of the lights off. I am no longer living in fear, nor do I feel oppressed at times. 

I want to thank you so much for the medals and rosaries you gave me as well. They are things I will keep and hopefully pass along to my future husband and family when I get married and if I have children one day. I already put one of the medals on my neck. Along with this email, I am attaching a few photos. Although we never need proof for these things, I just wanted to show how significant the decrease in my heart rate was. What happened that day and that image of her will forever hold a special place in my heart. What occurred that day with Our Lady of the Tear of Joy was a complete blessing and miracle. It is exactly what God knew I needed at this point in my life. If you are ever holding any events in the future please let me know, or let me know where I can find them! I was in complete shock because I just found this image online a few months back. I saw someone holding the image at the beginning of mass, and I recognized it. She is truly so beautiful and out of this world. But never did I think it was the original! What a blessing from God! Now I will definitely be ordering the image and will spread your message. The work you do through the grace of God is phenomenal! I am sure you are told this all the time, but that day completely changed my life since I had not been sleeping. May God continue to bless and protect you and Mother Mary keep you under her mantle.


Lourdes Rico


Tue, May 18, 2021

I am in Bay City Michigan at St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church attending a talk on the life of Fr. Patrick Peyton. Holy Mass was held and during Mass, a woman sitting directly behind me named Lourdes was coughing all throughout Mass.  I turned around, handed Lourdes the original image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and I told her, “place Our Lady’s image on your cheek and pray to Our Lady.”  After Mass, Lourdes came up to me, handed me back Our Lady’s image and said, “My cough has stopped.”

A group of us went out to dinner and Lourdes came and she also told me how she’s been having trouble breathing all day and her heart rate was elevated and since she put Our Lady’s image on her cheek and called out to Her, she’s able to breathe normally and the coughing has stopped. AMEN       God-bless to all, Arrow >>>———–>


Sun 02-May-2021

I received in the mail, 2 very long type letters from Ron & Rose Roesch from Sugar Grove Ohio and I called and spoke to both of them and with their permission, I can share this beautiful story.  The letters were very detailed about Ron’s cancer and Jerry, who is the caretaker of Our Lady’s Farm in Falmouth Kentucky (where I will be taking the mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to on September 8th).  Jerry had sent Ron & Rose the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and Jerry also enclosed the cover letter I sent him when the miracle first occurred explaining the miracle story and Our Lady’s image.

In short, Ron had prostate cancer and then it was discovered he had bladder cancer.  Because of other arising health issues Ron was having, it was preventing them from doing further treatment on Ron.  Ron & Rose said they received Jerry’s letter with Our Lady’s image in the first week of January.  Ron said he was placing Our Lady’s image in the location where his bladder would be and saying the Memorare prayer.  He went back to his doctor’s appointment in the first week of February and it should be noted, that when he was in the doctor’s examination room, he was also given Holy Water from Lourdes and he was sprinkling himself with this precious Holy water.

Additional tests were done that day and the doctor reported that Ron is cancer FREE with no medical explanation as to why.  Ron said and I quote, “You can’t explain it any other way, it was Our Lady.”

Our Lady “Will” intercede on all of our prayers to Her, and She will flee to Her Son, Our Lord and mighty Savior, Jesus Christ, and then it is His time and choosing on how and when the prayer will be answered, for He knows what’s best for us, we do not.  God bless to all, to you and all of your loved ones, both now and FOREVER, Arrow >>>——————>


Mon 12-Apr-2021

Our Lady of the Tear of Joy – touching a Heart

While waiting to catch my flight in Hartford Connecticut, I got a call from my dear brother in Christ, Phil Wayes from Pennsylvania and Phil had Our Lady appear to him as “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” and his story is posted on the Testament page of Our Lady’s website. Phil and his wife Nancy will be going to Medjugorje with me in June. Phil proceeded to tell me a beautiful story of Our Lady touched the heart of one of Her children named Joanne.

Phil said that he and his wife named Nancy attend Holy Mass and they would see a woman there, and they now know her name is Joanne. Phil said that for several weeks, he has been wanting to give Joanne the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, but has not had the opportunity. Yesterday (Divine Mercy Sunday), they got to church for the 3pm Divine Mercy service and Nancy went in before Phil and the church was full. She saw Joanne sitting in the pew and asked if she could sit next to her and she said “Yes.” (Our Lady was already at work arranging this).

Phil then came in and sat next to Nancy. After the service, Phil switched places with Nancy and sat next to Joanne and he shared the miracle story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy with her and how this image is of Our Blessed Mother and Phil also shared his miracle story he had with Our Lady. Phil said Joanne was looking at Our Lady’s image and kept saying, “This is Her, this is Her!” and she kept repeating it. She gave Phil a hug and Phil and Nancy then left and went out to their car.

Phil was sitting in the passenger seat and Nancy was driving. Joanne walked up and said, “I have to share a story with you. I came to church early and prayed to Our Lord for a sign for what I am going through.” Phil said she was overwhelmed with emotion by getting Our Lady’s image and this was “The Sign” she prayed for.

When you think Our Lord and Our Lady are not listening to you when you call out to Them, that is when They are so VERY CLOSE TO YOU, never doubt this for a second. To Jesus through His Mother Mary.
God bless to all, Arrow >>>—————>

April 8, 2021

Our Lady Tear of Joy through her image and the Memorare brings healing.

-My mom was going to have a procedure early this morning to try and zap her heart back into a regular sinus rhythm. It has been irregular for quite some time and the exhaustion she experienced had made this her Doctor’s next step to correct.

-Prior to going she placed the image of our Lady on her chest and prayed the Memorare.

-When I dropped her off early this morning, an hour later I received a phone call to come and pick her up.  Her heart was functioning in a regular rhythm and needed no procedure to be done!

-We both made it to morning Mass together to thank God through Our Lady for this miracle and blessing!  Laura S. – Michigan

I received the below audio email from my dear friend Margaret in Ireland and I did call her and verified the story.  It was sent to Margaret from a woman in Mary Jackson’s prayer group in Ireland.  A woman from Mary’s prayer group called and spoke about what occurred with the image she has of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  In the audio the woman says, speaking of Our Lady’s image, “Seems so real, so life like.”  Margaret went onto say about the image of Our Lady she has, “I can see the pupilsin Her eyes, Her eyes come alive.”  Our Lady has given past messages that, “When we hold Her image (photo), we are holding Her and She will touch our hearts”, meaning, Our Lady IS TRULY present in Her image, AMEN.  God bless to all, Arrow

Mar 20, 2021

Quote:  “”Hi Christine and Caroline

First of all, I am heartily in gratitude for your love and prayers offered for my daughter.

I thank God Almighty for sending good angels like both of you, the prayer warriors to help us when we are in dire needs of prayers and hope. I believed it is the intercession of our Blessed Mother who has brought healing to my daughter from eating disorder.

I placed the blessed picture of the Tears of Joy inside the pillowcase and placed another picture to the wall when she was admitted. I still continue, to place the blessed picture of Our Lady of the Tears of Joy inside her pillow at home. Mother Mary has brought so much comfort, peace and healing to us both spiritually and physically. I am also testifying to the powerful prayers of the rosary that brings this healing and encourages everyone to believe the power of prayers through the rosary, Mother Mary always aid us who sought for her help. Praise be to God for giving us Our Blessed Mother. Amen 🙏”‘

Christine,   Bangalore-India

Mar 6, 2021
I received the below beautiful story from Margaret in Ireland and I called her confirming what occurred with Mary Jackson’s prayer group there in Ireland.  Margaret also said, the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy she has, comes alive all the time, opening and closing her eyes, the scent of flowers, just looking at Our Lady’s image and praying to Our Lady.  God bless to all, Arrow >>>————–>
Hi Arrow so nice to be able to join you, Sandie sent you a message about the young man in Mary Jackson prayer Group in Donegal, very near the border touching Co Fermanagh.  Coner Welsh is the young man 24 years old, was looking at the Holy Image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and the face changed into Our Lord Jesus as he was saying the Memorare prayer looking at the Holy Image.  That all I was told about it.

Jackson’s prayer Group is very powerful Wonderful Healing prayer group and has been reported most of the people going can see a tear in her eye, opening & closing Praise God.  I have seen many changes in the Holy Image of Our Lady and the color of her face Bright & dark brown & a lovely scent of flowers and also blinks and closing her eye for 30 to 40 seconds at a time.  I have got so close now to Our Lady, maybe when things change in Ireland might go to Medjugorje in June.  Was there 30 times, It’s like going home every time Love it.  You’re in my Prayers Arrow and I lit a candle for you in Church everyday.

God Bless you and keep you safe.

Lots of love Margaret – Ireland

March 6, 2021

Hello all,

Thanks to those who prayed for Ray, he was bitten by a dog and your immediate response made all the difference!  Ray had his Our Lady Tear of Joy in his pocket and we prayed the Memorare prior to taking the tourniquet off.  It was disturbing to look at the deep wounds, but yet he said nothing hurt, stitches, shots, everything was joy filled.  We praise God for Our Lady’s intercession and your prayers.

With Love in Christ Jesus,

Mar 2, 2021
Thank you for all your wonderful prayers, praying to Our Lady Tear of Joy for her intercession I had many pray for my husband’s spiritual and physical healing.  Well last weekend my husband Clayton told me he would go to confession after not going for a very long time and me asking him to go he decided he would go and indeed went. And the doctors were very suspicious of cancer being in his body the PET scans lit up very brightly and the CT scans all showed tumors in his lung and one being in his larynx.
I prayed and prayed and asked all of you to pray for the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, Our Lady Tear of Joy and the night before his biopsy I placed Our Lady’s image on him and said 9 Memorares and 1 more being in thanksgiving.  He had his biopsy which took almost 5 hours last week and the doctors called him today about an hour ago and said all his tumors were benign it was just scar tissue.  It was Our Lady’s intercession, Our Lady Tear of Joy (and I got chills all over my body as I said that) her intercession is why he got a healing.
So thank you to Arrow for leading up Our Lady Tear of Joys mission for our Blessed Mother and thank you so much Jesus for answering prayers and the mercy you show for us daily and thank you all who prayed very hard and unceasingly for my family and for a good outcome.  And know I pray for all of your intentions very much as well.  With love Jennifer ❤️

Feb 27, 2021

Good morning,  my name is Cathy. I am 65 1/2 years old. 3 weeks ago I tripped on the step up walking into my doorway and landed face down on the ceramic floor.  I could not pick myself up because I am overweight and I dislocated my right elbow and fractured my arm. Yes I  am right handed.  After struggling to get up,  I was able to contact my daughter and son in law and they took me to the ER. They took x-rays and set it back in place.
I saw an orthopedic surgeon the following Monday. He did his own x-rays and showed me where there was a gap between the two bones that was too big on one side,  and the ligaments that held the elbow into place were detached and I would need surgery to repair it and there was only  a two week window to doing it. Therefore it had to be done quickly.  They told me I needed to get an MRI first to see how much damage needed to be repaired. I couldn’t do the MRI because you have to lay on your stomach and I  can’t do that.
My brother Steven Glynn had given me the picture of Mary with the prayer on the back of the card, and he told me to pray over my arm for healing. I did and I noticed the next day I was able to move my arm and it seemed a little stronger. I saw the doctor that Friday and when he did another xray the gap had closed, but the ligament was still detached and would need surgery. They set me up for surgery the following Tue,  (the snow storm) I went home and prayed that prayer again asking for my arm to be completely healed with no surgery needed. I  canceled the surgery and saw the doctor this past Wednesday (3 weeks after I broke it) and he was amazed at how well I was doing and the deep dark black, blue and purple bruising is almost completely gone.

I have underlying health issues and 65 year old adults don’t typically heal that fast on their own. Only a miracle from God could do that.  I just want to say Praise to God for the miracle he let happen for me to heal. Also, thank you to our Virgin Mother Mary for interceding on my behalf to Jesus. 🙏

Sincerely grateful,
Cathy Schnitzhofer – Howell Michigan

Feb 21, 2021
This afternoon (Sunday), I then received a phone call from Scott F.  He proceeded to tell me how Our Lady’s image needs to get out to everyone and that his wife had a miracle with Our Lady’s image.  Steve told me and I quote, “My wife Amy has been battling mental health issues for about 20 years.  We’ve been to doctor after doctor and found no solutions.  A man from Florida sent me the image of Our Lady around the middle of January, but I sat on it.  Then around the first week of February, my wife’s condition became much worse, she was unbearable to live with, but you couldn’t tell by looking at her.  I got Our Lady’s image and Amy was holding it and we said the Memorare prayer together.  I then took Our Lady’s image and physically placed it up against her head.  Then her condition changed, it was a hundred and eighty degree difference, she was healed.”  
It is so very important to know that Our Lady DOES and WILL flee to Her Son, Our Lord and Savior, with all of our prayers we say to Her.  Then, it is Our Lord’s Will, His time and choosing on how and when the prayer will be answered, but it will be answered.  God bless to all, Arrow >>>————–>

I received a phone call this morning from a man by the name of Charlie M from Perryville Missouri.  Charlie was at the talk I gave on Friday evening in Perryville.  He is also the one who had the healing in his back when he came up and held, kissed and venerated the original image (icon) of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  With his permission I can share what he told me on the phone this morning.

I gave two talks on Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on Saturday, February 13th in Chatham Illinois.  The first talk was at 4:30pm and then at 6:30pm.  People arriving for the 6:30pm talk told me, Pam Branham and Donna Caminiti (who sponsored me to come to Chatham to give a talk), of a “Brilliant Bright Light” over the city (Chatham).  Then I was shown a video of it and I posted that story.  Since then, I have received other emails/texts saying the same with photos.  Several people have told me they could see Our Lady in the bright light, under the sun.  Others stated that, “It looked like fire was coming down from the sky.”  

Pam added this about why Our Lady picked February 13th for me to come to Chatham and give the talk.  Sister Lucia’s canonization process was started on February 13th, 2017 as “Servant of God”, this being the first step towards becoming a canonized Saint.  Pope Francis proclaimed Francisco and Jacinta Marto as saints that day.  Francisco and Jacinta were the 3 children that witnessed the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima.  February 13th was the 16th anniversary of the death of Sr. Lucia.
At each of the talks I gave in both Missouri and Illinois, I had numerous people tell me that they could feel Our Lady’s presence and truly, some were absolutely crying “Tears of Joy” themselves.  Fr. Michael from Omaha Nebraska, who came to my talk on Friday evening said that during my talk, he could feel Our Lady’s presence.  Lou Ann Corrigan texted this to Donna, “I think Arrow is carrying the Blessed Mother to various locations as the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant in the desert.  The Ark was protected by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  Exodus 13:21-22.  Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, so She is accompanied by a pillar of fire.”  
God bless to all, Arrow >>>—————–>  Our Lord and Our Lady are ALWAYS with you, please know and believe this


As always after the talk, people come up to hold and venerate the original image (icon), of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and venerate one of the 2 large canvas images of Our Lady. A man by the name of Charlie came up, took Our Lady’s image, kneeling down and kissing Our Lady’s image and he told me, “I asked Our Lady to go to Her Son about the severe pain I have in my back, and now, the pain is gone.” 🙏 AMEN God bless to all, Arrow


Our Lady of the Tear of Joy had Rebecca and baby Thomas wrapped securely in her mantle yesterday…
After several hours in the hospital, lab work, and an ultrasound, contractions stopped and Rebecca was released.  It seems the baby was laying sideways and causing quite the “ruckus”!
Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for mother & child.  I’ll be sure to announce his arrival in March.

God bless,  Carol, PA


Yesterday 1/27/21 at 2AM I had severe abdominal cramps with diarrhea.
After my kidney transplant, I had been having several bouts of
severe cramps and diarrhea to the point of hospitalization.
Yesterday, I had more than 10 trips to the bathroom, that It weakened me.
I had cold sweats and almost fainted on the bathroom floor.
My husband helped me back to bed, while he drove to CVS to buy some medicine.
While he was away I took a picture of OLTOJ and placed it on top of my tummy directly to my skin and prayed the ‘Memorare‘  many times.I asked Our Lady to intercede for me, so that I won’t be taken to the hospital just like the past several times.
True enough, Our Lady came to the rescue.The moment I laid down Her picture in my tummy ,the cramps stopped and diarrhea stopped suddenly.
Everything came to a halt, and I was in a state of calm and peace and fell asleep with Her picture on my tummy.I woke up refreshed as if, nothing happened.
I cried and Thanked Our Lady so much that I showered Her photo with kisses.
Thank You, Arrow for sharing Her
to us as Our Lady of Tear of Joy!!!
What a gift and a grace She is to us!!!
I had been promoting Her image since I received it from you.
I know She will bring many miracles to anyone, who prays and Meditate on Her, as Our Lady of Tear of Joy!!!
God Bless Your ministry as You and others in the ministry, especially the Holy Priests who guides and direct You are in my prayers always!!!

Connie Abenoja


Today we had catechists and their wives coming for mass and meeting and I had the opportunity to give each one of them the blessed image of Our Lady.  One gave a moving testimony about the image. He was set for operation in the hospital and had enlarged pancreas, sores in the entire alimentary canal but the praying through the intercession of mother and the image, all was done for him. No operation, sores gone and so is pancreatitis.  Glory to God.

Padre Gonzaga Ongereny Waziwazi


Brother Arrow,

Last night I came home not feeling well…a persistent feeling of nausea.  I laid down to rest and fell asleep.   I experienced a distinct dream during which I placed the OLToJ image upon my stomach and prayed the Memorare.  I suddenly awoke feeling no nausea and was able to have dinner and even get out and check on my in-laws in their home.

I found this to be a wonderful reminder that, by faith, Our Lady comes to us EVERY time we need her.

For His glory,
Ace J. Tacderas

I received a phone call from a man by the name of Jack G from Albuquerque, New Mexico.  He stated he got my phone number off of the website of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  He said he was given the image (photo) of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and told me the following.

“It is almost like She is life like in the photo.  Her skin looks so very real, as if She is real in the photo.  I have other photos of Our Lady, but nothing like this where She is so life like.”  
Arrow >>>——————>  

Happy First Saturday, Arrow,

Reporting another wonderful, loving intervention by Our Lady Tear of Joy.

I realized that I was not wearing a regular brown scapular but a scapular medal instead. I felt compelled to find a brown scapular and start wearing that again.  I found one entangled in a snarl of knotted chains and other versions of the scapular. I tried to undo the snarl myself for a good 10 – 15 minutes, tempted to cut the scapular string to free it from the other stuff. Then I  went to the blessed photo of OTOJ and in prayer, still holding that bundle of knots, presented to Our Lady the snarl with all the knots and the ribbon of my own life with all its knots and the ribbons of the lives of all others with their knots and all the ways they are tangled with mine. Right after I finished the prayer asking that if the Lord willed it, would she please undo all the tangles and knots, I went back to the snarl containing the traditional brown scapular outfitted with small St Benedict medal. Almost immediately, about a second, all of a sudden the scapular was free of the snarl and all the other items which had been knotted up came free.

Ps: now I wear that scapular full time

OLTOJ, Our Lady Undoer of Knots pray for us….and Thank you, thank you, thank you for the flow of graces you obtain for us!

Peace be to you, firmly anchored in Christ.

E. Northport

Dear Arrow,
I have felt Our Lady Tears of Joy’s influence and love since you gave me a blessed copy of her photo while you were at the Advent Shop in Rockville Centre.
Recently, I received a cure for damage to my right eye from caustic fumes/spray from a bathroom cleaning product. My right eye hurt and was getting worse. I was starting to have trouble seeing out of that eye and under my eyelid hurt – felt gravelly. I prayed Our Lady would intercede and obtain a complete healing and placed the photo over my eye and prayed the Memorare.  My eye felt better but still hurt – but I went to sleep and woke up with problem gone – no more gravel/irritation!
Grateful to Our Awesome God – Father, Son & Holy Spirit –  Our Lady, All Members of the Celestial Court who help us!
Wishing you and those whom He gives you a fruitful Advent season!
Gratefully His,
Ellen L
E Northport

God-bless to all. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, last night as you know, I had this statue of Our Lady of Grace and also the icon (original image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy) on display to be venerated. We were saying the holy rosary and when it was my turn to say the 5th mystery of the sorrowful, “the crucifixion.”  I was sitting in the 2nd pew and was looking at the eyes of Our Lady’s image. Her eyes “Clearly started opening and closing.” Just as Our Lady appeared to me in March of last year, I looked away and rubbed my eyes and then looked back up, and she was still there, smiling at me, standing in full figure.

Last night, I looked away maybe twice, then looked back and She continued to open and close Her eyes.  I am the guardian of Our Lady’s icon, and She goes with me on all the talks I give on Her. NUMEROUS people have told me that the icon has came alive as they held Her.  Our Lady truly “Is present in Her image.”  God bless to all, Arrow >>>————–>

My Dearest Prayer Warriors,
Bob and I are so very grateful for all the prayers that were said for him on Saturday, December 5th. After 6 hours of neurosurgery the doctor can out and told me everything went well with the exception that Bob was not moving his left arm. We knew there were major risks in having the surgery such as quadriplegia.  The doctor said Bob would probably move his arm again with alot of physical therapy.  As the doctor walked away I called out to Our Lady and Her Son with tears in my eyes, “This man has been through so much, please, please come to his aid”. Within minutes, I saw the doctor walk back toward me waving both arms in the air shouting from across the waiting room, “He’s moving his left arm, he’s moving his left arm!”. I was in shock.  Praise the Lord we received a miracle.
We want to thank each and every one of you for all the prayers we received. Believe in miracles they do happen!
 God Bless you all,
Joann and Bob

The first picture of the Image is as how are Lady normally looks at the Rosary.This bottom Picture was how she appeared Friday night during the rosary . Nina texted me and said ” does Our Lady have a blue hue color upon her tonight ?”

If you zoom into her left eye immersed with light and looking like many tears … you can also see what looks like angels .. 2 at least standing side by side .

I was at work and noticed this before the message of the angels was given by Our Lady .
Renee Elise – Michigan

Hi Arrow,
A couple of months ago, I printed out a picture of the Mary Tear of Joy and I have been praying to her because I am suffering from chronic insomnia and general burnout from years of stress; and when I was on my knees praying the image of the “crucifixion” and the image of the “Sacred Heart” appeared on the right cheek of Mary of the Tear of Joy.
God bless you!
Yumi from Toronto, Canada


Our Lady of the Tear of Joy is with us !!! Email received 12-2-20

This is my testimony of what happened to me tonight .
Before the 7pm rosary and the 630 pm mass I was planning to attend followed by adoration I fell in my home , nothing serious, but areas of my body were in pain , I also became very nauseated and sick feeling.
I needed to lay down on the couch and so I closed my eyes ….and what I saw was AMAZING BEAUTY !!
I saw the Image of OUR LADY OF THE TEAR OF JOY !!!
With eyes closed I began to smile and thank Our Lady for this special gift !
Immediately the nausea was gone , then the rest of the pains gone !!
I felt the graces pouring over my whole body and thought
of Our Lady’s message that those who couldn’t join the rosary would receive the same graces as the people who were saying the virtual rosary together .
My body was without any pain or discomforts and I fell asleep with the most tender feelings
of LOVE surrounding my whole being , I could almost feel my soul being Graciously nurtured in pure LOVE ❤️ as I unknowingly drifted into a deep sleep .
I was awakened just before the 1030 virtual rosary with the BEST feeling ever !!
And being excited that I could
Pray with the others .🙏
No pain at all and I remembered having a very vivid dream that I didn’t want to leave .
I share this story to confirm Our Lady’s message given recently concerning the GRACES SHE gives out even if your heart wanted to participate in the virtual rosary but for any or some reason you couldn’t .
I witnessed and experienced great JOY tonight believing that because of Her children’s devotion and participation in this virtual rosary that She continues to shed Tears of Joy and graces on us !!
Arrow says to report any miracles or healings , this is my story today and I am so thankful to you all on the rosary calls and Our Lady of the Tear of Joy for granting these special graces that one day you too may also enJOY if a mishap holds you back from wanting to simply just pray .🙏💙🕊🕊🕊✝️
Renée Elise. Michigan

Our Lady Tear of Joy Sweet Miracle. Email received 12-2-20

Please know:  there is a gentleman who (beautifully) says the closing prayers for the virtual rosary. Last night when he spoke, my image of Our Lady Tear of Joy immediately seemed to smile (the way you would smile if you began to chuckle) and her eyes ‘lit up’—I immediately realized this gentleman must be very precious to Our Lady! He brings her joy! 💗

Maria Benner (originally from Chicago)

Our Lady’s intercession. Email received 12-2-20

I must share!  I’ve been saying the prayer on picture every night ever since you gave me Our Lady of the Tear of Joy

I’m seeing Miracles in my grandsons
I had a Priest Bless my home and pool  At that time he told me my 11 grandson was very angry and He saw a gray shell over him  He also said with prayers and my guidance the shell will be chipped away because he’s a good person on the inside
We noticed just before Thanksgiving that the Shadow figure that was in my home is no longer inside  We now see it along the backyard wall
I shall continue to thank our mother Mary and your Organization for the prayers
Thank You again. Much love. Kathy

Thank you Arrow🙏❤️ Linda Orton Dan Potvin’s sister had a mystical experience last night she saw a beacon of light streaming from the moon! She knew it was our lady’s tears of Joy falling on us all praying the Rosary

Viva Christo Rey Maryanne

To Jesus through Mary✝️🙏❤️🥰

Hello, I routinely serve as a lector and, while doing so, I am seated to the right of the Altar in front of the Communion rail.  It is a wonderful position as it enables me to participate in Mass, “up close and personal”, while Father celebrates adorientem.  During the Consecration, while elevating the Blessed Sacrament, Father turns toward the congregation.  He always uses a paten and the light often reflects onto the Eucharist.  On October 11th, as Father was turning around to face the Altar, I caught a glimpse of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy in the reflection on the Blessed Sacrament.  God Bless, Ace – Detroit Michigan

I had the honor of praying with some people today in Canton Michigan who are going through some severe health issues, carrying some heavy Cross’s in life.  I saw joy and strength in their faces, and truly I was touched by them.  I took the original image (photo), of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy for them to venerate as we prayed together.  A woman by the name of Camille held Our Lady’s image, she was adamant that Our Lady’s image came alive to her as she held Our Lady’s image.  We then sat around and spoke about Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, the Mother of God.  Our Lady touched their hearts in such a special way today.  God bless to all, Arrow

I received an email from my dear sister in Christ named Sandie in Ireland, saying how her friend named Margaret, also in Ireland, was experiencing miracles of Our Lady’s image coming alive to her prayer group.  Margaret’s image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy had came alive to her several weeks ago and her testimony is posted on Our Lady’s website.

I called Margaret in Ireland and this is what she told me.  She had received the images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy from Sandie and then sent about 27 images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to a woman named Mary Johnston who lives in Northern Ireland.  Mary has told Margaret that on several occasions, and it is still occurring, at least 4 to 5 people in her prayer group who have the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy,  Our Lady’s eyes move, opening and closing, and one woman’s image is actually tearing.  Margaret said, “Mary is so excited and is wanting to tell everyone.”

Margaret told me that her image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, still winks at her and Margaret also said, “Our Lady brings me so much happiness.”  At one point, both of Our Lady’s eyes closed for about 20 seconds and then opened.  Margaret said Our Lady’s image is in every room of her house and she is also having Our Lady’s image framed and giving them out to her family members.

Three of the messages Our Lady has given about Her image:

“I want My image in your homes and I will Bless your homes”  “When you hold My image (photo), you are holding Me and I will touch your heart”  “When you look into the eyes of My image (photo), I am looking into theirs and wanting them to know, I LOVE YOU and I will lead you to My Son” 

God Bless to all, Arrow

God Bless to all.  Miracle #1: When I was at the Holy Mass of Reparation on Monday November 16th, which Fr. Joseph Esper has every 3rd Monday of the month, I met a woman there named Patricia B who is on my email list for Our Lady’s mission and lives in St. Clair Shores Michigan.  She proceeded to tell me of the miracle that occurred with her mother named Marie M.

Back in March of this year (2020), Patricia sent me an email asking for a prayer request for her (Marie) and that she was having severe health issues and a prayer request was sent out.  Marie could hardly breath and talk.  I told Patricia I would say 10 Memorare’s in a row for Marie and Patricia said that at the same time I was doing this, the image of Our Lady was placed on Marie and Marie had a smile on her face.  Marie still had shortness of breath and was taken to the Emergency Room and tests were done, and her white count was elevated very high.  More tests showed that she had 2 very large blood clots on each side of her lung, and these were inoperable and with her age of 89, the risk factor was too high.  The family was also advised that prognosis was not good as far as her survival.
Marie was admitted into the hospital and because of the covid restrictions, the family was not allowed in, but the family left Marie the images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  Marie was placing Our Lady’s image on her chest as everyone else was praying for her.  Again, a prayer request was sent out for Marie via the email list.  Patricia said “Her health got better fast” with the blood clots going away and her condition got “Better Fast.”  There was no explanation why the sudden change of her medical condition getting “Better Fast.”  Marie was sent home only being in the hospital for 3 days.  Patricia said that she and her sisters believe “It was Our Lady’s intercession.” 
Miracle 2: Patricia is also a X-Ray technician at a hospital in the greater Detroit area.  Back in March, Patricia was making smaller images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy (wallet size), and having them laminated.  See below photos.  Patricia also had printed on the back, the message Our Lady of the Tear of Joy gave on January 28th, 2020, “My precious little children, many are in a panic with this new virus (Coronavirus).  My little ones, keep My image (photo) near you, wear your sacramentals, have your homes blessed and call out Me, your Heavenly Mother and I will intercede for you.  My little ones, do not fear for My Son and I are always with you.  I Bless you My little ones in My Son’s name”  Patricia also had printed below the message “Message from January 28th, 2020” and “This image is blessed.”  And others had the “Memorare Prayer” on the back.
At this same time in March, people were emailing me saying they either ordered and received Our Lady’s images or downloaded Our Lady’s image and printed it out, but could not get a Priest to bless them because of the covid lock down.  That is when I contact Fr. Sam in Ontario Canada, asking could he bless them and he said “Yes.”  Fr. Sam said that by his authority as an ordained Priest, he can bless sacramentals anywhere because, “God is everywhere and with God there is no distance.”   I sent out an email about this, giving the date and time on when Fr. Sam would do the blessing, and for everyone to be praying in unison and this was done.  It was also the same images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy that Patricia had made that were Blessed by Fr. Sam, as Patricia also prayed in unison.  Patricia said she was placing Our Lady’s images at the nurses work station and controlled areas where everyone would walk through.  Patricia said, all the images she had laid out were taken by the medical staff, they were carrying Our Lady’s image on them and “Their spirits were up and had a more positive attitude and were at peace.”  They also saw a decrease in Covid patients at this same time and some of employees were asking for more images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  Patricia B – St. Clair Shores, Michigan USA 
NOTE: Our Lady has said that if you have a Blessed image of Her, She is present in Her image and you are holding Her.  This fully explains why I have had numerous people tell me how they feel at peace having Our Lady’s image or some have told me their image comes alive to them, with the image actually tearing, or Her eye’s and or lips move.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————–> 

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on November 17th, 2020 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

NOTE: There are 2 parts of a message as to what occurred last night (Monday November 16th, 2020) at the Holy Mass of Reparation at Immaculate Conception Church.  Our Lady gave a message saying that She wanted Her statue of “Our Lady of Grace” to be brought to this Holy Mass and She would bestow a special Grace upon those who came to venerate Her.  People were then sending emails saying how they cannot make it, because of distance being so far away.  Our Lady gave a message saying that you are to send your Guardian Angel to this Holy Mass and your Guardian Angel will bring back to you, the same Graces Our Lady bestowed upon everyone at this Holy Mass.  The below message is from Our Lady, The Mother of God confirming this, AMEN!  
At this same Holy Mass was Kathy M and she has been getting messages from Our Lord and Our Lady for a period of time and she is under the spiritual direction of a Catholic Priest.  The spiritual director also approved to be released what Kathy saw and was told by Our Lady.  Below the message from Our Lady, is what Kathy saw during this Holy Mass.  People were standing in line and venerating the statue of Our Lady of Grace and it was so beautiful to see, AMEN!  

Message: “My children are to know, I heard your prayers to Me and I know your hearts.  Yes, I bestowed the same Graces upon you last night at this Holy Mass for those who sent their Guardian Angels.  I hear everything you tell Me My precious little ones, please know this.  My Son and I are always with you.  I love you My precious little ones and I Bless you in My Son’s name” 

What Kathy saw and was told by Our Lady: “I should tell you I saw Our Lady in the background when Father was giving the Holy Eucharist blessing and She was crying Tears of Joy as She looks at each one of Her children who first came to kneel before Her Divine Son and then went over to Her statue of Our Lady of Grace to venerate the Mother of God.  Then She said, “My children it is appropriate that Our Lady of Grace was brought here this evening because I have showered My grace is in abundance upon My children”
God Bless to all, Arrow >>>—————->

Dear Prayer Warriors, I wondered why my headaches and stomach discomfort was so consistent after trying several remedies.  On Tuesday around 3pm I decided to remove Our Lady’s image that I pinned on the wall and placed it on my head while reciting rosary.  After the prayer, I became so happy and all the pain calmed down.  I did that for my stomach during bed time and all got well, even when I just started medication today, Thursday.  Surely I had feared sharing it at first, but then realized that it happened truly, so why not share?  Seminarian Raphael Koko, Gulu – Uganda

I just want to share something nice with all of you.  Each morning as I start my daily prayers, I take the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and kiss it, then hold it to my left cheek to be kissed by Her.  This morning I could smell the light sweet fragrance of roses!  – Theresa

Thank you Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and all who prayed for her intercession!  My friend Ray, who was in the Covid unit of the hospital, is out, back at work and will be doing our Eucharistic Procession and Rosary Rally with us next weekend.  He said the doctors said he was the fastest COVID recovery!  Donna B




April 25th, 2020. Hi Arrow, My husband Tom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, plus his lymph nodes and had metastasized to his brain in July 2019.  We were devastated to say the least.  I have a wonderful prayer support group.  We went to Mary’s birthday party in October and Tom was in very bad shape but he wanted to go.  There we were given the Our Lady of the Tear prayer card.  That card with Our Lady’s picture on it, did not leave Toms side.  I’m happy to say, that his last brain scan on Tuesday showed the tumor completely gone.  His lung is clear and we are still working on the lymph nodes.  But his prognosis is very good.  Toms oncologist and neurosurgeon said that back in July they wouldn’t have never, ever thought this was possible.  Tom and I tell anyone who will listen about Our Lady of Tears.  I still catch  Tom being very quiet, taking the card our of his pocket and kissing the card.  Continue praying for us, that those stubborn lymph nodes get cancer free.  Praise be to Our Lord Jesus’s through Our Lady of Tear.  God Bless you Arrow and everyone who has prayer for Tom.  Patty and Tom L. – Taos, Missouri

NOTE: In this amazing miracle story, Patty talks about her husband Tom getting the prayer card (the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy), out of his pocket and kissing the card.  Our Lady of the Tear of Joy gave a message on March 7th, 2018 about kissing Her image (photo). 

“Tell them, some are afraid to place My image (photo) to their face.  Some are afraid they may smudge My image.  I want to kiss you, please know I want to be close to you.  I Love you and want to lead you to My Son” – Our Lady of the Tear of Joy  

April 24th, 2020: This week I asked for prayers for my failing vision.  You replied, In God’s time you will be healed.  With Rosary in hand and Tear of Joy over my eye, I already see improvement in my reading ability.  Praise to my Mother Mary for interceding with Her Son, so I may drive to church and help all the wonderful organizations of Immaculate Conception parish.  Paul M. – Ira Township, Michigan

April 22nd, 2020: Hello my dear friend, I have had sleep issues for the last 4 months, I have a lot of pain in my left leg at night it wakes me and keeps me up usually about 3-4 hour a night.  Last night I broke down and asked Her for relief as Our Mother Tear of Joy and placed the image on my leg.  Immediately the pain was gone, not lessened but just plain gone right at the very instant Her image touched my leg.  Never in my life have I had a physical experience like that; needles to say I went back to bed thanking, rejoicing and overwhelmed with generosity!  All I can say is WOW!  May God Bless you in everything!  Joe – Barnwell, South Carolina

April 9th, 2020.  I received a phone call from a woman by the name of Helen P from Venture California and with her permission I can share this true story.  She called me and said that she has been battling “Neck and Back” pain  and has been to the doctors with no resolve.  Helen had downloaded the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy from the website.  She went onto tell me how she had Our Lady’s image in her “Prayer folder” and recently got Her image out, placed Our Lady’s image on her face and said and I quote, “Mom, please take care of it.”  She said an immediate calmness came over her and the pain was gone and as of our conversation today, she is still relieved from the pain.  She told me that she always calls Our Blessed Mother, “Mom” and she calls Jesus, “Papa.”  I can speak  for my team, there are miracles occurring around the world that simply are not getting back to us, with my whole heart and soul I believe this.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>———–>

Dear Arrow,

On this Easter Sunday in Ireland, I am very happy to share good news with you.
Since joining Our Lady of Perpetual Light prayer group two weeks ago, and encouragement from Our Lady of the tear of joy – I prayed for a few hours today asking Our Lady for a ‘visible sign’ to one single question:-
– Immaculate Queen – do you need me to be a part of Our Lady of the tear of joy?
I looked at the Our Lady of the tear of joy just 3 hours ago – and there is oil weeping on the inside of the picture frame on both sides.
Also, the rosary beads from Medjugorje – again gifted through Our Lady of the tear of joy (and yet to be prayed with) have started to change from silver to gold.
Thank you Arrow for bringing Our Lady of the tear of joy into so many people’s lives.
Thank you Our Lady for proof that you are with us.
All praise, glory and honour to our King, Jesus Christ on this Easter Sunday 2020.
Dublin, Ireland

Miracle story of our Lady of the Tear of Joy

Dear brothers and sisters,

I wanted to share yet another Miracle of our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

I was personally touched and healed through our Lady of the Tear of Joy after placing our Mother’s image on my head after Holy Mass.

The bulging in my left and right hernias went completely away and my surgery was very successful, which I’m currently healing from.

After my miracle took place and before I went out of work for my surgery, I wanted to share our Lady’s image and the miracle that took place with a couple co-workers.

As I told my dear friend Vincenza M my miraculous healing story, I began to cry and so did she! I mentioned what our Lady of the Tear of Joy did for me and she was awestruck. She is a fellow believer in our Blessed Mother and Catholic too.

She told me, which I did not know of her personal life, her Aunt Maria C was struggling with cancer, Bone Cancer. I told Vincenza to give the image of our Lady of the Tear of Joy to her aunt and have her pray our Lady’s Memorare pray and ask for healing.

When Vincenza visited her Aunt Maria after I had given her our Lady’s image, her aunt was told by her doctor’s that her cancer was back.

Vincenza said that she and her aunt sat at her kitchen table, held our Lady of the Tear of Joy in her hand, and they both prayed our Mother’s Memorare prayer together.

Vincenza said that her Aunt Maria was praying our Mother’s Memorare prayer after their encounter and went on to ordering, for her family and friends, the image of our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

Well, It has been a month since I gave the image of our Lady of the Tear of Joy to Vincenza. This morning I received a text message from Vincenza. She mentioned that her Aunt Maria had to go for several tests concerning her cancer. Her Aunt Maria called Vincenza and told her that her cancer is in remission!

When I heard this I jumped for joy! Another miracle story of our Lady of the Tear of Joy! I was so happy, so grateful, I went before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and gave him thanks and praise!

I glorified our Blessed Trinity and I thanked our Blessed Mother also!

To all of you that are reading this, imagine how all of us can transform the face of the earth during our current crises with our Lady of the Tear of Joy!

Both Vincenza M and her Aunt Maria C are residents of Macomb County, Michigan.

Through Mary our Lady of the Tear of Joy


God Bless to all.  2 Miracle healing stories were sent into me today of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. 

First healing story: Yesterday (March 26th, 2020), I was on the phone with Evelyn M. in Caskill, New York.  Evelyn is the woman who is in charge of the Catholic retreat center, “Anthony’s banquet hall” in Leeds New York and I will be speaking there May 30th.  I spoke to Evelyn again today and got more detail information because of the below email she sent me.  Evelyn said she had been battling a severe infection behind her eye, went to her ear and now infected her throat and she described the pain as being horrible.  I had put Evelyn on the email prayer request list also.
After speaking to Evelyn again today, she said that she had taken the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and was placing Our Lady’s image on her face and praying to Her.  She said the pain “Stopped” and she told me, “Our Lady healed me and the pain is still gone.”  I then told Evelyn how people are now putting the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on their front doors of their homes and she then said, “I have already done it, and so are other people.”  She then said, “Arrow, you need to get a helicopter and fly over New York City and drop Our Lady’s images down on everyone, they need Her.”  
Evelyn’s email letter to me: “Hi Arrow, listen, a little time after our final call yesterday, all of a sudden, all pain left me, as of right now it is gone, it could not have been the meds, I only took four days of it and it was not doing that better, I believe the prayers and Our Lady did this, I am so relieved, I hate taking pills especially antibiotics anymore, so thank you Jesus, Our Lady, you and your prayer warriors….. I am claiming this healing and it is mine…. big hug, Sister in Christ, Evelyn”
Second healing story: Recently, I put out a prayer request for a man by the name of Terry and his condition was rapidly going down hill and they were giving him 48 hours to live.  Then I got an email today stating his condition totally turned around and he was getting better, it was nothing more than a miracle I was told.  I spoke to Terry’s wife today, Mary Jo H. from White Lake Michigan and she goes to the Rosary every Wednesday with myself, Stan and the group.  
Mary Jo told me the following.  Her husband Terry had a massive brain bleed back in December and was in surgery for 6 hours. He was placed in a nursing home and had a feeding tube in his stomach because of a severe blockage, had a tracheal tube in his throat and another tube inserted into his body for the medications.  Mary Jo said he was in bad shape.  Then only a few days ago, his condition rapidly declined and I had put out a prayer request for him because they were giving him 48 hours to live and the family was coming in to say their goodbyes.  Mary Joe said she had taken a picture of Fr. Solanus Casey and the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and placed it in Terry’s bed next to him she had also placed Our Lady’s image under Terry’s pillow.  
Mary Jo said, that while all of this was going on, while she was at home, and she was taking the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and placing it on her throat and her stomach and by proxy, praying for her husband Terry.  Then…….. suddenly today, his condition rapidly got better and Mary Jo said that by next week, he should be able to be transferred back to the nursing home.  Mary Jo said, “It was Mary and Fr. Solanus.”  Mary Jo said that when she gets the chance, she is passing out Our Lady’s image to everybody and when her husband was in the nursing home, she had Our Lady’s image on the wall so he could see Her.  Mary Jo said, “He had 48 hours to live, this is a miracle, what else could it be.”  
God Bless to all, both today and FOREVER, Arrow >>>————>

I recently sent out the past message Our Lady of the Tear of Joy gave on January 16th, 2019, “My little ones, I want My image (photo) in your homes and I will bless your homes……..”  I then received one email message from a woman showing me a picture how she had put the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on the front of her door of her home with the image of “The Divine Mercy Jesus.”  Then I received another and then another email showing me the same.  I called the spiritual director for Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and with his permission, I am asking everyone to take the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and place Her on the front door of your homes, so Our Lady will bless our homes.

In addition to Our Lady saying She will bless our homes, there is one person Our Lord will NOT say no to, and that is His Mother.  When we honor His Mother, it brings Blessings down upon all those who do from Her Son, Our Lord and Savior.  I asked the spiritual director if he would like to send out a blessing instruction for people to say for those who will be getting or printing out Our Lady’s image to put on their door and they cannot find a priest to bless Our Lady’s image.  He said to simply follow the same instructions Fr. Chris gave in his video about blessing the Divine Mercy image of Jesus, if you cannot find a Priest to bless the image.
Fr. Chris said, “The catechism teaches that Lay people, on count of their baptismal priesthood, may actually administer certain blessings.  With the image in front of you, make the sign of the cross and say, O Lord I seek your blessing upon this image, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.” 
Our Lady of the Tear of Joy also gave a message that if you live in a part of the world, where a priest is not available to bless the image you have of Her, by printing it out or having it made, Our Lady knows your heart and the image (photo) you have of Her, will have the same Blessings as being Blessed by a Priest.  
If you don’t have Our Lady’s image you can print one out immediately, go to Our Lady’s website of, “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” or www.tearofjoy.net  Once you bring up the cover story, at the top is a page selection of “Order the Image.”  Click on this page and scroll down and you will see instructions on clicking and printing out a beautiful 5×7 image of Our Lady.  Then simply have Her Blessed or you yourself if no priest is available, and put Our Lady’s image on the front door of your home.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>———->
“If you ever feel distressed during your day, call upon Our Lady, just say this simple prayer: Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now!  I must admit, this prayer has never failed me.” – Saint Mother Teresa   

MIRACLE STORY OF OUR LADY OF THE TEAR OF JOY: Hi Arrow, just wanted to let you know that a couple months ago I had given a few pictures of Our Lady Tear of Joy to a friend of mine at Church.  He told me he had a friend that was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing chemotherapy.  She is a young mother and it’s just devastated by this news.  He gave her Our Lady’s photo and told her to pray the Memorare.  He just called me tonight to tell me that her doctors told her she is cancer-free.  Her test came back negative.  Thank you Our Lady Tear of Joy.  Your friend, Anne

I just sent the below email story out, but I forgot to enclose, the following, so I am please resending this miracle story out again, with what Anne just emailed back to me.  When a miracle is sent to me, I try to the best of my ability, to confirm every miracle and speak to those directly involved.  I emailed Anne asking her was it the image (photo) of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy she was making reference to, as far as her healing.  She emailed me back saying, “Hi Arrow, yes, I am talking about the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  I never knew of it’s existence until my friend told me she prayed in that way.  I am grateful. Anne” 

I am writing to tell you of how our Lord healed me through the miraculous photo. I am a Catholic evangelist and author and during this Corona virus situation I began feeling ill… though living in Upstate NY I have been in quarantine for two weeks already. I had a bad cough and sore throat and I was going from bad to worse rapidly.
During this time I was scheduled to  provide an inspirational face book live video on the topic of the Sacrec Heart. I didn’t want to skip it so I went on but had to tell the viewers that I  sick and it was obvious I was struggling to talk.
One of the viewers unknown to me , Of course, placed the image to my forehead on the screen in her living room. 
The next morning I was completely fine! No more cough or sore throat. My energy was completely restored and I didn’t feel sick at all! This was after 6 days of getting progressively worse! 
I am offering Memorare’s and prayers of thanksgiving to my Blessed Mother and her Son. 
I am just now learning about the whole story of this apparition  and the miraculous image but wanted to share with you what happened for me through the loving act of someone else.
Anne Costa


Dear Brothers & sisters in Christ & His Mother….

I was away from my hometown – Bangalore at another city – Chennai for 3 reasons… 1) my maid’s daughter’s 5th birthday 2) an invitation to an engagement of a friend and 3) my dad’s death anniversary…. not to waste this trip, I had taken along with me 1) 25 brown scapulars 2) Miraculous medals & crucifixes 3) rosaries 4) A4 size images of Rosa Mystica & St.Michael with prayers on the reverse of the images 5) about 20 Miraculous Images of Our Lady the Tear of Joy and a few Green scapulars to b distributed at Chennai.

Allow me to mention my train tickets up & down were paid for by my Lady friend who had come down ftom the US for her adopted son’s engagement.

As I was sceptical about making it for the engagement since I felt like a fever and a slight cold-like symptoms coming on.. I had told my friend I may not make it in order to b safe rather than sorry.

To cut a long story short she insisted that I must attend the engagement of this orphan boy and I eventually but reluctantly made it.  We returned the same evening.  As much as I was late for my scheduled livestream at 5.30pm India time, I was able to do the prayer 3 hours later.

The same night I got a message from the railways intimating that my return ticket for March 23 was cancelled due to the Corona virus scare.  On checking TV news channels I confirmed that many trains and buses were cancelled.

Being inconvenienced of not being fully focused on my livestream prayer due to no proper altar, disturbances from children crying and playing around, I just wanted to get back to my home only to be able to pray.  Any which way I needed to get back despite the lockdown and section 144 imposed.

I spoke to Our Lady the Tear of Joy and told her any which way she’s got to take me back home.  I came to the station at 3.00am taking a hair-line chance.  To my shock I read the news that 195 trains were cancelled and off the tracks. The electronic display board was filled with cancellations…

I still didnt buckle in….. my son checked online  and was able to get me a seat  by the first train.  Still a feeling of sceptism filled the air around and within me …. as things were changing at breakneck speed….

Our Lady the Tear of Joy was a Mother to me too and read the pain in my heart and desire to get back home ONLY TO BE ABLE YO PRAY… She ensured I was on this train.  And believe me, She made me so comfortable to the extent the coach had barely 20 passengers and the seat next to me was vacant which means I had 2 seats for myself 😁😁.

My altar was my handbag where I had placed the Image of Our Lady the Tear of Joy in the train and I started praying the mememore.  So far completed 400 memorares!!!!!!.

If this is not a miracle with Our Lady’s hand in it…. then I dont know what is.

There were sooooooo many praying that I get back home as was my desire and not be in a catch 22 situation….

I very specially thank my dear Brother Arrow, my friend Carole Tomlinson – who is battling cancer….. shes having such unbearable pain in her bones and she offered up her pain for me to reach home safely….. isn’t this beautiful ?

On the same note, I must thank another friend Crystal Mitchele for worrying about my safety and prayed without ceasing that I get on the train and not encounter any hiccups midway….

I must thank another friend Johnsy Justin for her encouragement, support, positivity and prayers as well.

Please dear Brothers and sisters in Christ… trust me it is not a picture or a coloured print on card paper that you see before you …. it is a Miraculous Image of Our Lady the Tear of Joy and SHE IS ALIVE if you look into Her eyes WITH FAITH AND EYES OF A BELIEVER.  Ask her, talk to Her and she will search your heart while she gazes deeply into you….

Ave Maria… thank you Mother of mine and no matter the flak that comes my way….. I will do whatever it takes to make you known and propagate devotion to you.

Would like to end my testimony with this …. When I saw a Catholic priest bless the couple, I hastened to him and asked him given the current crisis father, I would like to make my confession in order to be in a state of grace and he unhesitantingly agreed to hear my confession and absolved me of my sins….. isn’t this beautiful dear friends!!!

Dear brother in Christ,

Today I went into what I call the “Hot zone/public!” I had to do some shopping today.
Well, this is how I carried our Lady of the Tear of Joy with me.
I carried my wallet with our Mother’s image resting on the top of my wallet for anyone and all to see; especially the evil one.
No evil came near my tent and our Mother gave me complete confidence and reassurance that nothing evil would befall me carrying her image while being exposed to so many shoppers!
I was at complete peace and nothing bothered me!
I plan on getting our Mother’s image of the Tear of Joy laminated and wearing her attached to a chain, as her image lays across my chest.
Through our Lady of the Tear of Joy 🌹



Mass at Father Espers

Hello, yesterday I attended a Mass at Father Espers for the victims of the Coronavirus.  After Mass, parishioners were invited to place a blessed picture of Our Lady, Tear of Joy on our foreheads.  I did not hesitate to participate.  Seconds after placing and praying with Our Mother’s blessed picture on my forehead, an incredible heavenly feeling of peace, joy and calm came over my entire body.  I ask Our Mother to heal my dual hernias I have in my left and right groin areas.  My hernia areas are not anywhere as bulging as once before!  Even my wife admits to this!  I need to talk to either Father Esper or my parish priest.  I’m wondering if I should cancel my hernia surgery this coming March 5th and continue to ask Our Mother for complete healing!
Praise God, now and forever!
Fred Lopiccolo


God Bless to all.  I received in the mail today (not email) a beautiful hand written letter (see below) from a woman by the name of Kathy B from Chesterfield

Michigan.  Her beautiful hand written letter explains it all, “Thanked Jesus and Mary for hearing my urgent request.”  God Bless to all, to you and all of your love ones, Arrow >>>————>
Letter: “I had to visit the Dr for what I thought was low blood pressure.  After the nurse finished questioning me, my blood pressure was taken and it was 150/110.  The Dr advise me to stay and relax before taking it again sometime later.  Now it was 180/110!  I didn’t want to spend the afternoon in the ER.  Again, they told me to lay still and relax.  I found my Our Lady Tear of Joy holy card and recited the Memorare 9 times.  I kissed her and promised to write a testimony if my blood pressure would go down.  After 15 minutes or so they took it again, it was 141/88.  I was relieved and thanked Jesus and Mary for hearing my urgent request.  Kathy B – Michigan


Here is a link to a beautiful video telling the story of Our Lady –

Click below to view:

Preview YouTube video Miracle! Virgin Mary appears in this polaroid photo!

A testimony via WhatsApp from an age-old family friend by name Byrdth Cowie, in her late 70s.  I had told her about the Image of our Lady and as she doesn’t have a laptop and/or desktop, I not only shared the Miraculous image and story on WhatsApp but in addition courierd to her one Image together with the story along with 2 brown scapulars.  Her testimony below……

Quote:: “””Yes Christine, I get the fragrance of Our Lady very often, especially when I handle or even look at the Image of our Blessed mother of The Tear of Joy…and each time I even glimpse at her Image, I say the Memorare …do this I feel is the CORE attachment to this devotion…THE MEMORARE…Let’s not forget this ..🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹❤“” Unquote.

This is the testimony from Michael age 65 year old man from the UK who was suffering from very painful Arthritis for many years and couldn’t walk.  When I first started my livestream prayer video, he was my first participant and he was very broke man with a lot of pain, misery losses and despair.

Glancing at his desperate cries for help on the screen, soon after I finished my livestream, I pinged him and we chatted.  I sent him the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and told him firs to read the story and come back to me.  Soon after he read the story, he was back in a flash of lightening asking me to send him the image and the he will pray the “Memorare.”  I sent him the image, told him to have it printed, laminated and not to pray to it until and unless he gets a Catholic priest to bless the image.
Yes and he did as I advised and he started praying to Mother and he has been a regular participant on my livestream since.  His testimony on my livestream yesterday, February 18th, 2020 is hared below:
Quote:  “Today I feel very much comfortable, no arthritis pain it’s gone.  Mother of Tear of Joy helped me… It’s a miracle cure.  Thank you very much holy Mother, my arthritis is healed.  I couldn’t walk two weeks ago, I couldn’t keep my feet on the ground.  Holy Mother of Tear of Joy, thank you very much.  I am praying for all of them mentioned.  Please cry form your heart looking at the picture of Mother of Tear of Joy, She will touch you now.  She touched me, my Arthritis is gone, I have thrown all the pain killers.  I was taking 500 mg naproxen, I don’t need it anymore.  Arthritis patients cannot go through this freezing cold weather in UK, I don’t feel . any pain.”  Unquote
Bangalore – India
Cell +91 98400 32539
Email: chrisy1412@gmail.com

The unbelievable and yet BELIEVABLE…..
Every evening I do a livestream prayer on facebook and pray for my contacts needing prayers for their illnesses and problems…. after I received the Holy Image of Our Lady of Tear of Joy, I started to pray 9 memorares at the end of my livestream before the miraculous Image of Our Lady Tear of Joy.  Before going on livestream I always block all the frequent callers so that I am not disturbed during the livestream.
Today after blocking everyone including this hindu family, I received a call on my whatsapp from the Mother of the girl enquiring how I was. (Little did I expect her to call me on whatsapp, but I guess she must have tried my cell # and finding no connection she reached me on whatsapp).
After a few words her husband took the phone from her and introduced himself to me…. His name is Ramalingam (in short …Ram). He started off by saying and I quote …. “”Hi my name is Ramalingam…. I want to say….. ever since my wife brought this picture of Mother Mary to our home, I have been noticing positive things happening with my daughter’s studies and whenever I look at this picture and think in my mind of some difficulties, I’m getting positive results…. unqote”””” as he was talking with me, I was having very strong goosebumps on my hands and a chill running down my spine.
I told him and I quote … “”” If u have the time, you may come to my home tomorrow… Sunday and I asked him if his will daughter will say a prayer if I give her the prayer””. Unquote….He said… “”sure, but can we come to your house at 6.30pm today after my daughter returns from special class””” I said sure, I will b waiting for you.
Soon after my prayers I went to my laptop to take a print out of the memorare prayer and strangely the electricity went off.  I knew this was not the usual thing and that it was the work of the evil one.  I kept on repeating the memenorae (for I dont know how many times) and luckily this family also delayed in coming which worked for the good.   It took about 45 minutes to an hour for the electricity to be back.  No sooner the electricity was back the family reached.
As they stepped in,  the father of the girl (seen in the picture) said   “”” there is so much vibration here… I never felt like this in any of the churches or Christian gatherings I have been to…. “” I then showed them my home and both of my chapels…. he experienced the same vibrance in my main chapel as well.
I brought them to the sitting and told them the story of the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Tear of Joy.   He then told me of how he has been having calmness and peacefulness after his wife brought the image to their home.  He said he has been feeling so positive and peaceful.  He said his concern and worry was his daughter’s vision.  She has a vision problem but he has not elaborated on it.  I asked him to send me a message on my whatsapp on his experience after Mother entered their home and a detailed diagnosis of his daughter’s vision.
This my friends is a strong testimony that sooner or later this family will b converted and the daughter’s vision will b restored.  I also gave them miraculous oil of St.Peregrine to apply on her eye.
In conclusion, all 3 of them said they will pray the memorare once daily.
Picture of the family attached.
Please pray for this family: Ramalingam, Pallavi and Manisvi
Thank you
Bangalore- India


Sent a prayer request few days ago about a relative named Celene!  Prayers answered thank to all for the prayers!  She had the Tear of Joy picture, plus the Blessed water from Our Lady’s Farm!  Thank you all so much


God Bless to all.  Yesterday (February 3rd), I received a phone call from a woman by the name of Mary D. in Toronto Canada inquiring how to more of the images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  She then proceeded to tell me how her husband had miraculous healing from his cancer.  Well today (February 4th) Mary called me back and gave me a more detail account as to the healing and with hear permission, I can share this story.  The following is what she told me on the phone.

In December, my husband Robert had several test done, MRI and blood work, all indicating he had prostate cancer.  We had the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and my husband was placing the image on himself and we would say the Memorare prayer together and he also kept the image in his pocket.  Recently, they did a biopsy and another MRI and everything came back negative and he his cancer free, and they have no explanation for it, but we know it was Our Lady’s intercession.  Mary D – Toronto Canada 

February 1st, 2020:  On Thursday (January 30th, 2020), I put out a prayer request  for a man by the name of Eduardo Ramos who was having heart issues and was in the hospital and his daughter Diana G texted me asking me to put out a prayer request for him.  Today (February 1st, 2020), Diana texted me, “Hi brother!  My dad is back home.  Angiogram came back perfect!  Thank you for the prayers.”  I called Diana whom also works in the medical field and she told me the following details.  Her dad’s heart rate was dropping and he had all the symptoms of a heart attack.  The doctors suspected a clot or obstruction to the heart.  The doctors wanted him to get into the hospital and he was admitted on Tuesday and on Wednesday, Diana took the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to him, they all said the Memorare prayer and her dad (Eduardo), kept holding the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  On Thursday they did the angiogram and Diana said, “It came back perfect, clean as a whistle and I do believe it was Our Mother’s intercession and for me, it’s a miracle.”  He stayed one more night in the hospital and was discharged on Friday.  She went onto say how her dad owns 200 acres of vineyards and was out in the field working.  Diana G, – Kingsburg, California

God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————>

January 29th, 2020: OUR LADY OF THE TEAR OF JOY, TOUCHING THE HEART OF A MAN.   A few days ago I was traveling down the interstate to visit a friend and I stopped at a rest area.  Walking inside the building I saw a man sitting on a bench with a sign between his legs reading “Stranded need money,etc.  I stopped read at “need money” because I didn’t have any cash on me.  I went on into the restroom thinking to myself he needs help, I could see a desperate look on his face, but what could I do?  Then the thought came to me, to give him the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy that I had in my purse.
Coming out of the restroom, I walked up to him and said, “I don’t have any cash to give you, but are you a Christian?  He replied, “Yes I am.”  I then gve him the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and the look on his face was priceless.  Our Lady was touching his heart.  I told him the short version of the story and how there were many miracles with this image.  I turned the image over in his hands and showed him the Memorare prayer and told him it has never been known to fail.  As I was walking out of the building, I looked back and saw him reading the prayer.  As I drove off to return on the interstate, I said a Memorare prayer for him.  God Blessings, Rose – Batesville Indiana

Miracles Do Happen

                                                                                                                                                                                                               On October 30, 2019, my husband went to the hospital with severe abdominal pain.  The Emergency Room doctor diagnosed him as having a “large duodenal diverticulum” near the small bowel.  Upon discharge, they instructed him to see a surgeon or a gastroenterologist.  Several weeks later he saw his gastroenterologist.  Being concerned over the hospitals findings his doctor scheduled a colonoscopy on December 2, 2019.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               On November 30, 2019, we met with Fr. Joe Esper for blessings for my husband and myself.  As we were walking out of the church there stood this women in a tiny vestibule with Our Lady Tear of Joy prayer card in her hand.  She handed us the prayer card and said “I think you need this”. I began to cry because she had know idea what we were both going through emotionally and health wise. Her gesture touched our hearts.  On the drive home I kept on feeling that God sent this angel to us to share the word about Our Lady Tear of Joy.  Having no knowledge about Our Lady Tear of Joy I went on the website to read the beautiful story behind the photograph.  For the next 2 nights we both said the Memorare prayer and placed the holy card with Our Lady’s picture on my husband abdomen.
On December 2, 2019, my husband had his colonoscopy.  The doctor came out and told us that he didn’t find anything.  He said whatever they imaged at the hospital was no longer there.  Praise God and Our Lady!  Between the prayers of Father Esper and Our Lady Tear of Joy’s intervention a miracle had occurred!
With gratitude and in thanksgiving,
Joann and Bob
Macomb, Michigan
PS We continue to pray together every evening to Our Lady Tear of Joy for a miraculous healing for my kidney disease, hypertension and type II diabetes.  I humbly ask all for their prayers in Jesus Name.  Joann.

A great story and example of Mary’s presence



An extraordinary thing happened to me today after reading the “Tears of Joy” story. I wouldn’t call it a miraculous healing or conversion that I know of, but it was definitely extraordinary.
I am a delivery driver by trade. I usually go to adoration at Saint Louis church in Batesville, Indiana, every Tuesday and Thursday. It is not my home parish, nor do I even know anyone there. It is where I work and I can go in on my lunch.
Today I went (on a Wednesday instead) to pray on the anniversary of Roe v Wade.
As I went in, I noticed one of your cards and picked it up because I do not have the Memorare memorized.
Also, Mary Un-tier of knots is on my mind a lot lately for various reasons.
I have a Tears of Joy card at home, and don’t usually pick up such things and keep them, so I planned to put it back.
I prayed the Memorare as well as Mary un-doer of knots. I asked Mary to untie some knots going on with me, as well as any I might encounter in my day.
I ran into a big problem in my work day, which was going to cause me to have a very unhappy customer. My boss even called them and explained that I wasn’t going to be able to take care of them due to circumstances beyond our control.
He told me that he was indeed unhappy.
A strange thing happened, and some other circumstances occurred. Another customer of mine that I see every day heard my problem, and offered to help. He is not catholic or even remotely religious. He just likes me.
As a result of his help, I was able to now take care of this other customer.
I go out to my truck, tell my boss to call them back and tell them the good news. I look up their address and they live on SAINT MARY’S ROAD. Mary untied the knot and told me she did.
I get to the customer and discover that she is catholic, so I tell her this whole story. She tells me “that is exactly what I needed to hear today.” I reach in my pocket to get a form I need her to sign, and there is the card. I hand it to her and say “well I don’t usually grab these, but I guess I did. Maybe it was for you.”
She smiled and agreed it was.
Thought you’d enjoy.
Picture of card in the adoration chapel included
Picture of my delivery map included



Our Lady’s picture!
God Bless you!
During Advent we saw a real tear from Our Lady’s eye.
Donna Kevin and Emma


January 18th, 2020.  God Bless to all.  I received only a few minutes ago, a phone call from Fr. Sam from Ridgetown Ontario Canada.  When I see his name pop up on my screen, I don’t care who I am talking to or what I am doing, I answer.  I have a lot of people added to my email list over the last several months.  For those who do not know Fr. Sam, he had a miracle healing with the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and his testimony is posted on the “Testament” page on the website of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  I have known him for several years and he is a priest with many gifts given to him by Our Lord Jesus for his ministry here and  he is also on fire about the mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.

He proceeded to tell me that this morning at his Cenacle meeting in Canada, a woman came up to him and was adamant that her image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy was weeping.  She told Fr. Sam, “A single tear of joy rolled down her face on the photo.”  I have said, as well as others also, there are miracles occurring, both physical healings and spiritual conversions that simply are not getting back to us.  I have also been told that, this miracle image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, is the fastest miracle story traveling all over the world, and that is so very true by the people logging onto the website of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy from around the world.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>———>   

Our Lady of the Tear of Joy in Jerusalem

I received a text message from Fr. Stephen Leake.  He is a priest that I met in Medjugorje and he also came to the birthday party in Cincinnati on September 8th, 2018 in honor of Our Lady’s Feast day and he truly believes in the miracle of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  He is in the Holy Land and texted me the below story with photos of him taking Our Lady’s image to the Holy Land.  The first photo where Our Lady’s image is laid on a star, Fr Stephen wrote, “I am in Jerusalem my friend.  I placed Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on the site of the crucifixion of Christ in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher!”  The other photo in where you can see his hand, Fr. Stephen wrote, “On the anointing stone of Jesus where the women prepared His body.”  Fr. Stephen ended his text with, “I have Mass at the tomb of Christ on January 8th.  I will be praying for your mission!”  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————–>         

Dear Arrow,
    Many prayed for my Grandson who was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, Autism.  Thank you Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  He had Occupational therapy and no longer has this diagnosis.  Many doctors over diagnose but I believe he was healed because of so many prayers!  They are amazed in how well he is doing.  My daughter-in-law is talking about going back to the Catholic Church and getting my grandchildren baptized!  Blessed mother hears our prayer!  I always keep Blessed Mother Tears of Joy at my bedside.
Amen, Amen & Amen!
Thank you all who prayed.


My name is Mike ,  from Sacramento California. I would like to share with you what happened to my picture of Our Lady Tear of Joy. I downloaded it after reading the story from Michael Brown’s Spirit Daily website the other day.

After I downloaded the picture I was not totally convinced because the indicated tear on her left eye could really be a reflection. Nevertheless, I made some copies, pasted the Memorare prayer on the back, and distributed them to family members. I also left some copies in the Blessed Sacrament Room. I told myself that propagating devotion to our Mother Mary is a good thing, even if the purported tear on the picture is just a reflection.

This morning while on the way out to drive my wife to her daily radiation therapy, I kissed the framed picture of Mother Mary, then placed her image on my left face to allow her to kiss me back “physically.” Then I noticed a drop of tear flowing from her right eye. I watched in amazement as the droplet of tear started to flow down.

I grabbed my cellphone and was able to catch two pictures of the teardrop before it could disappear on the bottom of the frame. Attached is the overall picture of my altar where it is displayed, and the actual picture of the teardrop from Mother Mary as it happened this morning. It was a big confirmation for me.

I can now truthfully say without a doubt that – yes, the original picture has the actual tear and not a reflection, and yes, as a Good Mother, she cares and responds to our prayers.

To Jesus through Mary Our Mother,


December 25th, 2019.  There is a woman by the name of Dana and she is 8 months pregnant and she is having early contractions and has been in pain.  Her mother in law, Mary whom I am very close to, took the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to Dana and placed Our Lady’s image on Dana’s stomach.  Both Dana and Mary said the image of Our Lady became “Very Warm” and this is the presence of Our Lady.  I have seen it happen before, that when a person is holding a relic of a Saint, it actually becomes so “Very Warm” and this is a indication of the presence of that Saint.  So, this is the presence of Our Lady.

Phil Wayes from Pennsylvania called me and he is simply on fire for Our Lady’s mission.  Phil told me that recently he felt compelled to give the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to a woman just after church and she had just gotten in her car.  Phil gave her the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and the woman told Phil after looking at Our Lady’s image, “I never had a connection to Our Blessed Mother before,  but this gives me peace, I needed this.”

“My child, tell My precious little ones, when they hold My image (photo), they are holding Me and I will touch their hearts” Our Lady of the Tear of Joy message – April 23rd, 2019

So, yes Our Lady immediately touched this woman’s heart, bringing her peace.  This is only confirmation from Our Lady’s message.   

Riding along with the kids as they take Baby Charlotte to be Baptized! She will be baptized in the formal Orthodox tradition.

She is very peaceful here, nevertheless i did notice a teensie tear on her right cheek, and i felt a strong urge from Our Lady asking me to let her kiss this beautiful baby, about to be cleansed in the waters of Baptism and welcomed i to His glorious Kingdom!

Then i looked at my emails and saw today’s beautiful meditation – Our Blessed Mother notices every tear: tired and weary tears, sorrow’s tears, tears of joy, even the smallest tears!

Reflections on the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy

Scripturally quoted
(Title received on the Feast of the Assumption 2019)
The Image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy so beautifully captures a love so deep that it penetrates straight to the heart.  Thus, lighting up the most luminescent votive of pure Joy for Our Mother who was given to us on Calvary’s hill by the everlasting light of the world.  (I am the light of the world…)  John 8:12
Her Eyes pronounced displaying deep, natural shadows from the Almighty Father above, so delighted in His most Holy and perfect creation!!  (The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you Mary)  Luke 1:35
Her head tilted downward in humble submission and in continuous prayer for the Fathers Will.  (Our Father who art in Heaven…Thy Will be done)  Matthew 6:9-13
Her eyes focused towards Her children with a simple tear beginning its flow from Her left eye and beneath the tear an illuminating sign of the Divine presence of Her Son.  Together creating a reflective pool with water and light reminding us how close He truly is to His Mother and how She is able to bring Him to us, always proclaiming His Love and Mercy for us!!  (I am the light of the world, he who comes to Me will not thirst)  John 8:12 
So, this is no ordinary tear, but in combination with Our Lady’s sorrowful tears comes forth a new single Tear of Joy!!  A type of reversing from sorrow to Joy, but also in combination never to be separated, but a clear promise of hope and love that a New Dawn is near!!  
A Mother, so pleased with Her children that She has been granted the grace to give a self-image or picture by way of a modern device, however (ancient to God), to bring us this face of true and natural beauty.  The appearance that many women strive for through the application and art of makeup.  The Most gracious Virgin Mary offering us protection and intercession through an act and free will of fleeing to Her with confidence during times of darkness, sin and sorrow.  (Memorare prayer)  
Her lips tainted with red, a reminder of the sorrow She endured as She kissed Her Son during His agony and pain while carrying the cross.  And act of love so deep, and a message of love placed upon Him in order that He could bare our sins in His body upon the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness for by His wounds we are healed.  1 Peter 2:24
Sweet Mother of Mercy, comforting the poor and banished children of Eve!!  O most gracious advocate who has answered the call of Her children and has turned Her eyes of Mercy towards us!!  She so lovingly brings us the Blessed fruit of Her Son by way of miraculous healing’s given through an Image most pure etched by the very hand of God.  (Hail Holy Queen…and the Memorare prayer)  
I can only imagine and hope Our Lady will put forth more Tears of Joy as a surprise for us all on our journey, so that we can spread Her message and awaken others to the Love Our Heavenly Mother wants to give us.  
So, when you look at THOSE EYES, shining radiantly down on us, remember this Image is truly the Treasure of His Grace and if displayed in our homes, along with recitation of the Holy Rosary can bring us the greatest peace and joy.  
Inspired by Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  Written by an anonymous handmaiden and servant to the HANDMAIDEN HERSELF.  Joel 2:29 
Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope.  To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve.  To Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.  Turn then most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.  O clement!  O loving!  O sweet Virgin Mary!  Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.  That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.  Amen
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to Thy protection, implored Thy help, or sought Thy intercession was left unaided.  Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto Thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to Thee do I come; before Thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful.  O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in Thy mercy hear and answer me.  Amen

In a message given by Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, She said She wants us to kiss Her image (the original or even a Blessed copy) and She will give you a kiss back.  When you kiss Our Lady’s image, you then place Her on the left side of your cheek and She will give you a kiss back.  Our Lady stands to your left, and Our Lord stands to your right.  This is Yves, he is the English editor of the Michael Journal publication which is printed out of Canada.  Yves told me how when he was kissing Our Lady’s image, he said, “I could feel Our Lady’s presence and kissing me back.”  

I had NUMEROUS people also tell me the same thing, when they came up to venerate Our Lady’s image, they could feel Our Lady’s presence.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————>


Where does one even start when you talk about Our Lady, the “Mother of God.”  This is just one story that occurred tonight.  With Gary’s permission (the man in the photo) I can share this beautiful story.  This is Gary from Rockland Massachusetts and this is his “True story” that he shared with me.  Gary told me how when he was a young child, he was a victim of a very horrific event.  As this was going on, Gary told me how a most beautiful woman appeared next to him, telling him, “You are special, you’ve been chosen” and was consoling him and was actually stroking his hair.  Gary went onto say how the woman was so very beautiful.

Gary said he became a Protestant minister and he and his wife then converted over to the Catholic faith.  Gary said that when he walked in the conference room this afternoon and saw the 2 large canvas prints of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, he told me, “That is the beautiful woman who came to me when I was a young child telling me I am special and I have been chosen.”  Fr. Grey came to my talk from Rhode Island.  He is 87 years “Young” and I had several people tell me he is a most Holy and Powerful Priest with special gifts and that was evident when I was even speaking to him privately.  After my talk, I asked Fr. Grey if he would have the honor of holding the original image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and the people would come up and kiss and venerate the original image of Our Lady and Fr. Grey gladly accepted and he was also blessing people with Our Lady’s image.
As Gary came up and knelt down and Fr. Grey handed Gary Our Lady’s image, Gary kissed Our Lady’s image and then placed Her on the left side of his cheek and Our Lady will give you a kiss back.  Gary said as he was doing this, Fr. Grey placed his hand on Gary’s head telling him, “You are special, you’ve been chosen.”  Gary said he was taken back, and knew it was confirmation that it was Our Blessed coming to him during this event in his young life and it was “Exactly” what the beautiful woman told him.  In addition, Gary said when he saw Our Lady’s image this evening, he told me that, “That is the beautiful woman who came to me.”  Below is Gary kneeling before Fr. Grey and kissing the original image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————>


November 11th, 2019

Captivating story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy

God Bless to all. I received a phone call from a man by the name of Gene who only lives about 1 1/2 from me in the small farming town of Wapakoneta. He got my phone number off of Our Lady’s website under the icon choice of “Contact us.” He was calling asking how can he get another image (photo) of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. He proceeded to tell me how about 6 months ago after his wife died from cancer, he found the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy laying on his bedroom floor. Gene went onto say how, “I have no idea how it got there.” He kept Our Lady’s image in his Bible and lost it recently. He said and I quote, “I feel drawn to this picture of Our Blessed Mother and it is amazing to see Her face.”

Our Lady has said in Her messages, ” When you look into the eye’s of My image (photo), I am looking into theirs and wanting them to know, I LOVE YOU and I will lead you to My Son.”

God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————->

November 8th, 2019

Miracle story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy

God Bless to all. I received a text message from my dear sister in Christ Kathy Graeve in Neola Iowa. Kathy has been following the story and growth of the mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy ever since it first started. She proceeded to tell me about one of her friends named Carol R from Decorah Iowa and how she had a healing with the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. I called Carol and she told me the whole story and with her permission, I can share the true story of what occurred.

About a year ago, Kathy gave Carol the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Carol told me that, “For years and years, I have been having extreme back pain and the pain was throbbing and I was miserable. Chiropractic doctors as well as other doctors have not been able to alleviate the pain and I have been on numerous medications. Kathy had given me 2 of the images of Our Lady. The very next day, I took one of the images and placed it on my back and I used the other one to read the Memorare prayer. The pain went away immediately, I was absolutely healed and it was Our Lady’s intercession.” Carol told me this occurred a year ago and she wanted to make sure the pain did not come back and it has not returned. She told me and I quote, “I was absolutely healed, the doctors could not help, nor the medications and the pain was throbbing, I was miserable and this was for years and it was Our Lady’s intercession and I was healed.”

The below photo is of Carol holding the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————->

November 7th, 2019

Our Lady’s intercession…

Good morning Arrow, one of the women who was at our home back in September when you and Fr Martin visited, shared the following with me last night…
In Marylin’s words: “A friend of mine who lives in Florida, has a daughter who estranged herself from her over 9 years ago with no explicable reason. No matter how many times my friend tried to reconnect with her daughter, she was always rebuffed.
I recently mailed one of the images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy that Arrow gave me to my friend. Within a day of receiving the image, her daughter CALLED OUT OF THE BLUE, and reconciliation has begun!!!
Prayers for forgiveness and healing.”
Arrow, the fruits of your visit to our home and our parish, Our Mother of Perpetual Help, continue… God bless you and your mission of Our Lady.

Carol F. – Ephrata, Pennsylvania

November 4th, 2019

Another Tear of Joy Miracle 🙂

Hi Arrow,

Hope this email finds you well. Another miracle from our Blessed Mother which I must share!!!

My 9-year old nephew fell down during futsal and injured his arm last Saturday but I didn’t know about it until this evening. He was in pain and couldn’t really move his arm as freely as he used to…. So, I took the Tear of Joy card and placed it on the injury, we prayed the Memorare together and almost immediately after that, the pain magically disappeared! Amen Amen Amen indeed!!!!!!!!

My little nephew was overjoyed and was kissing our Lady happily, ran to his mom and dad and told them how he couldn’t believe it’s such a miracle 🙂

Hope you can share this beautiful gift our Blessed Mother has given my little nephew and give hope to all those who are seeking help.

God bless,
Adeline from Kuala Lumpur

October 23rd, 2019

yesterday when I was leaving work I put Mary Tear of Joy back into my purse off of my desk my boss was going to be there and I didn’t want her to say anything about religious articles being in a public School setting and me getting in trouble, but after I did I went down the hall and came back and I noticed Mary put herself back on my desk where she was, she didn’t want to be moved she wanted people to see her so that’s exactly where I left her…Jennifer from Hampton, VA

October 20th, 2019

“The Tears of Joy were flowing”

God Bless to all. I just received a phone call from Fr. Sam in Ontario Canada. When I see his name come across my phone screen, I stop what I am doing and answer his call, for I know I will be talking to a living Saint and this is simply a fact. With Fr. Sam’s permission I can tell what occurred. He just got back from Medjugorje and he said when he was hearing confessions over there, he was passing out Our Lady’s image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. He said he took over a lot and passed them all out. He said this, that when he was passing out Our Lady’s image, “The Tears of Joy were flowing down from the people.” He went onto say how people were wanting more of the images of Our Lady.

Our Lady has said in Her messages, that when you look into the eyes of Her image (photo), She is looking back into yours, letting you know that She loves you. By hearing this story from Fr. Sam, it only confirms what Our Lady has said about Her most beautiful image. So, take a moment out in your day, hold Our Lady’s image in your hand, look into Her eyes and simply say, “My Blessed Mother, I love you, lead me to your Son.” And you know what?? She is looking back into your eyes, letting you know She loves you and oh yes, She will never leave you, She will never abandon you, for She “Will” lead you to Her Son. God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————->

The attached photo was taken last night after my talk.  Shelia took the original image (icon) of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and placed it on a baby that was sleeping in a baby carrier. Shelia said that when she laid the image of Our Lady on top of the baby that was sleeping, she immediately opened up her eyes and started smiling.  It is beyond CLEAR that Our Lady of the Tear of Joy was touching this little precious baby.  This is little baby Maria being touched by Our Lady.  You can NOT make this up.

It has been getting back to me, Shelia and Fr Capoverdi by now, how several people felt Our Lady was touching them last night when they were venerating the original image of Our Lady and I do mean some people were crying and when asked why?  They said and I quote, “We could feel Our Lady touching our heart.”  I have more talks to give tonight and tomorrow night, so please continue to pray for me and the mission for Our Lady and all those involved with the mission here.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>—————->

God Bless to all.  It is a joy to represent Our Lady in bringing others closer to Her and She will then lead them to Her Son.  Fr. Capoverdi (an amazing Italian priest) and who is the pastor of the “Church of the Immaculate Conception”, celebrated Holy Mass for the feast of the Our Lady of the Rosary.  I then gave the talk after Holy Mass on Our Lady’s role in our salvation and the miracle story on Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  After the talk, people were lining up to venerate the original image (icon), of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  Notice in the photos the 2 large canvas prints of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on the altar.

I had a woman by the name of Maryann tell me that in her left eye, she was suffering a “detach retina” and she was describing an annoying light sensation in her peripheral vision.  She took Our Lady’s image and placed it on her eye and the light sensation immediately went away and this immediately occurred after taking the icon of Our Lady and placing it on her eye.
Another woman by the name of Christine told me that about a month ago somebody gave her an image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and she placed it on her left leg.  She was suffering from sciatic nerve pain and it was a ongoing issue.  Christine said she had been saying the Memorare prayer and the pain left her and has been gone ever since.
Please continue to pray for me and Our Lady’s mission and all those here with me, for there are more talks to give.  Our Lady is so very active in wanting Her children to call upon Her, so She can intercede for us and lead us closer to Her Son.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>—————>


October 16th, 2019

May the Father be glorified!!

I would like to thank the Blessed Trinity for arranging Our Lady Tear of Joy to come to Rhode Island. Thank you Arrow for your witness to so many souls who came with open and generous hearts to embrace and receive Our Lady’s love and her mission!!! I can only begin to mention that so many souls were touched by Arrow’s talk and love for Our Lady. I received many emails stating that their hearts were touched and they are calling on Our Lady now even more in their prayer life. I received messages of healing of a cataract and sciatica. I also received a message that an older man with Leukemia was facing a difficult surgery that could have left him dead and that the doctors were worried about a blockage in this man’s arterial vessel that would impact his cancer treatment. The man’s son went to his bedside and prayed with the image of Our Lady Tear of Joy and placed it in his body. When the surgeons operated on his vessel there was no sign of any tumor or blockage!!!! The son was over-joyed with the news!!!
Let us continue to pray for more fruits and the Glory of God to manifest in his people through Our Lady’s mission. Thank you Arrow Osborne for your Fiat and witness. You are truly a vessel of love and mercy for God’s people!!
Dr Sheila Kuzmic
Rhode Island

October 15th, 2019

For 12 year old Gabriel who had cancer a few days ago. I am new here and wasn’t

sure how to post requests. He has fought a rare cancer since he was 2 years old. I

prayed the tear of joy prayer for him placing the prayer card on him in my mind about

3 weeks ago. I live in Massachusetts and mailed the prayer card to Texas recently. I

received a message that his father received a phone call today from

the doctor. Gabriel is now cancer free and does not need any more chemo.

Thank you for all your prayers.

Thank you Blessed Mother – Deborah H.

October 3rd, 2019

Another Healing!!!

Dear Arrow, just last night I received a call from my friend Marylin, who was with us Friday night (9/13) when you and Archbishop Martin DePorres visited our home here in Pennsylvania. She has been suffering from chronic UTI’s (urinary tract infections) since the age of 15 and she is now in her mid 80’s. After praying the Rosary with our small group, holding the icon of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, and speaking personally with you, she went home filled with a “surreal” peace (which continues to this day). AND, she now acknowledges a miracle for herself, as she has NOT had any symptoms of her previous condition, nor has she taken any medications since that night!!!

In addition, after that Friday, Marylin mailed a ladder Rosary (that I had given her from Medjugorje) and several images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to her sister Gail who lives out of state. Although Gail had drifted from the faith, she is now praying the Rosary DAILY, and has those images placed throughout her house!!! (Thanks to the generosity of you, Arrow for giving images to our guests).

One sister healed from physical infirmity and one sister healed from spiritual neglect……. what a blessing! And so the healing continues… Carol – Pennsylvania

October 3rd, 2019

Miracle story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy

God Bless to all. Every Wednesday I say the Holy Rosary in Michigan and a woman in the group name Linda N. from White Lake Michigan told me what occurred with her about 3 weeks ago while she was with her family in Washington State at a park. She got stung by a bee and her lip started to swell and then her speech became very impaired and they where in a State park miles away from anything. Linda said she had the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy in her purse and she placed her hand on her purse and started to say the Memorare prayer. Then………. the swelling started to go down almost immediately.

Tomorrow, I am going to put out the list of countries that have logged onto the website of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and we have had multiple hits (log-on’s) from around the world for the month of September. I have spoken to other people that there are miracles occurring in other parts of the world that simply are not getting back to us. God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————>

October 2nd, 2019

God Bless to all. Every Wednesday I say the Holy Rosary in Michigan and a woman in the group name Linda N. from White Lake Michigan told me what occurred with her about 3 weeks ago while she was with her family in Washington State at a park. She got stung by a bee and her lip started to swell and then her speech became very impaired and they where in a State park miles away from anything. Linda said she had the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy in her purse and she placed her hand on her purse and started to say the Memorare prayer. Then………. the swelling started to go down almost immediately.

Tomorrow, I am going to put out the list of countries that have logged onto the website of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and we have had multiple hits (log-on’s) from around the world for the month of September. I have spoken to other people that there are miracles occurring in other parts of the world that simply are not getting back to us. God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————>

September 24th, 2019

Miracle story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy

Hi everyone, just wanted to share another testimony with you. I was praying and meditating with Our Lady’s Tear of Joy card and resting on my right hand and it was palpitating on my hand the entire time. It wasn’t my on heartbeat for sure and I wasn’t dreaming. It was very real and thank Our Lady for this gift and hope you will experience the same. Adeline

September 19th, 2019

Tear of Joy Miracles

My name is Adeline, I’m Barbara Tynan’s friend from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Last month, Barbara sent me 2 of our lovely Mother Mary’s Tear of Joy cards for my birthday and I would like to share these testimonies with you:

A few days before Easter Vigil, Mother Mary appeared with her Immaculate Heart in my room at 4ish in the morning, with our Lord Jesus. It was my first encounter with her, such an ethereal face – exactly like the photo, I can’t ever forget it!!
Upon receiving the cards last month, I rubbed them all over my injured knee (been swelling for 7-8 weeks by then – had 3 knee surgeries in the past) and immediately felt a tingling cool sensation around the area I rubbed the card after I removed it. Pain reduced. Swelling reduced and I’ve been up and about since then, amen!!!
My friend was complaining how her upper body was aching everywhere especially her neck and shoulders. She placed the card on her neck and felt a tingling sensation as well!!!
My little 9 yr old nephew was having a headache and I placed the card on him. Headache was gone!

So all these, I’d like to share with you that through the miraculous grace of our lovely Mother Mary, we’ve been healed!

Thank you so much for posting the photo and making it available to all of us. God bless and may our divine Mother look after you always.


God Bless to all.  It is important for me to keep everybody updated on the mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  I gave a talk tonight at Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church.  Before I go into the miracle story, it is important to out line in Holy Scripture Our Lady’s direct role in our salvation and after this, I then go into the miracle story and the messages Our Lady has given.  In my talk, I told how Our Lady gave a message that She wants us to “Kiss Her image” (photo) and She will kiss us back.  Our Lady has said that when we kiss Her image, we are then to place Her image on the left side of our cheek and She will kiss us back.  After the talk, I was approached by 2 Nuns from Poland who are in the United States and they take care of elderly priests.  Sr. Serafina came up to me after the talk and said and I quote, “When you were telling us to kiss Our Lady’s picture and then to place it on left side of our cheek and She will kiss us back, I did this and I could feel Our Lady’s presence and I could actually feel Our Blessed Mother kiss me back.”

Then I had a woman from the Philippines who was at the talk by the name of Leonila (Linda), tell me how she had Our Lady’s image and sent it to a man in the Philippines who was atheist.  She then learned that he had a “Spiritual Conversion” wanting to know Our Lord.  Our Lady has said in repeated messages that Her image will bring about “Physical healing’s and Spiritual Conversions.”  After the talk, people lined up to hold and venerate the actual image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and they had a large cake in honor of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  With a sincere heart, I want to thank everybody for their prayers as I have been on the road with Our Lady’s mission.  God Bless to all and when you think Our Lord and Our Lady are not listening, trust me when I say, OH YES THEY ARE.  Arrow >>>————>


August 29th, 2019

Mr. Arrow Osborne: something bordering on the miraculous happened for my brother, David, as he lay helpless in a hospital bed. Both his legs were useless as far as walking or even standing. He had to be brought by ambulance to our nearest hospital, which is around 18 miles away. As my sister-in-law and I were seated around his bed, I got the idea to lay the miraculous “Lady of the Tear” prayer card on my brother, and then I prayed the Memorare , which is on the back of the card, aloud. The very next day David told me that he got up and was walking around and they even had him climbing stairs! The problem with his legs came on so suddenly, and disappeared just as quickly. The medical people could only offer guesses as to what caused the problem. However, we know what cured it! Thank you Jesus and Mary, (Our Lady of the Tear). Theresa.

August 23rd, 2019

Miracle story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy
I received a phone call today (August 23rd, 2019), from Fr. Sam who lives in Ridgetown Ontario Canada. He told me the following true story. He said he received a phone call from a woman by the name of Grace and that her daughter named Sophia was in the hospital in Chatham and was in labor with her baby. Grace went onto say how Sophia was in a great deal of pain and that the baby had turned. The doctors immediately wanted to do a C section, but Sophia wanted to give birth naturally. Grace asked Fr. Sam to pray with her over the phone for a miracle to happen. Fr. Sam told Grace that he had the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy in front of him and Fr. Sam told Grace and I quote, “I have the picture in front me and we are going to say the Memorare together” and they did. Fr. Sam said that Grace called him back with great excitement saying how the baby had turned and Sophia had delivered her baby naturally. Fr. Sam told me on the phone and I quote, “This is another victory for Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————>


August 13th, 2019


Hello Arrow. Just letting you know that we had a beautiful miracle happen through Our Lady Tear of Joy!! I gave some prayer cards of Our Lady to a dear friend of mine last week and over the weekend her 15 year old grandson Nathan was critically injured with head trauma from hockey accident!! By the time he got to the trauma unit he had blood coming out of his eyes and doctors were worried about skull fracture or bleed. I called my friend and told her to bring the image and place it on his head and pray!! She did just that!!! He is home and without fracture no bleed and trauma docs told her he should have been like a vegetable with the degree of his injury. News is spreading to devotion to her. Praise God and thank you Blessed Mother!!!!

Ave Maria
Dr Sheila from RI

August 12th, 2019  Miracle Story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy
Yesterday (August 11th, 2019), I received a phone call from Carole T in Ballston Lake New York. She was asking for prayers for her cancer and she was telling me how she offers up her pain for other people, whom she will never meet but clearly understands the graces of offering up her pain. She then told me how her brother whose name is Edward M and lives in Burnt Hills New York, was diagnosed with kidney failure around Easter time and started kidney dialysis treatments. Carole said that she sent her brother the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and told him on the phone to place Our Lady’s image on himself. Edward told her he had been and was placing Our Lady’s image all over his body and was also saying the Memorare prayer. Carole went onto say how Edward was telling her how he will never get off of the kidney dialysis. Then………. Edward called her a few weeks later saying he no longer needed the kidney dialysis treatments and he and his wife is calling it an “Absolute Miracle.” God Bless to all, Arrow >>>———–>

Several Miracle stories of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy

God Bless to all. I went tonight (Monday July 8th, 2019) to Jeff & Sue Cada’s prayer group in Windsor Ontario Canada. Fr. Sam from Ridgetown Ontario was there and his miracle story is posted on the Testament page of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy website and his miracle healing which occurred over a year ago with the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Jeff & Sue are a dynamic couple who lead up a prayer group at their house every Monday. Ever since Fr. Sam had his miracle healing, the story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy simply took off in Canada. Well, tonight at the prayer group, I had the following stories told to me by people who can attest to healing’s or Spiritual Conversions that occurred with people having Our Lady of the Tear of Joy image over the past several months.

A man there by the name of Brian and who I always see at Jeff & Sue’s when I am there told me the following: “I severely threw my back out 9 days ago and the pain was intense. I took Our Lady’s image and placed it directly on my back and kept it there. Each day, the pain got less and less and now I am pain free”

Another man by the name of Alberto said: “I am a Eucharist minister and I take Holy communion to those who are sick in the hospital. Each time I go, I leave with them Our Lady of the Tear of Joy image and each week when I go back, a lot of the people have Our Lady’s image right next to them. I have given out about 500 images of Our Lady so far. I know Our Lady is touching their hearts.” NOTE: Our Lady has said: “When you look into the eye’s of My image (photo), I am looking into theirs and wanting them to know, I LOVE YOU and I will lead you to My Son” And Alberto said: “I know Our Lady is touching their hearts”

A woman by the name of Susan Rock from Essex county Ontario told me the following 3 miracle stories: “My husband Mike and I took Our Lady’s image to a woman by the name of Joan Brchard and she has been severely suffering from psoriasis and in many areas of her body, her flesh is actually showing and greatly infected. Joan has not been able to wear clothes for over 6 months and for 8 months has seen numerous doctors and numerous treatments. My husband and I with Joan’s husband took Our Lady’s image and placed it on each spot of her body where the psoriasis was and we all said the Memorare prayer. 7 days later, she was totally healed and it was Our Lady’s intercession.” Susan went onto say: “When I went over to Joan’s house, she was wearing clothes standing outside saying, look at me, look at me!”

Susan also said: “I took Our Lady’s image to a woman by the name of Beverly Meyers. She had cataracts in both eyes and had surgery to remove them. The one eye was doing good after surgery, but the other eye was progressively getting worse after several weeks with no improvement and after several treatments with the doctor. I took Our Lady’s image and placed it on her eye and said the Memorare prayer and 6 days later, her eye was totally healed and it was Our Lady’s intercession.”

Susan also said: “My husband gave the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to one of his friends by the name of John Tracey for his brother Bob who is suffering from stage 4 cancer with no improvement to treatment and he was getting worse. John shortly later, told my husband that his brother Bob was doing a lot better and even drove by himself to Toronto to see his grandchildren.”

Susan said this and it is true: “Our Lord did the healing, but it was Our Lady’s intercession..” When you think Our Lord and Our Lady are not listening, oh yes they are. It’s Our Lords time and choosing how He is going to answer our prayers when we pray. Never doubt for a single moment that your prayers are not being heard. God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————–>

July 18th, 2019

How Our Tear of Joy answered an SOS CALL!!

I was working one night very recently at the hospital and we had a dyalysis nurse called in
for a patient who missed her morning session.

So I will use her first name only . Teresa had told me she drove six hours home from her sons house today when they called to see if she could help dialyze this younger patient.

As I asked her where she went that was 6 hours away she suddenly burst into tears and said her 12 year old granddaughter was suicidal due to peer pressure at school and mostly by gender seeking groups who try to promote and sway other students to join them.

So Teresa and her husband were helping her sons family while her granddaughter was undergoing treatment .

I begin to tell her I had something to give her, a miracle IMAGE!!
But it was in my car so I needed to get it.

So we hugged and I could feel this beautiful grandmothers pain and sorrow … but I also felt Our Lady nudging me to introduce her as Our Lady Tear of Joy .

I left and stopped at the break room to talk to a coworker and soon after I heard my name being called from the hallway … come out here Right away.

When both of us stepped out we found all our other coworkers in a circle holding hands, non the less and we instantly joined them without question… you could feel the urgency in their speech as we were told Teresa’s granddaughter had just gone missing.

My heart dropped but prayer was immediately started in the circle, I mean young coworkers that I know do not even attend a church.

We hugged and supported Teresa and comforted the best we knew how.

I made it priority and went to my car to retrieve the images of Our Lady and even a Blessed Rosary from medjgurie that Arrow had given me and also a third class relic from a saint. I stopped at the chapel on my way back and dropped to my knees and begged Our Lord and Our Lady to find this young girl alive and well…

After returning from the chapel I went to bring the image of our Lady Tear of Joy to Teresa and upon-entering I saw that the patient was experiencing an anxiety attack that she can sometimes get during her dyalisis treatment .
I asked if she would like The Image also and she
instantly held the image to her heart and what I witnessed was her calming down way before her medicine could even take affect.

Teresa was getting phone calls and appropriately took them in the hallway.

She returned after the last call and said” they found her “ on the side of a road in the dark and in the best condition possible and she was being taken to the hospital. It was Teresa’s husband that actually found her.

Teresa’s response to us was I knew I came here for a reason , this hospital and all of you gave me something I only could get here. There’s no coincidence that I am here!! The patient missed her own dialysis but God turned it into good.

So Our Lord and Our Lady-worked on all of our behalf’s that night… but it was Under the title of Our Lady tear of joy that she interceded !!
She wanted it that way!!
That’s why she is SO SO SENSATIONAL!!
Thankyou Mother for answering our distress call.

After the good news we wrote prayers of thanksgiving in our chapels prayer request book.. a coworker copied our petitions and gave them to Teresa this most grateful grandmother who could now breath a sigh of relief .

She said I will never forget this night and left with a smile and tears of joy as we all told her we would continue to be in prayer for a full healing.

Thankyou to Our Lady Tear of Joy!!
She comforted all of us that night and I will never forget it!!

I can confirm that after Teresa left for home my coworkers and I experienced a Joy….a peace ..a calm after the storm …it was pure GRACE!!

Renee Elise ,
( from Michigan )


July 5th, 2019

Hi Arrow!
Just wanted to give a testimony for myself and baby granddaughter!

I received the box of pictures of OUR LADY TEAR OF JOY from you about six months ago!

During that time my daughter was told by her pediatrician that the baby had a lazy eye and if it didn’t get any better in a few months she would need an operation!

So I immediately put a picture of our lady on her eye and said the memorare and ask our lady to help her, she was so little and an operation sounded pretty scary!

One month later the doctor told her, no operation was needed, as she thought it was just extra skin around the eye!

So we went from a definite operation to this diagnosis!

I know it was our Lady answering my prayer!

And for myself, I have been suffering with foot pain for about six months, doing various therapy and doc appointments, with no good results!

As I always do I offered it for the conversion of sinners and eventually decided to place the picture on my foot and pray if it was GODS will thru our Lady’s intercession perhaps I could be without pain!

Two days after I did that, I have very little pain left!

Thanks be to our Lady and her intercession for me and my granddaughter!

I love our Lady so much she always comes through for me in my time of anguish!

Thank you so much for the pictures and the prayers!

Jan D.🏻🏻🏻🏻✝️✝️✝️✝️️

God Bless to all.  In June of last year (2018), I went to the State of Indiana to a farm and that there was a farmer who has a Chapel built on his property and he has a rosary group that meets there once to twice a week.  I went there and presented the story of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to them” and gave them the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.   In the group there is a locutionist (one who gets inner messages from either Our Lord or Our Lady).  After returning home and two days later, I received a phone call that a message was given by Our Blessed Mother to this locutionist and that Our Blessed Mother wanted a “Larger image of Her to be displayed in the Chapel.”  I was told that they were going to scan one of the smaller images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to make up the larger images.  I told them, “No, I’ll have it done.”  I had 5 8×10’s made of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy made up and went back to Indiana to present it to the group.  Two of the 8×10’s stayed inside the Chapel and three were given to people in the rosary group.

After returning home and the following week, I received a phone call that one of the 8×10 images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy was “Actually Weeping” and that a message was given to the locutionist who was there and Our Lady said these were “Tears of Joy”.  Now, also present was several Mexican migrant workers at the Chapel.  The Mexican migrant workers also gather there from time to time after working on the farm as well and other migrant workers coming in from other farms.  So, last week, I received a phone call from Rose who belongs to the group and she proceeded to tell me that several miracles have occurred with Our Lady’s image.  So, I called the farmer in question and he said he heard several miracles have occurred and I asked his permission to come down and meet with everybody and he said “Yes.”  So Yesterday (Sunday) I drove to the farm and met with the farmer and several of the migrant workers.
When I arrived, I went to the Chapel and was shown the 8×10 image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and you could clearly see where She had been weeping.  The “Tear stains were on the inside of the glass frame and also on Our Lady’s image, right on Her cheeks as if Tears were flowing down.”  Now, several of the migrant workers said that since June of last year, one of the migrant workers took the other 8×10 image of Our Lady to a home of a woman who had breast cancer in both of her breast and after praying with the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, she had a complete healing.  Then this same 8×10 image of Our Lady was taken to a woman who had “Severe stomach ulcers” and she also prayed with Our Lady’s image and was healed.  This “Now traveling image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” is now in Chicago to a home of a 2 year old boy who is on a “feeding tub and he is constantly throwing up.”  Those who know the family in Chicago told me that ever since the little boy having Our Lady’s image, he is still on the feeding up, but is no longer “Throwing up.”  Several of the migrant workers told me they are waiting for this beautiful image of Our Lady to come back in their area.  People from the rosary group, and several of the migrant workers told me, that the other 8×10 image of Our Lady which is still in the chapel was weeping even last week, “Again.”
As I have told the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy as well as others, this miracle story and Our Lady’s image is now known around the world and it is only fulfilling what Our Lady has said that She wants this image of Her (photo), “Known to all”, meaning around the world and the messages She is giving and there are miracles occurring that simply are not getting back to us.  The beautiful photo below, is of two precious little girls holding the 8×10 image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy that is still currently weeping.  When you think Our Lord and Our Lady are not listening, oh YES THEY ARE.  Our Lady “Will” hear our prayers to Her and She will take them to Her Son, then it is Our Lords choosing on how the prayer will be answered.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>—————>

June 9th, 2019  Dear Arrow,
I would like to share with you some wonderful news about my friend Elizabeth Butler.
I gave her the picture of Our Lady tear of joy to pray with as she was suffering with
cancer on the lung. I told her to place the picture on her and pray the Memorare prayer.
The following week I saw her before Mass and she told me that the doctor on her visit
to hospital had said that following her xray there was no sign of the cancer and there
isn’t any evidence of cancer in her body at all. Also she could not see anything in her
right eye but now she can see some colours to which the doctor said that her sight
could well return after six months! So is this another miracle? Could you publish this
on the Internet with the other testamonies.
My grateful thanks.
Warm regards,

May 25th, 2019  The beautiful email story was sent to me from Barbara in New York. God Bless to all from Medjugorje, Arrow >>>————>

Dear Arrow,
I hope u will remember our lovely conversation that you gave me so much of your time to answer that if I touched my dads photo to our lady’s image prayer card, would that be ok to ask for his healing from cancer. my journey began there… dad being depressed and ill and never one for prayer, I knew I needed a miracle for him. the same week you sent Our Lady’s image me and then treasures of the church came to our area. I attended 3 times, each time granted a planetary indulgence. I went to confession for the first time in 25 plus years and received communion in a state of grace. Our Lady’s image and dads photo also went to the treasures of the church and they met with the relics of our blessed mother’s veil, a thorn from Christ’s crown of thorns, the crib of Christ, St Joseph, the lance that pierced the heart of Jesus, St. Francis of Assisi, all the apostles , arch angel Michael, Padre Pio and St Peregrine and so many others. I then placed this blessed card of Our Lady’s image under dads mattress and left it there. well after April’s doctor’s visit and rounds of immunotherapy, chemo ,radiation and the blessed heavenly kingdom, the doctor told him to go home and celebrate because there had been a dramatic and significant improvement that surprised the doctor. He still has it but the scans are showing it clearing. I pray 3 hrs per day : rosary, chaplet of precious blood, chaplet of divine mercy, approx 22 novenas and then pray for the prayers of others on click to pray and then here. so it is a communion of blessings with god and medicine
I ask the lord each day to whisper in my ear how I may repay this enormous favor because others may pray for miracles when hope is fading too. Jesus is the ultimate doctor and our lady is happy to bring our intentions to her son for us. i’m sorry this is so long.
Barbara T – New York



April 25th, 2019  “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” – Spiritual Healing

Our Lady has said about Her image (photo), “This image will bring Spiritual healing’s to people who are touched with My image.” And the following story is just confirmation of Our Lady’s message. Phil Wayes from Pennsylvania called me today and told me the most beyond beautiful story of Our Lady’s intercession. Before I go into that, Phil was baptized into the Catholic church this past Easter Sunday. Phil is one of Our Lady’s miracle stories and his story is listed on the “Testament” page of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy website. Phil called me today about Our Lady’s intercession. First let me back up. I drove to Pennsylvania the first weekend in February to meet with Phil and his wife and also to give a talk on Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and then I was going to New York city.

When I was there that weekend, a priest by the name of Fr. Clark came by and wanted to meet me and see the actual image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. On that Monday morning, I was leaving for New York city and Fr. Clark had breakfast with Phil and I. I had Holy oil with me and Fr. Clark Blessed me for my trip that day and then he went to bless Phil. As Fr. Clark’s hand came towards Phil, Fr. Clark said, “Do you smell that? I smell Roses.” I already knew this, but Fr. Clark went onto tell Phil about the smell of Roses being the presence of Our Blessed Mother. As Fr. Clark was blessing Phil, he continued to smell the Roses. Again, this was the first weekend of February on this year (2019).

Then today, Phil called me and he proudly was telling me how he is now able to receive Jesus in the Holy Eurcharist and going to confession from being baptized this past Easter Sunday. Phil went onto tell me what occurred. On Easter Sunday night, he went to the hospital and met up with a young woman he knows and her mother was in critical condition. The mother was unresponsive as she laid in the hospital bed. Phil said he took the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and laid it on the “woman’s heart.” Phil said, he and this woman’s daughter then said the “Memorare prayer” together as they stood next to her bedside. Phil then went onto tell this young woman about what occurred when Fr. Clark was blessing him that morning back in February and how he smelled “Roses” and that the smell of roses, means the presence of Our Blessed Mother.

Phil said on Monday, he was saying a rosary for the family and for Our Lady’s intercession for the mother. Then…… Phil said, “This afternoon (Thursday), the daughter called me and said she woke up this morning smelling roses and five minutes later, the hospital called saying her mother had passed away.” There are so many ways Our Lady touches our lives. Our Lady is present when you call out to Her. Our Lady was touching the heart of the mother as she laid there with Phil and the daughter saying the Memorare prayer together, and Our Lady was touching the daughter this morning, letting her know her mother was with Her and Her Son. Holy Scripture is enriched with Our Lady’s role in our direct salvation. When I was talking in New York, a woman stood up and said to me, “Why can’t we pray to Jesus directly?” Before I could answer her, another woman stood up and said and I quote, “Because Mama Mary takes our prayers to the front of the line, to Her Son.” So, very very true and AMEN to that!

And then, two Saturday’s ago on February 13th, when I was in Boston giving a talk and that evening we went back to the woman’s home who is suffering and to be with her. I had the original image of Our Lady with me and I placed Her on the the dinning room table and we had dinner and the topic was Our Lady. We started saying the Holy Rosary, and a clear image of Our Lady appeared on the wall and this CANNOT be denied, then later, St. Padre Pio appeared. I told Yolanda, Lauren and the ladies, “when you think Our Lord and Our Lady are not listening, oh yes they are.” When Phil laid Our Lady’s image on that woman’s heart, Our Lady was “Right there” and from there, Our Lady took over and went to Her Son. There was a “Spiritual Healing”, when Our Lady reached out and touched the daughter as she woke up this morning, giving her confirmation of Her intercession. There is one person Jesus will not say no to and that is His Mother.

When you think Our Lord and Our Lady are not listening, oh trust me when I say, OH YES THEY ARE. God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————->

I was on the phone with a woman by the name of Betty in Windsor Canada and I had met her last June when I was traveling around with Fr. Sam and giving talks on Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Betty works in a department store and told me the following true story and with her approval I am to share it with the world. God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————–>

“I work in a store and I am always praying for customers. A woman came in the store on a Friday about six weeks ago and she had six incisions from a surgery on her stomach and they were infected and she actually raised her shirt showing me how infected they were. I went and got the photo of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, gave it to her and told her to say the Memorare prayer. She came back in on Monday and said, “Oh my God, I am all healed, I am all healed. I took the photo and placed it on my stomach and said the Memorare prayer and I was healed” – Betty P, Windsor Canada

God Bless to all. Today at the unveiling of the 2 large Canvas Prints of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” Fr. Joe Esper did a special Blessing on the 2 most beautiful images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. We are working on getting the video out to everybody VERY soon.

Just prior to Mass, I met a man by the name of Paul and he proceeded to tell me how back in October he was in the hospital and a nurse who was assigned to him, came in his hospital room gave him the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. He said the nurse explained to him the full miracle story and how miracles are now occurring with this image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and she said “The picture was Blessed by a priest.” Paul said that same night, in the middle of the night, Our Lady appeared to him in his hospital room and Our Lady did not say anything to him, Our Lady simply stood at the foot of his bed smiling at him. Paul went onto say that, “Because of that nurse giving me the picture of Our Blessed Mother and this happening to me, that is why I came back to the church.” Paul – New Baltimore Michigan

I then received a very long email from a man by the name of Anthony and he was present for the unveiling of the 2 large Canvas Prints of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Anthony went onto to say how he went home and showed his wife the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and his wife told him that she had seen this woman before. Anthony’s wife has had numerous surgeries over the last two years and they had to bring in a special hospital bed in their home just for her sleep comfort. Anthony said that two weeks ago, his wife woke up in the middle of the night and saw a woman kneeling at her bedside. The woman did not say anything, she simply was kneeling right next to her at her bedside. Anthony states that as soon as he showed his wife the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, she told him “I saw her.” Anthony went onto say how they prayed the Memorare prayer on the back of the prayer card of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and then his wife kissed Our Lady’s image and placed the image of the left side of her cheek. Anthony – Anchorville Michigan

Our Lady in repeated messages has said that She has Her “Mantle of Love and Protection wrapped around us” and we must truly know and never doubt, Our Lady is there for us in all aspects of our life. God Bless to all, Arrow >>>———>

God Bless to all. While I was in Boston, a miracle occurred while saying the Holy Rosary with a group of women. It was decided that this was a private revelation for those present and I spoke to the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and spoke to him of the miracle and that I wanted to share it with a few people, but keep it private for now. This was on Saturday April 13th, 2019. Well, late last night (Thursday April 18th), I received a text from Yolanda in Boston saying, “She’s back tonight and Padre Pio too.” I called Yolanda and she put me on speaker and I also spoke with Lauren. They proceeded to tell me that the Blessed Mother is appearing on the wall again, as well as St. Padre Pio. I asked Yolanda did she want me to share this story with everybody and she said, “Yes” and that, “Everybody needs to know about Our Blessed Mother.” So, very true, for Our Blessed Mother is Our Heavenly Mother, She is the Mother of God, She is the Queen of Heaven, She is our strongest advocate anybody would want on their side. I called the spiritual director to obtain his permission to release this story to “The World” and he approved.

The following miracle story is how everything occurred in sequence leading up to the miracle:

I went to Boston to give a talk on the miracle story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Upon arrival in Boston on Friday April 12th, I met a woman by the name of Yolanda and I was taken to a house to have the original image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy placed against a woman who has been suffering from an illness. Upon arrival at the home, I met with a woman who is home bound and she was lying in bed. I gave her the original image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and she immediately started smiling, it was clear Our Lady was touching her heart. We prayed the Memorare prayer over her and stayed with her for awhile. The following day (Saturday), I was meeting with people about Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Several women had decided to go back to the woman’s house who is home bound and have dinner there and it will give us the opportunity to visit with her again.

We had dinner and were in the dining room and after dinner I was telling the women how when I was in Medjugorje, I was with my friend Mike from Connecticut and Jim from New York. We were in our bedroom and were talking about Our Lady and St. Padre Pio and all of the sudden, the most beautiful colors came in the room from the outside window and these beautiful colors started to pulsate off the wall. I took my cell phone and took a picture of these now beautiful colors pulsating off the wall in the room. What I caught on my camera was Our Blessed Mother and St. Padre Pio. The colors did not appear in the photo. Maria who sitting next to me at the dining table, then proceeded to tell me how she prays to Our Lady of Guadalupe and she has a strong devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Present at the table with me was, Yolanda, Lauren, Maria, Pat and Martha.

I then said to the ladies, “Let’s say a rosary” and the time was approximately 8:15pm. I had the original image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy sitting on the table in front of us. We started saying the rosary and a dark shadow of an image started to appear on the wall in the dining room. Several of us noticed it and we continued saying the rosary and the shadow became more and more clear, until it became a full size image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I called the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and advised him on the miracle occurring in front of us. I then said, “We need to continue to say the rosary.” Only a few minutes later, another dark shadow appeared on the wall to the left of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe and it became the very clear image of Saint Padre Pio. At this point, all of us were on our knees praying and another woman named Elizabeth arrived and saw the images of Our Lady and St. Padre Pio.

The woman who is suffering from the illness was in the very next room lying in bed. All of us went in her bedroom and placed the original image of Our Lady on her and said the Memorare prayer. All the women who were present for this miracle, have a direct role in the constant care of the woman who is suffering and they all have a strong devotion to Our Blessed Mother. I adamantly believe there is a connection with the woman who is suffering and Our Lady’s appearance. I also go back to the day before, when I handed the woman the original image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and her face immediately started smiling and I don’t think, “I know Our Lady was touching her.”

There are other denominations of faith who are following this miracle story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. Padre Pio was a priest in Italy who died in 1968 and he suffered the wounds of Christ and his hands actually bleed from about age 18 until his death at the age of 81. He had a VERY strong devotion to Our Blessed Mother and Her intercession for our salvation. It does NOT surprise me, that only 3 years earlier in Medjugorje, myself, Mike and Jimmy were talking about Our Lady and St. Pio and the miracle occurred in the room and I still have the miracle photo from that day. Then right before the Rosary, Maria was telling me about her devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe. It’s like Yolanda told me, “Everybody needs to know about Our Blessed Mother.”

Our Blessed Mother appeared directly above a vase of tulips that was up against the wall, you can see it in the picture. In the photo of Padre Pio, you can see the hand of a woman and we were on our knees giving thanks, not only to Our Lady for giving us this miracle sign, but also to Our Lord, for He allows His Mother to come to us. What you can’t see in the photos, there was a white aurora light around Our Lady and St. Padre Pio, you can see a rosary in his hand and it was dangling down.

When you think Our Lord and Our Lady are not listening when you pray, when you think you are simply going through the motions when you pray and nothing really is happening, think again because Our Lord and Our

Lady are RIGHT THERE WITH YOU, listening to everything you are saying to them. Never doubt this for a single second. never doubt it. God Bless to all, Arrow



The Photo to the left is of Our Blessed Mother.  The photo to the right is of Saint Padre Pio

The following message was allegedly given by Our Lady to an anonymous locutionist on March 3rd, 2019 on the miracle image (photo) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.” The below message is from the unveiling ceremony that occurred after the Holy Mass at Immaculate Conception Church. This message has been approved to be posted by the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.


Note: Shortly after the Noon Mass – Two New Heavy Canvas Prints of The Image Of Our Lady Tear of Joy (Professionally Created, Framed & Mounted on a Tripod) were placed in the Sanctuary that were to be Blessed By Fr. Joe. These Elegant Canvas Prints will be traveling with Arrow when he has scheduled “Speaking Engagements”, so that the audience can gaze upon our Beautiful Heavenly Mother as the Miraculous Image of “Our Lady Tear of Joy”.

As Fr. Joe was standing in front of these “Images” he was giving a presentation to those in attendance at this celebration and I suddenly felt the presence of Our Lady, who then began to speak.

My Sweetest Children:

I am filled with jubilation on this wonderful Celebration of Blessings of My Miraculous Images by Fr. Joe. This is indeed a joyous occasion and all of my faithful children who have taken the time this afternoon to attend this event will receive an abundance of Blessings through the Graces of my love for each of you and these blessings will also be given to your family members that you have been praying for. I am so thrilled and delighted on this very special and euphoric day and I want to thank My Child, Arrow and all of my other children who gave of their time, energy and expense to this magnificent project.

I was also in attendance for the Celebration of The Holy Mass and was enraptured by My Priest Sons (Fr. Joe & Fr. Sam) Offering the Sacrifice of My Divine Son in the Celebration of the Mass. To witness both of My Priest Sons celebrating the Mass and now to have them both here at the Blessing of My Images is both blissful and I feel elated. I am ever so grateful for their presence here today.

Oh My Children, what “Tears of Joy” I am shedding on this splendid day as I watch my sweet children come up to the Sanctuary to unveil these elegant “Images”.

Note: As Fr. Joe began the blessing of each Image, I saw what I thought was “Glitter” falling upon all of those present at this celebration. Our Lady then told me that it was “Gold Glitter” and it represented the Graces and Blessings that were being given to all those in attendance. Our Lady said that it was symbolic of both protection and virtue.

Our Lady continues to speak: Oh My Children, what “Tears of Joy” I am shedding on this very special day as I watch all of my children come up to show their Heavenly Mother reverence of love and dedication of My Miraculous Image.

I want all my children to know that I hear and feel their tears of pain and sorrow for all the heartache and hardships that they are experiencing. These days that you are living are very difficult and trying times. You must all turn to My Divine Son in His Most Holy Eucharist. His Holy Eucharist will be your strength in these strenuous and burdensome times.

I am your Heavenly Mother and when you turn to me in your challenging times, I will present all your petitions to My Divine Son. He will never abandon you in your time of anguish, nor will He ever desert you in your time of loneliness.

My sweet children, I will bring your petitions before My Divine Son and I will implore Him through His Mercy. His Love and Mercy is Infinite and He so loves all of His Children.

Those of my children, who gaze upon my Image of Our Lady Tear of Joy, I ask that you bring me all your intentions of sorrow, pain, depression,dejection,, desolation and offer up through me all the heaviness of your heart and I will place them in the Merciful Heart of My Divine Son.

I love each and every one of my children and I will help each of you and will plead with My Divine Son, if it is His Will, through the love of My Sorrowful Heart.

I bless you in My Son’s Name.

Since this miracle occurred and the mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy has taken off around “The World,” those who did not know the Memorare prayer, now know it.  Those who said the Rosary on occasion, now say it daily.  Those who didn’t know the importance of Our Lady interceding for us, now have a better understanding why we pray to Her.  There has not been thousands of “Hits”, but now Tens of Thousands of “Hits” on Our Lady’s website of Her Tear of Joy and hence, thousands and thousands of souls are now coming closer to Our Lady.  These are the TRUE MIRACLES, that people are coming closer to Our Lady.  Nothing but “Good Fruits” is coming from this mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  God Bless to all and enjoy this beautiful miracle story.  Arrow >>>———–>

A MIRACLE FOR A 2 year old most precious little girl !!!
My name is Renee…. and I am from Michigan.
I am writing this beautiful story with great joy in my heart.BACKGROUND

When I was younger age 11- through 14 I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis . After my parents explored all options through the arthritis foundation they were then introduced to the charismatic healing masses by my dear relatives Living in Canada….. so my whole family once a month would go to the healing masses…. for those of you that know father Sam From Canada I have had conversation with him and we do both believe he must have prayed over me at one of these healing masses 40 years ago. So the story continues… yes I had received healing from the Holy Spirit and my doctors could not believe I was no longer going into a wheelchair and that my hands were not crippled any longer.


So back in September 2018 I decided to have a birthday party for the Blessed mother on September 8th…… I had already had all the blue decorations and for some reason 59 blue and white balloons ( enough to make a rosary out of) and I ordered a special cake along with Mediterranean food just for OUR LADY.
The guest we’re very diversified…. all week prior to the party OUR LADY was giving me an Exclusive invitation list ( not the usual people I would have invited ).

The music ministry John and Rene provided beautiful songs of Mary and even a HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG before blowing out candles!!


Well , here’s the BEST part…. my cousins granddaughter Alyssa a two year old was at the party. SHE WAS DIAGNOSED WITH idiopathic juvenile arthritis ….I invited her mom Julie and she brought Alyssa knowing this was a special party and knowing about my healing as a child.

Allysa helped blow out the the candles on OUR LADYS CAKE( pictured below ).

We prayed over her and asked Our Lady Tear of Joy to intercede for her physical condition.

It was weeks later when I felt the urge to text Julie her mom…. I was overjoyed at what she was saying about Allysa!!!She said she saw signs of great improvement in her daughter immediately following the party that very week!!

Word was getting around and I had spoken to my uncle who is Alyssa‘s grand father and he said it’s a miracle she dances she’s happy…. she’s definitely different and doing physical things she didn’t do before. For my uncle to say it’s a miracle believe me it is!!

So I asked Arrow if he could bring the original image of our lady tear of joy to Allysa’s home.
When I went to pray over her with anointed oil and the image she rested peacefully in the Holy Spirit in my arms( A 2 year old resting!!).
She wasn’t afraid she didn’t cry for her mom, she barely moved.

Immediately afterwards she started dancing in her kitchen and kissing the image of OUR LADY TEAR of JOY.
Her mom Julie informed me that they haven’t had to give her the pain medicine and that she was only receiving the weekly injection… and to this day no pain medication.

The doctors saw major improvements!! I believe after visiting and talking to her mom Julie that a complete full healing is on the way .So please pray for this Beautiful little angel who had healing immediately after the party for Our Lady on September 8th 2018.

In the picture below Alyssa was blowing out the candles of our ladies cake and I didn’t notice till weeks later when I zoomed in that she had put three pink rosaries around her neck. Her mother stated she didn’t remember her even doing that… but Our Lady was watching the whole time.

I know OUR LADY Tear of Joy interceded for this miracle!!

There were other miracles that day also, some were instant … and some came later.

I can’t wait to see what OUR LADY will do next … she is a truly a mother who wants to see her children healed and will go to her son our loving Savior and make Her request known.


This is Steve –  The Ohio computer guy

In July of 2018, I received a call from a colleague that I have known for nearly 40 years. Normally the call is very jovial with lots of laughs and talking about all the fun stuff that we have done.

This call was very different.  When I answered the phone, I got a very somber version of Mike that I rarely hear. He said “Steve I have bad news – I am not doing too well.” Mike went on to tell me that ten days earlier at a doctor appointment that was prompted by a backache from playing racquetball – the doctors found cancer in my body. I remember Mike saying “ Steve it is not a tiny area it’s all over, my brain, my legs, my liver its everywhere.” He continued by saying ”its stage four melanoma cancer and there are some treatments but the outlook is not good.”

Being great friends, Mike shared that I was one of the first ones he called. He told me he was in shock and wasn’t in the mood to talk to many – he went on to say his wife Deb and kids were just stunned by the whole thing. Newly retired, new grandkids, new house on the lake – has everything and now this.

I got off the phone and told my wife Liz about the news – she too was shocked. I googled the topic and read that few people survive this.  After a short time, Liz says to me “when are you leaving to see him?” She knew exactly what I was thinking.

I figured since Mike’s time was short I had one opportunity to do this. So on August 7th, off I went on my 700 mile round trip to see him. I had a very nice dinner with him and Deb and after dinner I started to share the mission Arrow and I have been on since September 8th, 2017. For the next 4 hours we talked about the power of Our Lady and Her ability to intercede for us. They heard the whole story and all the miracles. We prayed the Memorare holding Our Lady’s image and Mike was anointed with Our Lady’s Tears.  Armed with miraculous medals and rosaries touched by Our Lady in Medjugoje – Mike and Deb felt like they had a place to turn for help. And they did just that.

About two weeks later Mike called me and he sounded better. In fact, he said “can you send me more rosaries and medals? ” He went on to say.”  I have been sharing this story and the story is so amazing that grown men are brought to tears when I tell him about your visit and mission.”

The following month I get a text from his wife Deb and she tells me the treatment is taking a toll on Mike. His emotions are like a roller coaster and he is sleeping a lot. We agree that we need to keep praying. I asked the Michigan rosary group, people in the Philippines and others for help. I started to fast twice a week for the intention of his healing and during weekly adoration asked Jesus for help. Even in my absence his name was written in the rosary petition book.

And then things change. In September Debbie sends me a note. His test results are suddenly moving in the other direction. In fact, the doctors are a little surprised. She writes:

Omg!!!!  Great News!! We are at the hospital and all of Mike’s labs came back and most of his numbers have improved substantially. They said the treatment has already started to work in his system.  The Dr was so happy and was hugging us and even called in his other Oncologist that shook Mike’s hand. This has been the very first time in 2 months that we received good news. Just hearing that he is responding so quickly to these drugs is a miracle. All of those prayers are helping him – thank God and thank Mother Mary!!

In October Debbie writes me the following update:

Steve – those prayers ALL work and are being heard and I’m so incredibly grateful to you. As I told Kari today about her dad’s good report she said to make sure I let YOU know right away because you’ve truly made an impact on our family with your faith and giving us hope. The message you gave us Steve has truly changed the way I pray. I feel like I pray so much more deeply and I feel like I have a true connection with Mother Mary. When I got the news today, I went outside and cried and instantly thanked Mother Mary. When I pray it’s not like I’m reciting a prayer but truly talking to her. It’s a wonderful feeling and it’s because of you. I talk to Mike a lot about praying and I believe he’s finding more comfort from doing so. I love the book that Liz sent because each day I read that days verse to Mike. I went out and bought that same book this week to send to a friend of mine who has cancer. I just wanted you to know what you have done for both of us and how truly grateful we are to have you as a dear dear friend. And then she sends me this image of Mike in the hospital. And says we take her with us where ever we go!

And then theNovember update comes:

“Another update on Mike – we got the best news yet. His brain scan and Pet scan results were truly unbelievable. The Dr said he is 90-95% cancer free and that she has never had a patient respond so well to the Immunotherapy as Mike has. He does have a spot in his liver that she wants to have a biopsy on just to make sure it is melanoma and not another type of cancer – she’s not very worried about it and believes that the monthly Immunotherapy treatment he continues to get will take care of it. We are all so relieved and ecstatic at this wonderful news and extremely grateful to God and Mother Mary for giving us this second chance at life. Like the Dr said – this is your Christmas miracle!! 

In December Mike enjoys his daughter’s wedding especially the father daughter dance:

January26th update from Mike:

Your prayers have had a real impact Steve. I received a call from my oncologist after hours yesterday. She was ecstatic. Told me that the results from the body scan that I had on Tuesday were in and it appeared that my cancer was virtually gone. Unbelievable!!!
Thanks for your continuing thoughts and prayers Steve. Mother Mary has interceded. What a blessing. Trying to figure out why me?  To be determined!
Love you Steve!

Thank You Mother Mary!

Bless to all.  I have been on the phone twice with a man by the name of Phil Wayes from East Stroudsburg Pennsylvania.  We spoke briefly yesterday and a great deal of time on the phone today.  After speaking with him, I asked him could I use his full name for this miracle story and share it with the world and he said, “Sure, whatever you think is important, it’s all true.”  Here is the sequence of events of how this miracle occurred and how I was informed about it.  Mike Stanton from Lakeville Connecticut called me on Tuesday (January 1st, 2019) and said, “Arrow, your going to be getting a phone call from a guy from Pennsylvania.  I gave him your phone number and the Blessed Mother appeared to him 7 years ago and he just saw the miracle image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on my face book site.  I posted the miracle story on my face book page and he saw Our Lady’s image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  This guy is adamant this photo of Our Lady is the Blessed Mother who appeared to him.

So yesterday (Wednesday), myself and Steve were driving up to Michigan to say the Rosary with the usual Wednesday group that meets at 7pm.  I get a call from Phil and Steve was able to hear the call with it being on my blue tooth speaker in my car and he can confirm this.  In short, this is what Phil said.  He had a skiing accident in February 2011 breaking his neck, fracturing vertebrates 4, 5 & 6 and trauma to his arm.  He was in a neck brace and during the night of July 3rd, 2011, he saw a “Very Beautiful Woman” standing in his bedroom and he said, “I knew it was the Blessed Mother.”  He spoke briefly more with myself and Steve arriving at the Rosary.  I told him briefly about myself, on how I look into apparitions of Our Lord and Our Lady for the past now 25 years.  And just prior to hanging up with him, Phil said this and he was very emotional, crying as he said, “Please tell these visionaries that you know, tell them to tell the Blessed Mother for me, I Love Her!!”  He went onto to say that he is Methodist, but goes to daily Mass with his wife who is Catholic and he has not missed going to Mass for the last 17 years.  He does not receive Jesus in the Eucharist, but goes up for a blessing each time.  I write this part, because Phil was very emotional on the phone that it was Our Lady that appeared to him after seeing Our Lady’s image of “Her Tear of Joy.”

So, today I called Phil back and got a more detail account and we were on the phone for a very long time.  He is Methodist, but yet goes to Holy Mass with his wife who is Catholic and he has not missed Mass in 17 years and during communion, he goes up to get a Blessing from the priest.  He broke his neck in a skiing accident as described above.  He was in a special neck brace of course and he could only lay flat.  During the middle of the night of July 3rd, 2011, he saw a “Very Beautiful Woman” appear to him in his bedroom.  He said and I quote, “She simply stood there and said Nothing.”  He went onto say, “I knew it was Our Blessed Mother.”  Phil said, “She is beautiful, She is so very beautiful.  There was like a slight breeze and Her hair and Her mantle was blowing from the breeze.  She is so beautiful!”  Phil went onto say, “I felt like I was being healed.  My whole body tingled, I have never felt that type of peace before.  I knew I was healed.”  And after this, he started to improve.

Phil said that he saw Mike’s face book post and saw Our Lady’s image of, “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  Phil went onto say, “When I saw Our Lady’s picture, I said to myself, That’s Her!!  That’s who I saw!!  I thought about it all day and why would She appear to me.”  Phil said that he then called Mike and told him that the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, is the face of Our Blessed Mother who appeared to him in his bedroom.  Phil said, Our Lady simply stood there, saying nothing and Phil told me and I quote, “I kept rubbing my eye’s to see if I was imagining it and each time I would rub my eye’s and I would look up, She was still there.  This lasted what seemed like a very long time.  Then at day break and the sun came in through the window, She simply disappeared.”

Phil went onto say, “Then in November of 2011, I went to Medjugorje with Mike Stanton, Wayne Weible and a group of people.  Where we were staying at in Medjugorje, we could see the top of Mount Cross.  I was told that Our Blessed Mother is always at the top of Mount Cross between 5:30am and 6am.  So, at 3:30am, I went to the lobby thinking other people would make the climb with me, but I went by myself.  I climbed Mount Cross and saw nobody going up, nor coming down and I was all by myself.  I got to the top and was at the Cross at 5:30am.  I was by myself and it was so very peaceful.  I then climbed down and made my way back to where we were staying.  The group was standing around and asking me if I saw Our Lady.  They proceeded to tell me that at 5:30am they saw a beam of light come down from the sky to the cross and this was the exact time that I was there.”  Phil told me and this was before he climbed Mount Cross, “I was walking around Medjugorje and I said to myself, okay My Lady, give me a sign if that was you”, making reference to Her appearing to him in his room.  Phil said that he has also been to the Vatican and to the tomb of St. Peter since his healing.

Phil said that when they were in Medjugorje, they went to the village of Tihaljina to the church of St. Elijah’s.  In this church is the Statue of Our Blessed Mother and Phil said this was the closet image of Our Lady that he could find, but when he saw the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, he said, “That’s Her!!”  NOTE: For those who have been to Medjugorje, Phil is making reference to the church in Tihaljina which is a few miles outside of Medjugorje where the statue of Our Blessed Mother is located that a lot of people talk about.  Phil again said how he saw Mike’s post of the story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and he again told me, “That’s Her, That’s who I saw!!”  He again went onto say how so “Very Beautiful She is.”  Phil said that a priest told him that his recovery was “Divine Intervention.”  He said that when he was in the back of the ambulance being taken to the hospital, a priest was in the group and anointed him before being taken away.

Phil said that he is a construction worker and is fully back to work and is skiing again and he has, “No Limitations.”  I told Phil, “You told me yesterday on the phone to tell these visionaries that I know, to tell them that you love Our Blessed Mother.  Phil, you can tell Her yourself, you can go to Her anytime, anywhere and She is listening” and he started laughing.  He said he went to Holy Mass this past Monday which was a Holy Day of obligation.  He sat in the front pew because his wife was a Lector reader for that Mass.  Phil went onto say, “I saw the beautiful statue of Our Blessed Mother on Monday at Mass and as I look at Her and said to myself, “What are you doing to me.”  He was making reference as to why She would appear to him.  I told Phil that if you look at the history of past visionaries and mystics, even those of today, they are simple people, such as factory workers, farmers, simple house wife’s, fallen away Catholics and the list goes on.  Several of them who I have met, they have asked Our Lord or Our Lady, “Why appear to me?”  And Our Lord and Our Lady’s response is, “We don’t pick the best people.”  And then they are given a mission of receiving messages to tell people of the world.

Phil said, “How do you share this story with somebody, this was Our Lady, how do you tell people about this and that I have seen Her.”  He went onto say, “You can’t make this stuff up, you can’t.”  I told Phil about the whole mission of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” and with the miracles that have occurred with people coming in contact with Our Lady’s image, both physical healing’s and spiritual conversions and you “Can’t make this up.”  Our Lady in repeated messages has said that She wants this image of Her “Known to all”, meaning “Around the World” and the messages She is giving about the miracle image of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  She is going to use you to share this miracle story to get people’s attention on how She so very much wants to intercede for us and lead us to Her Son.  We spoke about Holy Scripture where Our Lord gave us His Mother as Our Mother as He hung on the Cross.  She is Our Mother, it is Holy Scripture which is the word of God.  Phil went on to say, “Our daughter goes to school in Florida and Mike is mailing me the images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and Mike said they have been Blessed by a priest.  Our daughter is not going back, not until she has one to take back with her.”

Phil said how he saw Our Lady’s Mantle.  Our Lady always has her Mantle of Love and Protection wrapped around us.  When you think you are alone, when you think you can’t go another step in life, and when you call out to Our Blessed Mother, that is when She is holding you even closer to Her, with Her Mantle of Love and Protection wrapped so gently around you and She will NEVER take that Love and Protection from you.  Phil told me, “I have only told 10 people about seeing Our Blessed Mother back in 2011 and 4 of them are Priests.”  I told Phil that I would be sharing this story with the world and he said again, “It’s all true.”  FACT: Our Lady is using this miracle image of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” to capture our attention with the messages She has been giving.  She so very much wants us to “Flee to Her” so She can intercede for us in all of our prayer intentions and lead all those who call upon Her, to Her Son.

And yes, Phil will be converting to the Catholic faith soon.  I want to close with what Phil told me just prior to ending our conversation and this sums up this miracle story and I quote, “I believe who that was I saw, it was Our Blessed Mother, with my whole heart and soul, it was Her!”

Hello Arrow, Hope you are keeping well, just thought that I would like to send you a Christmas card and to thank you for sending my friend Derek Sankey the retired Deacon all those photo images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, 500 of them and pleased to tell you I managed to distribute all of them out to different areas such as Ireland, the Isle of Man Chester and 4 churches in my home town Warrington.  I gave one to a friend from Sacred Heart Church who has cancer on the lung.  I told her to put the picture on her lung everyday, which she did.  She had to go for her x-ray results and was told that the cancer had gone, the nurse said she has never see anything like it before.  She has to go for another test but has not heard anything yet.  Elizabeth said she doesn’t feel ill at all so please will you say a prayer for her.  Have a wonderful Christmas & New Year.  Elaine Merriman – England”

Bless to all.  I go to 8am Holy Mass every morning at my parish of St. Joseph Church here in Maumee.  After Mass this morning, a parishioner by the name of Frank W told me the following story and asked me to share it.  Frank went onto say how his niece by the name of Wendy from Missouri was in town about a month ago with her 4 year old son by the name of Peter.  Peter was born with severe kidney problems and his kidney’s are constantly “failing” even with a simple cold or flu.  Peter has been hospitalized numerous times because of this health issue.  About a month ago while visiting family here in Maumee, Peter became ill and his kidney’s had stop functioning.  He was hospitalized here in Toledo at the Children’s ward.  Frank got a image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and gave it to the family to place on Peter.  Peter made a recovery and returned with his family back to Missouri and he has had “No Problems” with his kidney’s since being back.  Frank went onto say that the family is giving the healing of Peter to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>—————->

God Bless to all.  On Tuesday October 2nd, 2018, I received a typed letter from a woman by the name of JoAnn from Michigan.  With her approval, I am allowed to release the letter she wrote, word for word and I told her I would not include her last name.  When I received the letter, I immediately emailed her asking her to call me right away and she did today, October 4th, 2018.  JoAnn and I have had several phone conversations already today.  After speaking to JoAnn, I also immediately called the spiritual director of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and briefed him on what JoAnn said and I will be sending him the actual letter with Joann’s full contact information.

The below story highlighted in “Blue”, is the letter from JoAnn.  Her son Conner age 16 attempted suicide in May shooting himself in the face under his chin.  JoAnn proceeded to tell me that she had the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and had been placing it on Conner’s face.  JoAnn said Conner has had a miraculous conversion and she went onto say that the doctor said he is healing faster than expected.  JoAnn said that Conner feels and I quote, “Love, Confident & Strong.  He is being healed and there is light in his eyes.”  JoAnn said she gives all credit to the intercession of Our Lady.

Again, JoAnn said she was placing Our Lady’s image on Conner’s face.  Let me close with a quote from JoAnn’s letter she wrote to me, “The Memorare Prayer really does work.  I’m never going to be done saying it until my last breath.”

God Bless to all and when you think you are utterly alone or your prayers are not being answered.  Yes they are and when Our Lady intercedes for us, She “Does” take our prayers to Her Son and it is His choosing, time and place, “His Will” on how and when our prayer will be answered.  There is one person Our Lord will not say no to, and that is His Mother.

I’m writing you for 2 reasons.  First, I am a true believer of the Memorare Prayer!  Back in May my oldest son, Conner 16, attempted suicide with a gun under his chin.  With the grace of God, Mother Mary, angels and saints he is still with us today.  It is a miracle that only his physical face was harmed.  He has not had any major surgery’s yet, first one is October 18, but I say the Memorare Prayer every day asking Mother Mary to heal his face to what it was before his moment of despair.  I thought I was seeing with a mother’s heart to say he really looks like my Conner, but all my friends and family members tell me it’s not just you, we see it too.  The Memorare Prayer really does work.  I’m never going to be done saying it until my last breath.

Second, I need prayers sent my way.  Conner has 20 or more surgeries (1st major one Oct. 18) in a 2 year span to complete his transformation.  Conner has always had a place for God in his life.  He attended church youth groups every week and was a junior leader for Sunday mass.  I still can’t wrap my head around his dark loneliness with so many people who love him.  Since his attempt a new found peace in life and a will to live for God is with him.  I’m asking you and your prayer groups out there to help us pray for continual healing physically and spiritually.  Saying he’s going to be going through some rough procedures is an exaggeration.  It’s going to be testing his faith and well being.  I break down often and cry, but I know God has wonderful plans for all of us.  I need prayers to pour down on Conner, me, my husband and his little brother.  Thank you for your time to read this and your dedication to Mother Mary for all of us to grow and learn from and experience her miracles.  JoAnn P Warren/Mi

My granddaughter’s name is Kaydance and she is 5 months old and was born with severe kidney issues.  It has been a ongoing battle trying to get the kidney’s to function properly.  Several ultra tests have been done and the decision was made that she was to be put under so a more in-depth medical procedure could be done.  All the while as this has been going on, I took Our Lady’s image of Her Tear of Joy and laid it on the picture of my granddaughter and have been saying the Memorare prayer.  They recently did another ultra test before having to start the procedure and her kidney’s are getting better and the medical procedure they were going to do was cancelled.   Thank you Blessed Mother for interceding.  – Steve G/Michigan

The below miracle story was emailed to me from my brother in Christ Ray LaFleur in NewFoundland, Canada.  Like all miracle stories reported to me, I like to make contact and get more insight behind the miracle.  Ray told me that the family is Protestant but was receptive on getting Our Lady’s image of the Tear of Joy.  The wife had applied for over 50 jobs over the last several months with no response and they were out of money.  They received Our Lady’s image and said the Memorare prayer.  The wife then got a job offer.  But the story gets better, they have on the side of their house a statue of Our Blessed Mother with a Rose bush next to Her.  Over the last 5 years, the rose bush has produced “No” Roses and NOW………..  5 Roses have appeared on the bush and this is in “Newfoundland” in October even!!!  Newfoundland is one of the very northwest providences in Canada – gets cold early. I know all those reading this are calling out to Our Lady and you want your prayers answered.  Believe me when I say, I am with you.  There is a very personal issue going on in my life for 8 years now that I am praying for.  However, Our Lord and Our Lady DOES HEAR OUR PRAYERS and please believe when I say this and I have received confirmation on this.  It is Our Lords’ “Will and Timing”, not ours.  In each and every persons life, Our Lord has laid out a plan for us, for our salvation and that he wants us to stand in front of Him one day and He will give you a warm embrace saying, “My Child, you carried your Cross which gave me overwhelming Joy, now come with me into my Kingdom.”   And you will immediately be overwhelmed with “Peace, Joy & Love” and it won’t last for a few minutes or even a couple of hours, but forever!!!!!  Each day, offer up your Cross’s you are carrying to Our Lord and Our Lady, they will then apply the graces of your suffering you just offered up, to somebody who is about to die and it will be applied towards their salvation.  This is what “Victim Souls” do, when they suffer.  Also in return for all that you offered up, you will get little graces in your life or if you don’t see it in this life, it will be applied to your salvation when you stand in front of Our Lord.  So, please be patient, your prayers ARE BEING HEARD.  Our Lord’s “Will”, not ours.  When you think your prayer is not being heard by Our Lady, “Oh yes She is.”  God Bless to all and please enjoy the beautiful below miracle story.  Arrow >>>———>

From: Ray LaFleur

To: Arrow Osborne

Little miracles associated with the image of Tears of Joy

My brother in law and his wife are not Catholic but have in their own way a great love for Jesus.  They have been going through difficult time (as many are today) with finances etc.  A few weeks ago I sent them a CD on DomMichel Rodrigue and included in the package a couple of images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  They started saying the Memorare, looking at the image, as Our Lady asked, the next day his wife received a call from a potential employer she went for the interview and was offered a position far above what she applied for and starts this week.  And they aren’t even Catholic.  Confirms what the Blessed Mother said, “All are My children.”  Ray LaFleur


This is Mary Ann Stulz.  I was the one who had the neighbor across the street, Don Wilkins, who has serious cancer.  Don is a non-practicing Catholic who has fallen away from the church.

I saw your name out on the website, I called and asked if you would pray while I visited Don.  I mentioned that I plan to take the picture of “Mary With The Tear” to Don (When I got there, I asked Don where he wanted me to placed it.  Don himself took the picture and placed it on his belly where the major turmor is located.) and I prayed the Memorare prayer two times. Then, you were also so kind to ask your 100 prayer warriors to also pray.   I visited Don on two occasions and did the same thing.  On the second time, I left the picture with him and the Memorare prayer as well.

Drum roll…… Arrow, between you, and your prayer warriors, I have good news to tell you.  Followup tests were done on Don last week and he got the results yesterday. There are many cancer tumors that are totally gone now (it’s like they never existed) and the major tumor that they were mainly concerned about has significantly reduced in size.  His blood work also looks so much better.  The doctors, Don and his wife were amazed and so pleased with the results and the change.  Don asked me to tell you all his good news. Also, Don has more life to him now!  Thank you SO MUCH for everything you all did.

I asked his wife if Don has again placed the picture on himself and said the prayer.  She is not sure, for he would be very private about it and not tell her at all.  I so much hope Don is doing this on his own.  Wouldn’t that be cool!  PLEASE, PLEASE, Can you PLEASE ask your prayer warriors to continue to pray for Don Wilkins?

Thank you all SO MUCH!

Mary Ann

Dear Arrow,

I’ve been wearing hearing aids for nine years due to bilateral decreased hearing loss.  I also suffer from season asthma.  From October through January, I struggled to make it through the day as I’m still a working woman.  Every day after work, I would go straight home, eat some homemade chicken soup and go to bed.  Throughout the night and during the day, I felt extremely tired, sleepy, my mind in a fog, and felt feverish and kept getting chills throughout the day and night no matter how many layers of woolens I was wearing even though I did not have a fever.


In January of 2018, I noticed that my right ear felt plugged and I could not hear even thought I had my hearing aid on.  I was also experiencing laryngitis (or so I thought).  Thinking that the hearing aid needed to be serviced, I took it to the hearing aid center to be fixed.  After checking it out,the technician said it was not the hearing aid and performed a hearing test.  The result showed that I had complete hearing loss of my right ear.  He thought I probably had fluid in my ear and referred to my primary doctor.  I made an appointment and she also diagnosed me with fluid in my ear and prescribed a medication for my hearing loss and laryngitis; these I took for 10 days.  I did not have any improvement and returned two weeks later with the same problem.  At this point, she referred me to an ENT doctor.


Between 5 February and 4 April, I had many office visits, follow up visits, i.e., x-ray, hearing tests, a strobe test of my throat, CAT scan of my ear to rule out a tumor (came back normal).  The strobe showed that the roof of my mouth was flat as a result of acid reflux as well as the loss of my voice.  That doctor prescribed Zantac but did not know why I lost my hearing.  The ENT doctor still felt that my hearing loss was due to fluid retention due to my sinus problems.


At this point, I must digress.  For 12 weeks I had been attend a “Lord Teach Me To Pray” session taking place on Saturday mornings at my parish, Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Selma, Tx.  My medical problem began the second Saturday after it had started, but I kept attending.  The facilitator would read my meditations of the prior week since I could not speak.  I would sit next to her so I could hear with my left ear (with the help of my hearing aid).  All this time, I read the bible and journaled my daily meditations, prayed the rosary daily (sometimes twice a day) and immersed myself in learning to block out any thoughts except of God and Jesus and discerned God’s will for me and surrendered myself completely to whatever it might be.  All I asked Him was that if it was his will for me to be deaf and dumb the rest of my life, to please just give me the tools I was going to need in order to function in the world.


At our March 31 session, one of the ladies in our group handed us an image of the Virgin Mary “Tear of Joy” and told us a little about how this image came to be and that it had been blessed by a Catholic priest.  We were all touched by this beautiful image of Our Lady.  I took it and placed it in my study binder along with the week’s readings and journal.


Monday, April 2, I returned to the ENT doctor for the result of my tests.  They had all come negative for tumor.  He still felt that I had fluid in my ear and recommended that he place ear tube in my ear.  In order to do this, he would have to make a hole in my ear and proceeded to make a hole.  Even though he placed medication to numb my eardrum, I still felt great pain but had been instructed not to move and I didn’t (all the while I offered up the pain for the poor souls in purgatory as is my custom whenever I’m undergoing painful procedures; believe it or not this helps immensely).  Once the hole was made, he attempted to insert the tube but it would not go in.  So he made the hole larger and tried again to no avail.


At this point, he decided to send me home with a hole in my ear, placed me on antibiotics and instructed me not to get water in my ear and he would have to try something later once the hole healed.  After the procedure I went home feeling very tire, weak and sleep.  I ate some soup and went to bed.  The next day, Tuesday, it dawned on me that since fluid had come out of my ear during the procedure, that it was likely that my hearing had returned.  I inserted the hearing aid into my right ear but I still couldn’t hear.  I even replaced the battery in case it had died.  I went ahead and got dressed for work.  What at work I remembered that I had the photo of the Virgin Mary’s “Tear of Joy” card.


I told myself that before going to bed, I would place it on my ear and pray the Memorare.  After I got home from work, I ate my soup and went to bed and prayed to God that I was accepting of His Will.  I placed the photo Tear of Joy on my right ear, prayed the Memorare repeatedly and petitioned Mother Mary to intercede to Her Son, Jesus, if it was His Will (again) to heal me.  Next morning, I woke up to the alarm on my Cell phone and reached for it.  It was not on the table next to my bed so I got up and went looking for it.  I have a 4 bedroom house and when I got to the last bedroom, I found it on a shelf I had last left it.  I suddenly realized that I had actually heard it ring and started crying and praising The Lord and thanking Him over and over for showing me His compassion and mercy by healing me.  I could not stop praising Him and haven’t stopped thanking and praising Him for this miracle and forever more will praise His Holy name.


I went to work and went about my day as if everything was normal, but did not share this wonderful news.  No one even noticed that I was well again; they took it for granted that after all my doctor visits that I was well again.  This happened during Holy Week.  On Easter Sunday at our family supper, I shared with them about the healing God had granted me.  They’s been talking between themselves that they worried about me because my health issues had gone for so long, I was losing weight, couldn’t eat much and sleeping so much but didn’t know how to help me.  On Easter Monday, I returned to the ENT doctor to check on the hole in my ear.  After he examined me, he started talking about what our next step would be to restore my hearing loss and voice.  At this point, I shared with him about the healing image of the Tear of Joy and that I had regained my hearing and my voice on Holy Wednesday.  He told his technician to run another test on me and the test came back that I had perfect hearing on both sides.  Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!  At this point, Dr. Talley revealed to me that his wife is a staunch, Sicilian Catholic and was going to love hearing my testimony.  I gave him and his technician a printed copy of accounts of this healing image and a Tear of Joy card.

Should you wish to corroborate my testimony, I have medical records of all the tests performed with the results.      (Note: At this point, Beatrice left me her phone number and address which I am going to omit for her privacy)

Sincerely, A grateful Heart

Ms Beatrice G/Converse Tx

God Bless to all.  Last night I received an email from a woman named Mary from Wilder Kentucky asking for prayers and that she was going to pray over a man by the name of Don today at 11am EST.  In Mary’s email she stated that she would be praying over Don with the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  After speaking with Mary today and with her permission I am allowed to let everybody know what occurred today.  Mary said that she met with Don and his wife Sherri and Don is battling cancer and has yet to go thru several more chemo treatments.  Mary said that Don took Our Lady’s image and placed it on his stomach where the tumor is located.  Mary stated that she said the Memorare prayer twice and his wife Sherri simply listened.  Afterwards, Mary said that nothing really happened, she prayed over Don and she spoke to Don about Our Lady intervening in our prayers and taking them to Her Son.

This was a miracle in the fact that, Don was a fallen away Catholic, was not going to church and he then became respective to Mary actually taking a “Blessed Image” of Our Lady and allowing her to place it on him.  THE MIRACLE IS ALREADY STARTING!!  Think about this, Our Lady said in a message on June 29th, 2018, “Tell them when they look into the eyes of My image (photo), I am looking back into theirs, letting them know, as your Mother I so very much Love each and every one of you, for you are My children and I so very much want to intercede for you and lead you to My Son.  Tell them, I have My mantle of Love and Protection wrapped around them.”

The simple fact that Don “Did” look into the eyes of Our Lady’s image and the fact he actually held it up against his own stomach, clearly states Our Lady is already at work in bringing Don back to Her Son.  It may not happen right away, but Our Lady will work on Don’s heart.   But our work as our Lady’s children and Her faithful prayer warriors does not stop here.  I know all of us has a long list of people that we pray for, please keep Don on your heart in your prayer intentions.  Also, I asked Mary how did she hear about the miracle story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy?  Mary said about 4 weeks ago, she had severe neck pain and I quote, “I could not even turn my neck” and it was ongoing.  Mary said that she was given Our Lady’s image and placed it on her neck, said the Memorare prayer and the next day she was healed.  She found my contact information on the website and emailed me last night wanting prayers for Don today at 11am.  It is a beautiful mystery if you think about it, how Our Lady puts other people in our lives, to pray for each other and in return, we start to meet other people in our journey on helping each other to get to our final destination, which is eternal peace, eternal joy, eternal happiness, eternal love with Her Son, Our Lord and Mighty Savior, Jesus Christ.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>———–>

Here are a few more healing’s. I don’t know if they were submitted to your website.

God bless,


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Ray
To: Jenni
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 2:28 PM
Subject: Healing’s


Another miracle. My friend Carolyn was Healed through the intercession of the Blessed Mother.

Praise the Lord.


From: carolyn
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2018 11:07 PM
To: Ray
Subject: healing’s







God Bless to all.  Please follow me on the time line here.  This past weekend as you know, I had the honor and privilege of going to see my brother’s and sisters in Christ in the Great Country of Canada and being with Fr. Sam who is a most Holy Priest.  I then went to Windsor to be with Jeff & Sue’s group.  I got back to Maumee Ohio late on Monday night.  Today (Friday July 13th), I went to Our Lady of Consolation Shrine in Carey Ohio and I simply walked the Rosary park spending time with Our Lord and Our Lady saying the Rosary.  The presence of Our Lord and Our Lady is so overwhelming there.  I got back around 4pm and came in the house.  Then I thought, “Oh man, the images of Our Lady is still in the trunk of my car since the weekend.”  When I went to Canada, I took with me about 7,000 images of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and was passing them out before each Mass and they were already Blessed.  When I went to my car and opened the trunk, the images of Our Lady was in two boxes.  Carrying them in, I could clearly smell Roses and they were coming from the Boxes.  Thank you Blessed Mother for the mission you have entrusted me with.  When you think you are utterly alone, when you think Our Lord and Our Lady are not with you, that is when “They are so very close to you” and this is a FACT.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>———>

I’m Rose from southern Indiana. Arrow was making a few stops in Indiana a few weeks ago and stopped in at our rosary prayer group.He talked about Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and showed us the original photo/image of Her and handed out the new prayer cards with the Memorare prayer on the back, he then returned home.

Our rosary group met a couple of days later and a message was given to one of the members of our group that Our Lady of the Tear of Joy wanted an enlarged photo made to be put in a place chosen by Her so all could see Her. I texted Arrow what Our Lady requested and we were going to have one made. Arrow told me he would have it done himself professionally because if made too large it would be distorted.He also would have it blessed.

So ,the following week Arrow returned to southern Indiana with 5-8×10’s blessed photo’s of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.Our rosary group received 2 of these photo’s and other 3 went elsewhere.There are two different places we meet for rosary. One of the places is visited by who ever wishes to come and pray.On Sunday July 1st there was a group of Mexican workers who came to pray. They were all kneeling surrounding the photo/image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and as they were praying the image started weeping inside the glass.All present saw it and a message was given that these were “Tears of Joy”. These Mexican workers literally only have the clothes on their backs and the cars they drive are very old,but these people are so humble and joyful to have what they have and they are so devoted to Our Lady. We need to learn by their example to approach Our Lady with sincere and humble hearts.We are to truly know that without a doubt that Our Blessed Mother is constantly with us and is interceding for us ,even though we can not physically see Her.

God Bless to all,
Rose southern Indiana

God Bless to all.  First, I am trying to play catch up in answering all my emails.  I have been in the great country of Canada for the last 3 days giving talks with Fr. Sam on the miracle story and mission of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  While in Canada, I learned that somebody who is very dear to me and lives in Chatham Ontario has a birthday this coming Thursday.  So, After being with Fr. Sam on Saturdayand thru Sunday afternoon, I drove to Windsor Ontario Sunday to stay the night with my brother and sister in Christ, Jeff & Sue and to be with their prayer group on Monday night.  I asked Sue where is a Hallmark card store and that I wanted to get a nice birthday card.  Sue, told me that “Shoppers Drug Mart” store has a nice selection of cards and they also have a post office in the back of the store and I could also mail it from there.  Then Monday morning, I went to Tim Horton’s to get my usual 2 shots of espresso coffee.  I have been hooked on espresso’s ever since having one in Medjugorje.  While at Tim Horton’s, I asked the girl where could I find a nice card store to get a birthday card and she said that “Shoppers Drug Mart” had a nice selection.  Then I said to myself, okay then, I’ll go to Shoppers Drug Mart store which was just down the street.

I walked in the store, found the card isle and found the card I wanted.  I went up to the check out register and paid for it.  There was nobody else in line, so I asked the girl could I borrow the counter to fill out the card because I am from the U.S and I wanted to get the card filled out and mailed off before going back to the U.S, because if I mailed it from the States, it would take at least 1 1/2 to 2 weeks before it got to Chatham Ontario.  The girl whose name is Betty asked me, “What are you doing in Canada?”  I told her that I document healing’s and miracle stories of Our Lord and Blessed Mother appearing to people and I have been doing it for several years and I am in Canada to give talks about it.  Betty said, “So, what is some of latest miracles you have been seen?”

I said, “Well, the latest and what I am here to talk about is, in September of last year, I was invited to a birthday party in Cincinnati Ohio in honor of the Blessed Mother.”  Then………. Betty said, “Is this the story of the balloons going up in the air and everybody singing happy birthday to the Blessed Mother?”  I said “Yes, I was there that day and I am in Canada to talk about it.”  THEN…………  Betty grabbed my arm with both of her hands and I do mean she literally was pulling over the counter saying with sheer joy and excitement and I quote, “NO WAY, NO WAY, I HAVE READ THE STORY TWICE AND I HAVE BEEN PASSING OUT THE PHOTOS!!  NO WAY, WHAT IS THE ODDS OF YOU WALKING IN THE STORE!!”  I told her after she released her very tight grip on my arm, I said, “I have a special treat for you, I would love the opportunity to show you the actual miracle photo.”  THEN………… She grabbed my arm again saying, “NO WAY, NO WAY, IT’S HERE!!”

So, I went back to Jeff & Sue’s house, got the actual miracle photo and went back to the store.  I took the actual miracle photo of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy out of the protective clear laminate plastic cover I keep Her in and placed the image (photo) on Betty’s left side of her face on her cheek.  Her face immediately was filled with pure “Joy” and she was actually going into a state of ecstasy with pure joy and love beaming from her face as I held the image up against her.  This is NOT about Arrow Osborne, this is about “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy” and the mission and message Our Blessed Mother wants everybody to know.   Our Blessed Mother clearly made it clear to me to go to Shoppers Drug Mart to get the birthday card and that was clear from being told by not just one person, but by two people that I was to go to Shoppers Drug Mart store.  This was no coincidence, Our Blessed Mother had this all planned out and this is simply a FACT.

Before I left the store to bring back the original image (photo) of Our Lady to Betty, Betty said this.  “I have the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on the wall next to a Cross.  My daughter told me to take it down and that it freaks her out, so I have it on my desk.”  I told Betty one of the messages that Our Lady gave about Her image and if you have somebody who lives with you who would not be respective on getting the image (photo) of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”  Our Lady said “They are to know, they are to get my image (photo) into their homes and Our Lady will take care of the rest.”  Meaning: Just the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy in a home, will bring about spiritual healing’s just by them looking upon Her.”  When I told Betty this, she said, “I am putting Our Lady’s picture back up.”

There were not one but two great miracles that occurred out of Betty and I meeting each other.  #1, Betty is absolutely filled with the “Holy Spirit” on getting the miracle story known to all and the messages Our Lady of the Tear of Joy is giving about Her image and how She wants to lead us to Her Son.  #2, By Betty putting Our Lady’s image back on the wall for her daughter to see, Our Lady “Will” work on her daughter’s spiritual conversion.

God Bless to all and always know and I do mean “ALWAYS KNOW” and never forget, Our Blessed Mother has Her mantle of Love & Protection wrapped around each and everyone of you and your love ones.  Our Blessed Mother knows your heart and She so very much wants to intercede for you and take your prayers, your cries, your hurts to Her Son.  Always know also, that Our Blessed Mother is wanting you to call upon Her saying, “Blessed Mother, please use me to do Your Son’s “Will” and trust me when I say, when you do ask Our Lady this, She “Will” put you to work in ways you were not expecting.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>————>

Back in 1998 I had a bad fall on some steps and really hurt my back. It took about 10 or years, but my back did eventually heal most of the way. But I still had some residual irritation that would come and go, but it was definitely manageable. Over the past couple years an irritation developed in my middle back that became a constant discomfort. It was increasing to the point where I almost couldn’t find a comfortable position in which to sit, stand, or sleep.
A friend had sent a picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to me, so I held it to my back and prayed the Memorare. Nothing happened immediately, but I remembered that in the bible, when Jesus performed miracles, some experienced immediate results, but some didn’t. Some healed slowly over several days, or with more time. So every day I held Her picture to me and prayed. After about a week and a half the pain in my back subsided. It went away completely. That was back in February. It is now the end of June and still no pain in my back. Through the intercession of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy, my back has been healed. Praise be to Jesus Christ!  Jeanette–Burlington, Kentucky

> My name is Betsy and I was given your email address and phone number by Dr. Jaime . We grew up together here in western Kentucky and his sister, Karen was a close friend of mine.
> I don’t use a cell phone and am presenting waiting for A T & T to come fix my home phone for the second time in the last couple of weeks. So I thought I would just email you.
> I am not sure why Jaime wants me to contact you other than to tell you my story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. So here it is.
> I will give you some quick background although that is not necessarily important to the whole story. I am now 64 yrs old but when I was 23 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Scleroderma. Along with this I have developed some other autoimmune diseases, which is pretty common. So as you can tell I have struggled with some health problems over the years although they did not keep me from working full time as a social worker for 17 years and as a teaching assistant and art teacher at a local elementary school for about 11 yrs. I have been retired for 12 years. In my 50’s I developed an autoimmune problem called Sjogren’s which causes me to have intense dry eyes. That health problem is what I wanted to talk to you about today.
> Late last November (2017) I went to see my eye doctor because the dryness of my left eye was causing me vision problems. This was due to Sjogrens. Normally over the counter drops alleviate the dryness in my eyes but at this time that was not helping my left eye. My doctor examined my right eye and said she thought it looked pretty good but was very concerned when she saw the dryness in my left eye. She described little dots that she called stippling. At that point she prescribed steroid drops for my left eye only. She advised me to use the drops over the next few months and return for an appointment in April.
> I had been on steroid drops a few times before but only for short periods and always they had quickly and successfully improved my vision and the problem caused by dryness or inflammation. I used these prescription drops in my left eye all the month of December 2017, January and February of 2018 with no improvement in my left eye at all. The vision was still blurry and the dryness and redness seemed worse. So at the end of February I made the decision to stop using those steroid drops. During this whole time I continued to use another prescription medication called Restasis. My doctor has prescribed that medication for many, many year due to inflammation in the eyes.
> So at the end of February I was pretty discouraged about the loss of clear vision in my left eye. On Saturday, March 3rd I think it was I happen to read a story on Spirit Daily that mentioned the mass in Cincinnati and how the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy came about. So I went to the website of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and read the whole story. I then told a friend of mine, Becky about it and we decided we needed to order 100 of those pictures to give out to people in our parish. The next week in March I went back to your website and using the photo on the website I prayed to Mary and Jesus about my vision problem in my left eye. When praying I did not ask to be healed of Scleroderma or Sjogrens but only to give me my eyesight back in my left eye.
> I had become so dependent on my right eye and was wearing my glasses for distance more that I did not even realize  at first the next day that the vision in my left eye had returned.
> So Becky ordered 100 pictures of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and we received them on March 21st and had them blessed by a priest the next day.
> On April 3rd, 2018 I kept my appointment with my eye doctor and told her the story of how the steroid eye drops had not worked in December, January and February. I told her I quit using the drops at the end of February. Then I told her how I had prayed and my eyesight returned. She said she believes in the power of prayer. She also told me that she had no medical explanation on how the eyesight in my left eye returned. She said if the steroid drops were not working for three months they would not suddenly have started working in March when I stopped using the drops.  She said the Restasis could not have fixed the dry eye problem since I had been on that drug for many years. She said if I had just started using that drug then maybe it would have been responsible for curing the problem but I had not just started using that drug. She quizzed me and quizzed me about things but in the end she said she had no medical answer as to how my eyesight returned.
> On that day she said both eyes looked great and were clear of all dryness. She said my vision was good and my eye pressure was good in both eyes. Everything was good. What she hadn’t told me at the appointment in November was that she had seen some dryness in my right eye too that day but it wasn’t bad enough for me to use the steroid drops in that eye.
> I know this email is long but it is the short version of my story.
> You can share my story with others but if you decide to put something on the website please use only my first name.
> If you want me to call for some reason I can do that when my phone is fixed, just let me know. Thank you so much for sharing this picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.
> Peace,
> Betsy /Kentucky

I just wanted to share what happened today when I took Holy Communion to nursing home and gave each one an image of Our Lady Tear of Joy. It’s always a blessing to see how worthily they receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Today I was filled with double blessings and joy as I watched each one holding the image of Tear of Joy I gave them and I told them the story of this image and also how it is said when they look into her eyes she is looking back at them with love. Some cried, while others had tears in their eyes and some kissed the image. They were all so thankful. One lady started talking to the image as I was leaving the room saying “You know its hot outside and I don’t like hot weather” I just smiled. Most of these elderly patients have little or no visitors and are lonely. I was so filled with love to see how Our Lady Tear of Joy touched each heart with her love.  Please tell everyone to be considerate especially of the elderly and poor who have no computer or access to the internet to tell the full story on this image and ,or print out story. Its only 2 pages back to back. It is so very important for everyone to know the full story on this image of Tear of Joy. Love and Peace to all,

Rose – Greensburg, Indiana

God Bless to all.  I have Art’s permission to share this most beautiful story of Our Blessed Mother’s intercession.  Yesterday June 20th, I went back to Greensburg Indiana to give another talk on Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to another Rosary group.  While driving to Indiana, I received a text message from Rose G that if I could go by Margaret Mary hospital in Batesville Indiana and pray over a man and the family was told I was coming down and had the original image (photo) of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  I went to the hospital and making a long story short, met a man by the name of Art B.  Art was admitted into the hospital Tuesday and had been spitting up blood, had trouble breathing, couldn’t walk, had not slept in “Day’s” and several other health issues.  The medication he was being given was not working to relieve the pain/suffering.  I handed everybody in the room with Art, the prayer card of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  I then placed the original image on Art and we then prayed the Memorare prayer to Our Lady.

After that, we spoke some more and I continued on my way.  Then this afternoon, Rose called me and was with Art in the hospital room.  Art came on the phone and the doctors said he can go home tomorrow because of the sudden change in his condition.  Art said that the medication he was given last night after I left, he was finally able to sleep.  Art made it very clear to me and I agree without any doubt, it “Was Our Blessed Mother’s intercession.”  Art said he continued to hold the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to himself that I had left with him.   I told Art before I prayed over him and I tell everybody who knows me, I will take a spiritual healing over a physical healing any day of the week.

When we pray to Our Lady, She “Will intercede” for us and take our prayers to Her Son.  Then it is Our Lord’s “Will” as to how the prayer is to be answered.  I met privately with a visionary/mystic who is known to a lot of people, even around the world.  He told me that “some people” die after being prayed over and what people need to understand is that it was “Our Lord’s Will” for that person to be called home to Heaven.  God Bless to all, Arrow >>>———–>

Thank you, Our Lady of the Tear of Joy – You are Our Mother

“When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing near, He said to his mother, Woman, behold your son!  Then he said to the disciple, Behold, your mother!  And from that hour the disciple took her to his home”  John 19:26-27

“Behold your son, Behold your mother.”  She is “Our Mother”, it is Holy Scripture!  And  just like the disciple John then took Our Blessed Mother into his home, let’s take Her into our’s and how do we do it?  By calling upon Her to be with us, She so very much wants us to call upon Her, so She can intercede for us.

Hi Arrow!

On Sunday Mom and I spoke with a lady (Stella) from our parish. A while back she was having some health problems and was going to the doctor about her heart. She was worried.

I had the Tear of Joy cards with me so I gave one to her and one to her husband and we all prayed the Memorare together. Stella had tears run down her face,…she was very touched. We had not seen her since then, but on Sunday she told us that she had heart surgery and before surgery the doctor told her that she was very high risk, and also because she was elderly that made the surgery almost impossible to survive. He did, however, do the surgery. Stella had 5 stints put in, and she is doing VERY WELL. She said “it is a miracle and I am telling everyone that!”

Praise God!

Mary from Chatham Ontario Canada

I received this from a friend in CA that I sent some photos and holy cards of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy. I her words–“Alleluia”!
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Dear Aldona…..Mary just called from the hospital. She had a surgery yesterday to eliminate

any cancer in her liver.   The cancer was DEAD….so she is cancer free, both colon and

   liver !   The surgery was supposed to take 4  to  6  hours and took  1 1/2 instead. !


attribute Mary’s healing to Our Lady’s intercession !   Thank you, Dear Mother.

Mary’s daughters also have had some miracles of  the scent of roses around their

homes, etc…..

My daughter Caitlin had an operation

because of the irregular growth of cells and

spots on her cervix,

She returned to her doctor for her check up

and was told  she needed another operation.

Arrow prayed over me for my daughter with

the picture of Our Lady of Tear of Joy,.

She  returned to her doctor he

tested again and  was told  the spots

were  all gone. ,

She was healed.

thank you

Our Lady of Tear of Joy

Estelle from Tecumseh Ontario

For several years, my daughters have not spoken to each other, and myself their mother.  One of my daughters did not want to know anything about me.  My children were all bickering and they were no longer able to see each other, or not even look even look at each other.  On Mother’s Day (Sunday May 13th, 2018), everyone gathered for the occasion and we went to the restaurant.

What a joy to finally see my children together!  And here I took the opportunity to tell them about Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  “Listen to me,” I told them, “I’ll tell you the story of this image, and the one who told me, can only tell the truth, believe me.”  They all listened and after, all asked to have an image of Mary.

I know it’s a miracle of Our Mother Mary.  It is She who brought them all together.  This year, Mother’s Day was the greatest gift of my life.  Mary heals hearts, I’m so happy!

Ms. Rejeanne M, from La Sarre, Quebec Canada

Was in California last week for nephew 1st communion . Went to his little league baseball game . My sister-inlaw told me a lady their son was in the hospital. He was  lifting weights and the bar slipped and hit him in the head . He went to hospital had a really bad concussion. Told his mom he could had bad side effect from injury . My sister-in law told me to give his mom a picture . His mom took the picture to the hospital prayed over him . Next day got better and could go home . He came to the next game thank me for the picture and his healing . Jesus healing in all states . Met a lady from South Africa gave a picture of our lady and copy of story.
Jean , Ky

Hi Arrow,

Just passing along what my mother just told me about her “Tear of Joy” picture:

Ever since I gave my mom her Tear of Joy picture and we said the prayer, she keeps it right next to her where she sits everyday. She doesn’t even know of all the miracle happenings that people experience with this picture, so she was amazed when last night she turned her fan on pointing towards where she sits and when she glanced over to the picture, Mary’s eyes were blinking….possibly because of the wind from the fan, I don’t know, but it was amazing for her to have seen that!!!  Wow!

Diane /  Perrysburg. Oh

God Bless to all.  Fr. Sam is back at home and with his permission, I am to write about this miracle.  Very late Tuesday night, Fr. Sam was taken to the E/R in Chatham Ontario Canada.  Making a very long story short, an x-ray was taken which detected blood in his lung, then a second x-ray was taken which showed a collapsed lung with a puncture hole.  Jeff & Sue Cada from Windsor Canada and who head up a very large group of prayer warriors on the Canadian side, went to the hospital to see Fr. Sam.  I also spoke to Jeff on the phone today and he said that Sue placed the image (photo) of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on Fr. Sam’s chest and they prayed.  They then placed the image of Our Lady on the wall in his hospital room.  Later they took 3rd x-ray which showed NOTHING WRONG WITH HIS LUNG.  I personally spoke to Fr. Sam and he said and I quote, “The doctor told me he couldn’t understand how my lung is fine now.”  Fr. Sam was to be in the hospital until Tuesday but he is back at home in Ridgetown Ontario as I write this.  Thank you Blessed Mother for your intercession for a very Holy Priest who simply “Love’s” doing your Son’s work down here on earth.  God Bless to all and always know and never forget, Our Blessed Mother has Her mantle of Love & Protection wrapped around all of you,  Arrow Osborne / Maumee, OH

Hello Arrow , My brother in Christ, Jim from my prayer group At Good Shepherd in Brooklyn NY , gave me the tear of joy photo.I experienced a healing from Mary our blessed mother. I have had this tremor in my head and if you knew about it and watched me you might see it. I had told my twin sister about it some 7 or so years ago and then l forgot about it, she watched me unbeknownst to me and 1/2 hour later she said l see it it’s very mild but l do see it. When l told my primary doctor about it he said “Don’t worry about it, it’s Katherine Hepburn disorder, nothing to worry about, it’s hereditary.” Disgusted l said well no one in my family has it.
It was something for the most part only known to me and l felt l could control it to some degree so it was not visible to anyone really unless the were studying me really closely, and who does that really? Then l started getting these tremors in my hands and they seemed to get worse daily.
One day last week April 12 , 2018. I woke up had my coffee and a bowl of cereal with banana and sat down to make a piece of jewelry, when all of a sudden it was as if l were plugged into a electric circuit. From my head to toe l felt this humming current, it wasn’t painful but it was frightening because I also had exacerbation of hand tremors and head shaking. I was short of breath and felt nauseous. I was scared to death. I had to lie down, l didn’t know what to do with myself. I just laid in bed  for 5 minutes or so and got up. I walked into my living room where l have on my coffee table a small alter ( l live alone) lol so who cares….and then l saw the picture of the tear of joy of our blessed mother. I picked it up and l thought well just for now l would dispense with the candles and incense.
I held the picture to my head and l said out loud (mind you l have been thinking it was parkinson disease) mother Mary if this is the way l am going to go out l accept it and l offer up my discomfort or whatever is coming , for the glory of God and for all He has done for me. Then l let it go. Half way through the next day it dawned on me that I hadn’t felt or seen and tremors and l immediately thought Oh my God l have been healed.  That was 5days ago now and l have not had any tremors. Praise God and His Blessed Mother. I hope this is a witness to my children and grandchildren that they can not deny Jesus and His love and healing.  Amen  They do seem impressed and it is an answer to prayer that l have been praying for for many years. Janet K from  NY

Hello everyone, I just wanted to share a wonderful true story with all of you. My childhood best friend by the name of Rose told me her dad, Mario was in the hospital. He fell and hit his head on the bathroom tile, causing a brain bleed. The Dr. performed two surgeries to stop the bleeding and now all that was left was very little hope, you see Mario has an array of EXISTING health issues (which was the reason why  Mario was weak and fell), this was only making things worse! The Doctors said there was a great chance that Mario wouldn’t even survive surgery, his chances were very slim. I called Arrow; he came to the hospital, placed the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on Mario’s wrapped head and we prayed the Memorare prayer. The NEXT DAY Mario came out of the coma he was in and began to respond!!! A few days later the breathing machine and the drainage tubes (that were in Mario’s head) were removed. He has now been released from the hospital and is in a rehab facility. I know Our Lady took Mario’s petition to Our Lord and He answered her!!! Thank you My Mother!!! xoxoxo. And thanks to all the prayer warriors who were praying for Mario!

~Liza – Toledo, Ohio

I gave the picture  of Mother Mary Tear of Joy  to Susan @ church

a few weeks ago.

She was having troubles with her mouth and teeth.

The dentist wanted to pull her back teeth out  a few  weeks ago,

Susan is a bleeder  so she asked if they could wait.

She told me about her problem and I gave her the picture.

I told her to hold the picture on her  mouth  and pray, pray,  pray and

Mother Mary will hear her request.

She did this for a week    Then she returned to dentist

He told her  her mouth was much better  and she would not

have to have her  teeth pulled.  The dentist was very surprised  and she

told him about the picture.

Thank you  Mother Mary for helping  Susan

Stella Collins

Hello, I am happy to share something with you.  My friend is in the nursing home.  She had broken her ankle in three places.  She has three plates holding her bones together.  This happened onFebruary 9th.  She had major surgery.  I went to visit her Wednesday and she was very depressed because she felt like she will never walk again because after all this time, she still could not move her foot, despite the fact that she has been taking therapy.  She is still in a lot of pain and she kept feeling the screws in the back of her ankle.  She just called me and asked if I can give her more images because she said she had a miracle.  She does not feel the screws in her ankle anymore and now she can move it.  With a little more therapy, she may be up and about in a few days and she can finally go home.  She has not been home since February 9th between hospitals and the nursing home.  Her spirits are so uplifted now.   Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!  Thank you Mother Mary,   Patricia

To all our prayer warriors I want to share another praise and glory story. A co-worker of mine was diagnosed with Hep C 2 weeks ago she was devastated of course and had to go for more testing and they were planning her medication program she wan to get on immediately. More test had to be done to see how advance the disease was so when she was telling me with a very heavy heart  and wondering how she was going to get through this I gave her a picture of Our Lady tear of joy and asked her to pray and have faith that Mary would be there for her and could help she welcomed it.  Today she received a call from her doctor who confirmed with much research that her new tests that were done last week somehow her body has managed to fight off the infection she has just been told and she is on cloud nine and thanking the Blessed Mother for this miracle. The doctor said that there is only 2% of the population that this happens to with this diagnosis. Praise God Hallelujah and Thank you Blessed Mother for another Miracle.

I Love my Mother

Your’s in Christ



I placed blessed mother ‘tears of joy’ upon my liver.   My abnormal liver enzymes came back normal and my severe ruq pain subsided. Thank you Blessed Mother for your intercession.    Amen, AMEN. All test came back normal.  Thanks  be to God!

Thank you Blessed Mother

Janet  Ohio


My name is Maria, I live in Michigan. This Monday morning I woke up with an excruciating pain on my right sciatic nerve. By Tuesday night the pain was accompanied by spasms, pain meds only lasted three hours. Before going to bed I held the picture of Our Lay of The Tear of Joy to the site. I slept semi comfortable. This morning the pain and spasms were back, I used Our Blessed Mother’s picture again before going to Mass. Later this afternoon I noticed that the pain was gone and I had not taken any meds since this morning. I have a slight ache left. I know that the kind of pain I had experienced could not suddenly disappear. I believe Our Lady took care of me. One of my good friends taught all of us at our Prayer group to say, Mary take over and Jesus I trust in You! Maria  // Michigan


Upon arriving at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Brighton, MI I entered the church to make a holy hour.  My wife, already at the church for a school function, was leaving to go to our home and asked to switch vehicles for convenience purposes.  On Thursday, I was given a stack of Our Lady of Tears prayer cards for distribution that were stored in the counsel of my car.  When my wife entered the car she discovered this tear resting on the prayer card (see photos), in the normal place a tear would collect on a persons face.   The car was perfectly dry and there were no liquids of any sort in the vehicle.  The tear never moved and evaporated after about an hour.  My wife and our children all witnessed that tear and verified that the tear was present and obvious to see.  According to the witnesses, it looked like a real tears and gave them an overwhelming feeling of astonishment.  You’ll notice in the picture that there was an interesting ray of sunlight that did not appear in the car but was visible in the photograph.  The prayer card now has a small mark where the tear appeared and is perfectly dry.  Praise the Lord for Our Blessed Mother!

Todd / Michigan


Last fall my Mom, Anne, had surgery to remove skin cancer on her nose.  This last February the doctor saw that it had come back. More invasive surgery was scheduled. I gave Mom the photo of Our Lady, tear of joy, and the next week when Mom went to the hospital for her surgery, her doctor couldn’t find any skin cancer on her nose.  He sent her home, saying that he couldn’t explain what had happened.  Praise God.  Thank you Heavenly Mother for your intercession.


Recently, I was hospitalized because my heart was stopping with no warning.  I broke my wrist during one of my falls.  After being admitted, they found abscesses on my liver for which they started antibiotics.  They also did a colonoscopy finding a mass which was 90% blocking my colon.  Meanwhile I had a visitor from my prayer group who brought me the picture of Our Lady tear of joy and instructed me to pray to her.  I immediately asked for her intercession for my healing.  Within a couple of weeks my liver was clear.  The doctor was planning a pace maker for my heart but because it wasn’t causing me to pass out anymore and I had no history of heart problems, he said it wasn’t necessary.  Meanwhile, every day I was praying to Our Lady tear of joy and thanking her for her intercession with her Son Jesus.  Before they operated on me to remove the diseased part of my colon they said I’d probably need a colostomy and my gall bladder removed.  Praise God, no colostomy and no gall bladder removed.  They removed all the lymph nodes they could see.  After testing, no cancer was in the lymph nodes.  I was certainly blessed and attribute my excellent results to Our Lady’s intercession.  Gail


Tom hasn’t been feeling well. We went to the doctor and then the cardiologist last week. They said he had a blockage and a rhythm problem in his heart. Tom has had heart trouble for the last 13 years. Last Friday they called and said they wanted him to come in sooner due to the EKG’s. Tom put the picture we recently received of Our Lady with the Tear of Joy on his heart and prayed to Mary to heal him.

On Monday night Tom started having chest pain and another heart attack. I called an ambulance. Everything showed the symptoms of a heart attack.

At the hospital the next day they couldn’t find anything wrong. After doing a treadmill, they said it was negative.  We both know Mary healed him. We think she let him see what could happen and then let him see she had the power to heal, if we ask and believe.

Keep praying, our mother Mary loves us and understands what we are going through. There is so much to be grateful for in all our lives, especially the love we experience from Mary.  Heather – Colorado

Hi there, just wanted you to know that when I received the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy I was immediately in awe of the picture.  She is so beautiful!  I put it on my person as I was having trouble with my abdomen and I felt a wonderful heat surge throughout my body down to my left leg which is where the pain was leading to.  I also felt a great peace that came over me.  I proceeded to do this for several days and always had the same feelings of warmth and peace come over me.  I really feel much better and my pain has subsided.  Whenever I put this picture on my person I always feel a warmth.  It is truly a healing picture.  I have worn other blessed items before but none has had the effect like this picture.  Thank you so much.  It is truly a blessing for me.  Marie.

Thank you for the Blessed photo of Our Lady.  Dan Kremer raised the photo to me telling me he needed to give one to me. At that short glance I recognized the photo and the power of Her Lady emiited a  compeling feeling.  Dan gave me the photo before leaving his store. He instructed me to hold it to my face where I just had extensive dental surgery.

I ran some errands in spite of the doctors instructions of minmal movement and no talking for 10 days and this was only day 3.  I was driving and just put the photo to my face and said I believe. That was all I could do or think since I was driving. I finished my next stop as I could hear myself speak audibly without pain. It was only when I stopped for a few minutes and looked at the photo again. The healing became very clear to me that I could speak without pain or limitation and the swelling left my face along with any pain.   I felt very warm, content and peaceful the rest of the night.

Today,  I listened to the many distresses of my friend.  After she expressed her very unhappy week, she told me about her dream last night. She told me her dream had flashes of stain glassed windows.  We were looking up the biblical symbolisms of her dream.  Without a prior thought, I showed her the photo. She immediately started sobbing. When she regained some control, she said this is the image she saw in the stainglass in her dreams and of Our Lady with the baby Jesus and she sobbed again.  I took the picture away and said I would get another for her but quickly knew this photo was for her to keep. As I handed it back to her she cried again and I held her while she cried. She said her tears were of peace and comfort. She needed both physical and spiritual healing.

Thank you for all you do in the name of Our Lady!


Hi, it’s Catherine from Detroit.  As you know I have been struggling with a massive lump on my breast. I took the image of Our Lady that I received and placed it on the area where the lump was located and prayed to our Lady.

Just wanted to let you know that I went for the biopsy yesterday.  After many people looking at many pictures (x-rays), followed by a lot of head scratching, they could find nothing to biopsy.. it was gone and they let me go!!



for the prayer group

Last night at prayer meeting  the image  of Our Lady of Tears was placed on Elena.  She had a complete healing.  Two lumps on her breast were gone when she went for her final x-ray before surgery . The Dr. could not find any lumps and the surgery was cancelled. Praise God

Last night Nancy  had  back pain for four weeks and had x-rays with no answers found. Our Lady of Tears was placed on her back and by morning ALL pain was gone. Praise God

These two women had the gift of faith to believe ….   Praise God

Did any one else have a healing and want to claim it… it is most important to witness and Praise God       jeff and susan


Arrow, 3 weeks ago I had given a woman a photo of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and she had inoperable cancer in her hip area.  She had placed it on her hip and was praying to Our Lady.  She was later told that her cancer was shrinking and now the cancer is gone.  Thank you Blessed Mother for interceding in this woman’s prayer and taking it to your Son.  Jimmy – Brooklyn New York


I went out to breakfast with three women and I gave each of the women the photo of Our Lady of the tearofjoy. One of the women who is Muslim took the picture and immediately became overcome with joy and was actually cradling the picture of the Blessed Mother in her hand. Then she said can I please have another one to give them my brother. I read in the message where are blessed mother said that this photo of her will bring about spiritual healings and it did for this woman God bless you Jimmy – New York


This Saturday my sister was brought to the hospital emergency center unresponsive was intubation and brought to the ICU. This was so devastating to me. I gave my sister a picture of Our Lady of joyful Tear I was at her home at the time so I grab the picture to bring to the hospital with me, looking at my sister on a ventilator unresponsive I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This is my baby sister who just had a severe asthma attack. So I placed Our Lady of tearful joy on her chest praying the memorare.  That evening her nurse introduced her self to us my name is Grace. The shift was changing the 2nd nurse came in to introduce herself my name is Maria. The last shift change the nurse came in to introduce herself as Mary!  My niece stated to me look at all the names, Grace, Maria and Mary our Lady interceded for us!  My sister was extubated on Monday and discharged home on Wednesday this is my Christmas gift I couldn’t ask for anything else.  Thank you Blessed Mother.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________On Thursday December 21, 2017 following morning Mass at St. Casimir Church in Lansing, MI I handed a picture of Our Lady Tear of Joy to a man with special needs. He exclaimed, “The Blessed Mother!” And he said to his friend, “You love the Blessed Mother!” And his friend said, “So do you, John. So do you.”

On December 16, 2017 following Mass at St. Mary Williamston I went into a room with a group who were going to learn about Spiritual Bouquets. I gave Our Lady Tear of Joy to a lady, and she said, “When I looked at her, the Spirit rushed upon me. I felt the Spirit all over me.” I said, “She is yours.” The lady replied, ‘Oh, thank you!”


A locutionist received a message last night concerning the image of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy:

“All those associated with my image (picture) will receive Graces.

Pray to me, I am your Blessed Mother.  Call out to me and I will lead you to My Son”


Here I am writing about my own testimonial, WOW!!  A few weeks ago, I had a growth appear on my nose and last Wednesday I went and saw a dermatologist.  As soon as the doctor looked at the growth on my nose, he immediately said and I quote, “Yep, that is skin cancer.”  He then proceeded to tell me that he wants to do a biopsy to determine if it is malignant or benign.  Then he proceeded to tell me that either way, malignant or benign, it will require surgery and they would have to cut deep to get all the cancer out and it would require them taking skin from another part of my body to place on the area of the surgery.  I became very quiet and he placed his hand on my shoulder and said to me, “Are you Okay?”  I said “Yes” and I proceeded to tell him I was fully prepared to hear this today.  I went out to my car and of course I prayed and I also reminded myself about the children of Fatima and how Our Blessed Mother showed them the gift of suffering and how with suffering you can save souls you will never meet and suffering is a “Grace.”  After Our Blessed Mother showed the children the gift of suffering, She then asked them, “Are you willing to suffer?” and they said “YES.”  This is called “A victim soul” and I personally know several visionaries/mystics who Our Lord or Our Lady has told them the same and that is why with all their illness’s, aches and pains they are battling, they know there are “Graces” that come with it and when they offer up their pain, they are saving souls.

I have been taking the image (picture) of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and placing it on my nose and asking Our Lady to heal it.   With what I am about to write, I spoke to “S” today and have their permission to make this public.  There is a visionary/mystic who lives in Michigan who has been getting messages from Our Lord and Our Lady since the early 90’s.  “S”, and for those who are in my Rosary prayer group, you know who I am talking about.  Last Thursday December 21st, while “S” was at Adoration, “S” was shown a vision by Our Blessed Mother of Her “Tear of Joy” falling down on my nose.  Well today the doctor personally called me and said, “The report is back and it’s not cancer.  It is a growth that we can simply remove with no surgery required.”  Our Blessed Mother has said through visionaries/mystics who I personally know that healing’s both physical and spiritual “WILL OCCUR” with people being touched or simply look upon the image (picture) of “Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.”

Always know and NEVER forget, Our Lord and mighty savior Jesus Christ has you in the palm of His hand and Our Blessed Mother has you wrapped in the mantle of Her Love, Warmth & Protection.  Arrow Osborne >>>———-> Maumee Ohio


Hi Arrow… the woman who I brought the image to while I was in Chicago….(who I could not see at the time because she was going through radiation and was too weak to connect with me…)…she is back at work!!!!!!

She knows it’s the Blessed Mother at work!

Praise God!




Praise worthy news from Gail . She is home. Gall bladder did not need to be removed. A pacemaker is not required as thought before. There are no spots on her liver. They did only a resection of bowel not a colonostomy as thought before. She slept with Our Lady of the Tear of Joy picture on her abdomen while praying many nights.
Gail attributes her miracles to the intercession of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.


Hi Everyone,

I had to jot down my thoughts of the “Tear of Joy” photo that Arrow gave to us——————– while praying at the “barn.”  There are so many things that come to mind when looking at Her and wondering of Her (possible)  “Many” Tears of Joy.  I just wanted to share some of them with you, as in these days, we do NOT hear of her Joyful Tears, rather——————– those of Sorrow.

I Love You All———————-Dear Prayer Warriors,———————— wherever you are).


In these days, because of how America and the World lives, we often hear of statues of our Blessed Mother weeping (exuding) real tears, or of oil or even tears of blood.

It was AWESOME receiving the photo of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and hearing the story of how a “BIRTHDAY PARTY” ————of course with the celebration of Mass, praying the Rosary, balloons and the people that attended to celebrate her day brought a Tear of Joy to Her Eye.

In praying the Rosary, I can’t help but think of all the times there was a Tears of Joy in Her Eyes:

After the Angel Gabriel announced to Her that She was chosen by God to bear His Son,

surely after all this was carefully thought about, She certainly must have experienced Tears of Joy knowing the honor and great blessing bestowed upon Her.

When Jesus was born, in spite of the great hardships endured by Mary & Joseph in their travels and not being able to find a place to give birth to the Son of God————-just seeing the Baby Jesus, in spite of the poor surroundings, certainly must have brought Tears of Joy, then the shepherds visiting and the Three Wise-men adoring and bringing gifts, could that not bring Tears of Joy to our Blessed Mother?

In visiting Elizabeth and hearing her words, was there not a Tear of Joy when She spoke the words of the Magnificat?

In the temple, when Simeon and Anna saw the Baby, (before his words that Jesus would suffer greatly and Her Heart would be pierced by a sword), did She not experience Tears of Joy?

Returning to their home in Nazareth, were there not Tears of Joy, after all the hardships of escaping Herod’s wrath and being in exile?

Finding Jesus in the Temple after desperately searching for three days, there certainly must have been Tears of Joy (and relief).

Throughout the Life of Jesus, especially at the Wedding Feast at Cana, when Jesus (not yet in His Time) miraculously  changed water into wine, because She asked Him.  I can only imagine what Jesus said to her———MOM, —————-.  That miracle must have put a Tear of Joy in Her Eye.  It certainly makes me smile————being a mother.

Although there were many Tears of Sorrow, especially in the Passion and Death of Her Son, Jesus, that we must consider, we try to focus on the Tears of Joy in this writing.

Now we focus on the Resurrection of Jesus.  Mary already knew that He would rise from the dead, as He had said.  Having this happen, His Mother, in great relief and gratefulness, certainly experienced many Tears of Joy.

With the Ascension of Jesus, most all of His followers were greatly saddened because their Messiah, Teacher and Dear Friend would be leaving them, although going to prepare a place for them in His Father’s Mansion.  More than likely, saddened to have Her Son leave earth, she knew that He would always be with Her and all of His followers.  Maybe Tears of Sadness—————but also of Joy.

When it came time for Mary to leave this earth, can you imagine Her Tear of Joy when Jesus comes to take Her to heaven?

Then to be crowned as the Queen of Heaven and the Whole Universe?  More Tears of Joy.

We crown her with simple flowers as our Mother and Queen.   I’ll bet she also  sheds a Tear of Joy at those times, too.

So looking at Our Lady of the Tear of Joy photo,  I can’t help but think of all the times our Dear Blessed Mother probably experienced Tears of Joy.   It is a blessing to think that there were times of great joy in Her Life, in spite of all the hardships that she endured—————and what is now occurring in our world that prevents the Tear of Joy in her eye.

Let us try to celebrate, console and pray without ceasing to Her, in hopes that we might for even a moment bring back that Tear of Joy.

These are just “some “of my thoughts in looking at Our Lady of the Tear of Joy photo. I could go on and on.

Thank You, Arrow, for giving us the photo and sharing the beautiful story of how it happened.  God Bless You in “doing Her Work” and involving us.

Love & Prayers to All.

Arlene Loehr (prayer warrior at the barn)



Arrow, David (my grandson), was talking to me about some issues in his life and I took the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and placed it on him and the picture became very warm – Mary


Arrow when you enlarge this picture you will see tears enlightened in green beads on the larger picture.These 2 pictures were being sent to the Denver area along with others to spread the devotion.
Kind Regards,



Arrow, I gave a woman named Josephine 4 of the pictures of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy about a month ago when I was at a life in the Spirit seminar.  She is in charge of a charismatic group from Brooklyn and I just saw her again.  She told me she gave one of the pictures of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy to one of her friends who has cancer and now the cancer is GONE!!  Praise Our Lord Jesus and thank you Blessed Mother Mary.  Jimmy – Brooklyn


My son Nick from Michigan had a 102.4 fever and cold New Years Eve 2017.   I, Paulette, his mother prayed over him while he held the Our Lady of the Tear of Joy picture to his chest.  His fever and 80% of his cold was gone the next morning and he was able to drive himself to Chicago for a job interview the morning of 1/2/18.



Hello, Last Monday when I mentioned that the Man at the meeting gave me The Lady with Tear of Joy .. I place Our Lady on the side of my knee discreetly.. I have had three knee replacements. The last surgery was a total replacement of a total knee replacement done in 2000  it was a horrid surgery since I could not take any Pain Meds because of near death from reaction during surgery,  my system could not handle any meds..  Last Nov I had  a terrible fall, it effected my new replacement, I have had pain every step & bend  I make… (gave it all up for the souls in pergatory, really helped me cope without compaint..or meds)… Then on Tue morn I woke up and no PAIN….I could bend, walk & even twist my leg…. Oh, could not even attempt to make that movement … to this day it is PAIN FREE… Thank You my Friend..




In April 2017, I went to a remote village in the central area of the Philippines with a  group from our Toledo Ohio parish to help rebuild areas still suffering from super typhoon Yolanda that claimed thousands of lives.

It was a very humbling experience as these people live a very simplistic and holy life. Clean running water and reliable electricity does not exist. The economy is based on farming crops like rice, potatoes and other tropical fruits.

The catholic church that we went to support and help rebuild was full of hope, trust and faith. A striking devotion to Our Mother was present everywhere. At the end of every mass  – they all faced a beautiful stained glass image of Mary and ended the mass with a special song to Her.

Inspired by this level of devotion – my connection to Our Mother has grown.

So I found a way to send packages to them. One way takes 70 days and the more expensive way can reduce it to 10 days but they have to drive 100 miles to pick these packages up.

In December, I sent a package over that included 100 images of Our Mother to the pastor Fr Felix.

Since there is no internet, I printed out a copy of the miracle image story for Father to read and know the  story behind the image.

Yesterday after mass they handed out the images and sent me this photograph (via cell phone) of the kids holding Our Lady….13,000 miles away.

Enjoy this beautiful picture……Steve


My name is Kelly and I’m sharing the story of my Father, Chuck, who is 84 and a survivor of a massive heart attack several years ago. About 2 weeks ago, he fell in his condo and my mother could not lift him up and he had to be transported by ambulance. After being treated for pneumonia and pain from his injuries he was laid up in bed for two weeks and transferred to the nursing home for rehab. Every day, we his children and our mother have been visiting him, trying to encourage him to get up out of bed. He was developing a bed sore and each day he lays in bed makes his recovery more difficult. As a member of a prayer group who is giving away the image of Our Lady of The Tears I received them two days ago, and knew this was our hope for a miracle. I laid the image on his forehead and began praying to Our Lady, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. During this time I prayed for his physical and spiritual healing – as his faith is very weak. I saw many beautiful saints and a white beam of light come down from heaven and enter his heart. I was told this was more for the removal of his doubts than anything else, for his doubts were blocking his healing. After a few minutes, the nurses aides took him down to physical therapy. Up until that moment he was not able to get out of his chair at all. When we joined them in the gym, he was pulling himself out of the chair with the help of the frame, and standing on his feet for the time in weeks! He was even strong enough to wheel himself around and use his feet to propel himself. His entire mood changed and he was smiling again and joking around when we left. The image of Our Lady gave him this gift: strength, hope, healing and joy. It was the miracle he needed to progress in healing and to be able to go home soon.

Thank you Jesus, Mary and the angels and saints! Kelly Hudson/Michigan


It seems we are always being tested. The job we want, friends new and old, family members agree or disagree. It seems that there are so many things that we are praying about. In the last 5 years I have felt like a child wandering thinking I had my focus and path but everything that I knew was upside down inside out and all confused. I was reminded of forgiving all who have trespassed against me. Send Gods love to them, and REALLY mean it. Things started to change I was not as lost but still not found. I was praying to be led by Gods will…then a friend gave me The photo of Our Blessed Mother Tear of Joy after the Children’s mass on Christmas Eve.WOW I saw her beautiful face and I have been so blessed. She has peeled away the layers so that I can get out of my ego and truly hear what I am to hear. Let go and Let God take care of me because we are all made in Gods likeness. Mary has no ego she is pure love! So I started to wonder with every situation What would Mary do if…and let me tell you I have been on my knees crying and with this photo I have been so moved Miracles have been happening! I have found a home that I can call my own. My health is strong, I am less sadden from worry. Things are not perfect but I know that our faith will move mountains if we do our part and remember it is not someone else fault we need to claim our part forgive the rest. Mary is there we just have to remember to trust and have faith like she had.True unconditional amazing love.

When friends call complaining about their life, I listen and then I think how would Mary handle this? I have become less judgmental more aware and pray that all can see just how blessed we are to have Mary as our Mother watching over us. Heaven on Earth

Open your heart she wants to come in!


Deborah // Idaho


Tuesday my niece Heather gave birth to little Catarina by c section she was 10pounds 8oz she is their 6th child. Baby girls sugars were so low she had to go straight to NICU prayers to everyone everywhere were praying, for a serious situation. My sister had a picture of Our Lady Tear of Joy and placed it in baby Cats incubator on Friday Feb 9th. The morning of Feb 10th the doctors were amazed. Caterina was no longer in danger. She was fine and went home to mommy, daddy and her 5 brothers and sisters.what a joyous beautiful miracle from Our beautiful Mother Thanku

Susan from New York


In the beginning of January I had just received a picture of Our Lady Tear of Joy from a medugorje friend I have had insomnia for years  Was on ambien for years (sedative)I wanted to stop this medication I prayed to Our Lady and said “Mother,I promise I will stop taking this medication if you could please help me sleep at night” so I went to sleep that night surrendering everything,and very night since then I have slept ALL NIGHT LONG, so soundly now that’s a miracle.this is an addicting pill done,over,zzzzzzzzz !! Thank you Mother I can’t wait to see you again in Medugorje in May I love You Feb,2018 Susan  Albany NY


God Bless to all, I received in the mail today, a “hand written” letter from a woman named Rose Marie in Batesville Indiana.  She wrote me about 2 miracle stories and it reads as follows:

Dear Arrow, My friend received a Christmas card from Jerry in Falmouth Kentucky and it was your letter and a picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy.  I asked if I could borrow the picture and get copies made from it.  The picture copied was not very good, you couldn’t see the eyes or the Tear in the left eye, it was cloudy.  I had 20 copies made and was hesitant in giving out the picture because of the quality, but I believed in the Blessed Mother’s message concerning this picture.  I had them blessed and passed out to a few close friends, a few family members and to all of the prayer groups that I attend to regularly.  The prayer group all noticed you couldn’t see the eyes or the Tear.  Later that evening, the leader of our prayer group was saying his night prayers and glanced at the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy on his stand and noticed something was going on with the picture so he picked it up.  He said he watched it become clearer and the tear in the left eye turned to a clear blue, then rolled down the cheek.  I called the next day about another matter and he told me what happened.  So I check my picture, it changed also.  So I called the rest and all 20 pictures had changed, including the one I copied from.  What a Blessing and Miracle!

Second Testament: A friend of mine, I had given the picture to, said he looked up the story of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy at his home.  When he was finished, he turned the computer off and left the room.  A little later his sister saw a glow coming from the room with the computer and thought he had forgot to turn off the computer.  She entered the room and saw on the screen an oval shape of miraculous medal fading and then disappeared.  She called out to her brother and told him what happened.  So he told her the story of the picture of Our Lady of the Tear of Joy and showed her the picture and she listened.  Normally she would walk away and have nothing to do with these kind of stories.  She is very skeptical, but I I believe the Blessed Mother knew this and showed her something she would believe in.  This is the first time she has experienced anything like this and is now more open to it.  Your friend and sister in Christ, Rose Marie

God Bless to all, Arrow >>>——–>


Tuesday 02/06/18 my daughter Heather gave birth to little Caterina by C section. She was 10.8pounds and is the sixth child.He sugars could not be regulated and she had to go straight to neonatal ICU .Prayers to everyone everywhere were praying for this serious situation.I know I had a picture of Our Lady Tear of Joy in my car that was some distance from hospital as I had Heathers car.So I left to get the picture remembering Our Ladys words of healing so I trekked in the snow(Syracuse NY) to get the picture and brought it back to the hospital and placed the picture in Catarinas incubator on Thur.I prayed with the older kids a decade of the rosary (as they have limited attention span!!) Friday morning the baby was absolutely back to normal blood sugars,the doctors were please and Catarina and mommy came home to daddy and 5 siblings.A joyous beautiful miracle from Our Beautiful Mother Thanku Jennifer Syracuse NY


The first week of November 2017 my elderly father discovered he had a large cancer growth on his kidney.  This was a shock because he is so active. We also found out he had a heart condition.  As the surgery date approached my father was worried and fearful.  Arrow gave me the photo of our Lady of the tear of joy.  I gave it to my Dad and he slept on it placing in on his kidney the weeks before his surgery.  This gave him such a beautiful peace.
Well the surgery was very successful and against so many odds he made a full recovery.
I know our Lady was watching over him and he felt the prayers of so many. This was such a beautiful miracle.  Annette

________________________________________________________________________________________________________Arrow, my friend Sandy from Alabama and who I mailed 50 pictures of the Image of Our Lady, Tear of Joy said that her friend saw the face of Jesus in the tear of the Blessed Mother. Kathy / Michigan


My brother  had surgery to remove growth. After surgery numb in right leg hospital still sent him home . Got up at night and fell broke his ankle in two places. Went back to hospital doctors told him he needed surgery and then go to a rehab center for weeks. I prayed over him with the picture of Mary healing image.  Next day went back to hospital . My brother told me didn’t need surgery or physical therapy just a boot or cast on ankle and leg not numb anymore.
God is good . Jean   Highland heights, ky

Hi Arrow, I wanted to share this with you.

#1)   Upon receiving my blessed Our Lady Tear of Joy images, I gave one to my 97 you grandmother who had been sick with pneumonia for 3 weeks.  She was on oxygen and was told she would probably have to be on it until her life ends. I gave her the image, told her briefly about the story and then asked her to pray the Memorare (she said she prays it everyday ) I put Mary’s image on her dresser which faces her. My grandmother can no longer see but I told her Mary was watching over her.  4 days later, I received a message that my grandmother no longer needs oxygen and is doing much better!

#2)  The days following my visit to my grandmother, I came down with a horrible chest and sinus cold and infection in my bronchioles. I take a lot of herbs so I think I was managing it for the time being but the mucus was still very sticky in my chest and not breaking up. I held Mary’s image on my chest and prayed the memorare multiple times. I prayed that Mary would break up the mucus and that I regain energy (bc I had been down for about 2 days). I woke up this morning without a heaviness in my chest. I still have the virus, but it is much more manageable now and I had more energy today!

#3)  My son was sick with the intestinal flu a couple of weeks ago. He had been vomiting all night and into the early morning. As he laid there looking lifeless, I used rose oil I had from Brother Carmelo’s ceremony last year and traced the sign of the cross on his forehead, shoulders and chest, laid Our Lady Tear of Joy next to him and said the memorare. A short time later, he was able to get up and actually had color and didn’t vomit after that!

Mary is so Awesome!! Some may chalk this up to coincidence, NOT me, I know Mary had a hand in each of those circumstances.

Anyway, Just wanted to share this. Have a Blessed Day!       Lisa from Ohio


Had endoscopy/colonoscopy.  Prayed with picture ‘ Tears Of Joy’prayed the memorare all night.   I no longer have GERD  nor risk of BARROTS esophagus like before. Thank you Blessed Mother Tears of Joy.

Praise be Jesus Christ,  now and forever.   Mary, Mother of God thank you for your mantle of protection.

Janet / Ohio


Recently, I was hospitalized because my heart was stopping with no warning.  I broke my wrist during one of my falls.  After being admitted, they found abscesses on my liver for which they started antibiotics.  They also did a colonoscopy finding a mass which was 90% blocking my colon.  Meanwhile I had a visitor from my prayer group who brought me the picture of Our Lady tear of joy and instructed me to pray to her.  I immediately asked for her intercession for my healing.  Within a couple of weeks my liver was clear.  The doctor was planning a pace maker for my heart but because it wasn’t causing me to pass out anymore and I had no history of heart problems, he said it wasn’t necessary.  Meanwhile, every day I was praying to Our Lady tear of joy and thanking her for her intercession with her Son Jesus.  Before they operated on me to remove the diseased part of my colon they said I’d probably need a colostomy and my gall bladder removed.  Praise God, no colostomy and no gall bladder removed.  They removed all the lymph nodes they could see.  After testing, no cancer was in the lymph nodes.  I was certainly blessed and attribute my excellent results to Our Lady’s intercession.  Gai
